Automation is terrible

All automation will do in the future is mean less jobs for Americans and more money for those who must not be named at the top of the ladder. Automation must be stopped!

Other urls found in this thread:

>less jobs

No, the jobs just change. We used to be an agricultural economy, and then farming automation shifted that. Then we became an industrial factory economy, to produce and service those machines. Then factor automation shifted that. Now we're a mostly customer service based economy, because the products are so cheap and easy to make by machines that its all about the selling and presentation now.

When automation takes most of those jobs, the jobs will just shift to something else.

>Less jobs

It's fewer, dummy. Also, people still have to work on machines and there will still be jobs for low IQ people such as yourself to run them. So don't worry.

Shift to what? Automation is replacing too many people. I am supporting servers for one company in the industry and the IT team is really small compared to regular workers. I don't see how everyone will become an IT professional, even if they can get retrained... You just don't need that many people...Unless we start working 1 hour per day. I am myself buying land, so that I can secure my family's future.

The ideia of Full Automation is dead since 90's user.

What's the logical created tons of products if anyone can buy?

What we gonna see in the future will industries with machine and men working side by side.

>tfw you robot manager call you favela monkey because i like to steel shiny parts

if anyone cant buy*

annoying meme

>install machine
>5 operators lose jobs
>two employed elsewhere to build machine(s)
>one employed to supervise them
>one employed to maintain it
>one employed by production company to think of efficiency improvements
>increased production lowers cost of goods, stimulating the economy as money saved by consumers is spent elsewhere
>alternatively if business owner is a kike he is the one who gets more money, which is also invested elsewhere, again stimulating the economy
>or the increased profits are put towards expansion, generating more jobs etc...

>inb4 muh broken window is a fallacy waah waah
that's a strawman and arguments against automation are idiotic and you know it


I for one welcome our new

When automation lets me download cars for $15 I'll be riding my Ferrari across town calling you a faggot.