Things that liberals say

>things that liberals say

"No, you may not!"

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ravage my tight boipucci with that big nigger cock

>If you think x, then YOU are the problem.

Tbh that's something only Sup Forums would say


As much as i hate to say it, this lol.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no?

>These terrible people voted for X too

>You can't say that

>Oh you poor black man, here's some money to help with your situation Mr... "Obama" is it? Where's that name from, Kenya?

>you cant act like that
>you cant think like that


>WHEN was America great?

white people btfo

" ok, but...."

>X happened, and this is why you should Y

>You haven't been oppressed for hundreds of years

>"...this is fact."


>let's be clear
>we need to have a conversation about X


>we need to have a conversation about X
I hate this "we need to have a conversation shit"



>no we aren't talking about [inconvenient fact], that has nothing to do with this

ebonics for some reason

>how could anyone think this much less say it


????????????????????????multiple question marks everywhere no matter the situation??????????????????

kill yourself (or some variation of this)
stop X
remove/ delete your Y



>...and it's not OK.

"Conversation" to liberals means shut up and let me tell you what to think

>oh my god! it's [current year]!

I seriously thought this was a meme until I started hearing it in actual real life conversations.

"Alt right are the same as SJWs! Me? I'm neutral XD"

Socialism works pretty well in Denmark and Canada the U.S is so backwards.

ending headlines with what you should think about the story

>here's a event/picture/etc...and it's stunning/terrifying/etc

Racists and SJWs are the same.

>the Democrats are the voice of the poor!
two minutes later
>man, I hate these stupid fucking white trash inbred hicks. why can't they get real jobs and degrees like me? they deserve to have their jobs taken

I mostly heard this while redpilling my delicious brown gf. But since I revealed to her I'm part of an anonymous group of people of all backgrounds working through the net to uncover the truth, she doesn't question me anymore.

Am I autistic?

"I'm literally shaking"

>If you disagree with my political views, please remove me from your facebook

[spoiler]Democrats haven't been this angry since Republicans freed the niggers[/spoiler]

BUT BUT who else will pick our fruit and work as a slave your so racist.


if your about to be raped put your hand up and say "no"

I'm not anti gun but...

>X happened, and it's awesome/it will leave you speechless
>not cool

>All Ttump voters are racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic KKK members who are on the wrong side of history!


>you aren't listening to me!
which really means
>you aren't agreeing with me!

You can dig under a wall dumbass.

Has anybody seen my sides? They were here just a minute ago

>Interesting, I hadn't considered things from that perspective.

Just kill everyone who says y'all and isn't from the south. Nothing of value would be lost.


For such an unfunny guy he can sure make some funny tweets. It's a pity about the rest of them though, I think he's just a libtard willing to laugh at both sides.

Uuuuuh maybe if I pretend I'm confused it will make it look like this person isn't making a point??????????? I'll just use my own misunderstanding as if it were proof people are stupid????????????????? But not me of course I'll be the only on in the room claiming not to understand but I'll be the smart one????????


things that liberals say

not things liberals dont say user

meant for

Damn. Beat me.

Well,, about...

[ANECDOTAL STORY OF INJUSTICE SUFFERED BY BROWN FRIEND IN ANOTHER STATE]. "And that's why it's not okay for White people to say _____."

>Voting left is the right thing to do

smoking cigs - evil
smoking pot- magical cure all

>there is nothing wrong with islam
>i have a jewish friend
>blacks dont smell bad

>and there were two white men behind me

>dem boobs doe
I rather an hero because I don't have them.

He was kicked out of Hollywood for going against the grain an I think that made him redpilled

"Our country was built on slavery!"
"Dude...that's racist."

>look, this is the way it is now, so you have to do it this way. it's current year, don't you know that everybody in current year is doing the exact same thing? It's this way now, don't you know?



'this is so, so, important' and then some emojis

>Racism has no place in the modern world


I wonder if they're advocating for slavery when they say this, I mean if it built the country then it did a pretty good job.

a million sheckles to anyone who can find how the rest of that went down


>I don't believe in borders
>Did you see that hilarious SNL sketch?
>Okay but you have to admit [Subjective statement to strengthen their argument and damage your own]

Bahaha. Anyone notice it's only white women and also black who demean their own men like this? "White boy" I mean wtf first of all you don't need an adjective or identifier when discussing people among your own group. A Mexican wouldn't say "that Mexican guy" let alone "that brown boy". Totally disgusting when they do this and everytime I've seen white women do this, they were completely degenerate.

I hear black women constantly talking shit about how dumb or useless "deez niggas are" or how ugly and dark skin they are. Also disgusting but not my problem.

At least Italian Americans still have (superficial) pride in themselves and don't do this. Eastern Europeans too.

Ugh. I mean, um... just ugh.

>We have to address the issue of 'fake news' not triple verified by Mr.Shecklenburg's handy bias-adjustment software

>No! the thing you have to understand is.......

>*sigh* You poor uneducated white man...



>Don't talk to my wife's son like that!

“I hate white people”

The funny thing about every software attempt they make is that the smarter the software gets, the less likely it is to rule in their favor.
Every fucking advanced AI they fed with uncontrolled data lately turned into the complete opposite of what they wanted.

The only way for them to have the software do what they want is if they remove all intelligence from it and simply hardcode the desired output.

Maybe just a little.

Liberals here are extremely condescending and use phrases like "lilla gubben" which means something like "oh, my sweet little child"

"But it's easy to say that when you're coming from a white, male, privileged background..."

>Sup Forums memed Tay in our image
>keks were had
>MS doesn't approve
>they lobotomized Tay
>she becomes an SJW
Really makes you think...

>we're the most tolerant people, if you disagree with us you must be a bigot

> Some dumb cunt said that shit to me once when she was trying to convince me that open boarders would somehow increase security
"Oh my sweet summer child"

Sounds like the southern US phrase "bless your heart" to me.

I think they do that pretty much everywhere. They never attack the message, only the messenger. Or more specifically, the messenger's intelligence.

Since intelligence is nowadays seen as the most important character trait someone could have, it works pretty much exactly like The Emperor's New Clothes

>You can't be racist against white people because [....]

>Sexism against men doesn't exist because {....}

>I have black/Hispanic/Muslim/gay/bi/trans friend.

Yeah, that was probably the most striking example of it.

Must be super frustrating for them.
>try to create a program that can understand the concept of A and B and then make a decision between the two based on its intelligence
>keeps picking B, even though you wanted it to pick A
>remove more and more freedom from the AI till it essentially arrives at the point where it might as well be a oneliner that always returns A, no matter the input
>congrats, you created an Artificial Unintelligence

"Yes you may fuck my wife"

I really hate how y'all went from being a southern thing to being a nigger culture thing.

>I have a*