What do you think of next generation European leaders?
What do you think of next generation European leaders?
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About time Europe was ruled by a big guy.
Russian bootlickers. Fuck them.
>Marine Le Pen
Yeah good luck with that, faggot.
>talking about Russia
You abbo's deserve absolutely no say in how we deal with Russia.
kek wills it queen fucker
Well then it shall be so.
Lame. Very lame.
Fillon is a cuckservative.
>Russian bootlickers. Fuck them.
I hate him and always vote PVDA, but at least Geert Wilders is not a manlet.
>based Geert
Very happy
Literally no one votes for that fucking party anymore
And neither do you potato-chasing drunkards. What, are you worried you're going to be cut off from your EU gibsmedat?
>always vote PvdA
you're baiting, I hope
And Le Pen is a closet socialist
>pay moar taxes so we can send moar welfare to the north since we have no plan to reduce unemployment wnatsoever
>we're totes nationalist and right wing guys
>and we're totally not getting some illegal funding, we're totally not relying on a political dynasty and totally not the worst when it comes to cumulating mandates, and even if we were it's okay when we do it because we're small
>Matteo Salvini
Fucking kek
>Russian bootlickers
as it should be.
I've been voting PVDA for 12 years now. They may not be a perfect party, but they can be trusted. And at least the PVDA offers solutions. What has Geert Wilders ever done? Remember Rutte 1 where he did nothing and ran away during one the worst recessions in decades. He lost hard the next elections and he'll probably lose the next one too. But of course you guys will never listen. I've realized that Sup Forums is filled with racists who've never even met a muslim let alone a Syrian.
Fillon is a straw man.
Lepen is a Poujadiste.
tbqh Id rather have him than Renzie
Too white
I wonder which one would be better, Salvini or Grillo
Bootlicking Russians is better than ass licking filthy muslim arabs
They all want to continue or expand social programs. I'll never understand how you can be a complete socialist but if you want to maintain national sovereignty and control the border, you're suddenly on the opposite side of the political spectrum.
>next generation European leaders
They're based as fuck.
Based currybro telling it like it is.
checked. If FN wins, the "New Europeans" will probably respond with some cultural enrichhment, and the French people will swiftly reclaim Paris and the rest of their country
>Russian bootlickers>>>>>>US/EU bootlickers
Atlanticism is killing Europe
Solid curry
>next generation of Putin whores
Do you send kids to designated cuck training schools in Sweden? Because that's cucktalk.
A cuck quite distant from reality, too.
Finally the world will be back as a competitive place.
You forgot one :^)
It's stil a hell of alot better then being a puppet of (((USA))).
USA is the reason for the degeneracy in the west aswel as globalism
>le Putin is a enemy of islam meme
Salvini? Not even Kek can do it
Agree, but you solve that recovering pride, strength a military potential.
A true, non-semitic european identity.
Not finding a worse master than the first one.
Is there any chance PP will replace him or will he be staying for the next few years?
They don't look like leaders at all.
How are these weak faggots supposed to lead people?
The globalist establishment just got rejected here. Washington DC is a city state that rules over us... none of the people who work in that city are Americans.
It is not an either-or situation.
Russian people are ok but Putin and his posse should be shot.
>This is what Trump supporters believe
even if Donnie truly is anti-globalist it's just a matter of time before they take back control.
Trump has filled his cabinet with neocon globalists