ITT: Liars who debunked themselves within days
ITT: Liars who debunked themselves within days
You start
Did I promise a wall and a radical change of politics and then pretended like ive promised anything?
I have a dream that CTR and JIDF will leave this board, aswell as reddit. I have a dream!
Flag? Europe??
Only region of people in the world so cucked they cringe at their own nationalhood
nationhood* ffff
You should promise to make your next post in legible English, Juncucker.
>literally campaigned on Day One about closing Gitmo
>literally Gitmo is still open to this day
Where's Europe?
He isn't president yet why do retards not grasp that?
kek not bad
Listen you chinked eyed piece of shit, if you understood a bit of politics outside of your gay country you might have noticed the people he appointed and also read his 100 days plan.
And if you understood politics out of the middle east you'd know he can't do anything yet and Obama has reneged on the majority of his promises already.
If youd come out of your basement from time to time youd notice that his whole body language and setup isnt set for confrontation anymore. This underlined with the people he appointed and the announced first steps of his politics is just an utter disappointment and contradiction to everything he promised.
I never expected CTR contracts to have lasted this long.
You guys don't understand...this "guy" isn't a person living in Europe. Otherwise his flag would be the country he's in.
Who knew the continent of Europe was so mean..
if you were less of a fag and didn't suck cock you'd stop making shit threads
My kids dont listen again
>juncker posting
Totally triggered
Boris, Borys or Barys (Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian: Бopиc; Belarusian: Бapыc) is a male name of Bulgarian origin.
t. Ismail van Osmaneen
Fuck off Juncker
Is it time for the little dumbass leftist to get a diaper change? Did the big meanie trump make you poo pop pee pee??
>EU flag
t. Mblaise Diaby
his a man of the world