Was it worth it?
>this article needs to be updated
And here comes Serbia to kiss Russia's arse, as per usual.
And here comes a kangaroo-fucking, petrol-sniffing Abo to shitpost, as per usual.
Don't be so rude, Djordje.
Need a safe space, chum?
I think its cute that you stick up for Russia :3
of course you idiot. that was the plan.
There's a safe space in Jasenovac for you, Miloš.
before putin
>russia sells oil and gas
>gets dollars for it
>use dollars to buy food
>take loans in dollars because russian bank asks for 25% interest rate.
russia basicly took loans(good for (((american))) banks) to build oil gas industry then sent oil and gas for free in exchange for more worthless dollars and on top of that buy food for dollars and basicly giving dollars back.
which made russia trade oil and gas for apples and eggs.
putin said, we will sell oil only for rubbles. we give you oil but only if you give us rubels. now (((americans))) forced to buy ruble in order to buy oil and gas from russia.
russia is also one of the major corn producers in the world, before sanction they wer buying it. and they can feed their people with own meat and buy only in south america. before that they bought everything.
they also have nice balance 420 billion export vs 230 billion import.
President Putin is under heavy pressure from outside and inside: Western sanctions and intended oil price crash. Despite efforts by the Rothschild controlled Central Bank of Russia (CBR) and the use of dozens of billions of foreign exchange reserves – the value of the ruble against the dollar has, therefore,declined by 39% this year.
Putin will soon nationalize the CBR and the ruble according to his confidant Yevgeny Fyodorov – to raise money for his (armament) projects.
Under the Constitution, the CBR belongs to a foreign State – the City of London – and is taking orders from London and Washington. This bank can only print money corresponding to its cash in foreign currency, which is not sufficient for Putin´s purposes. The CBR even has to buy (worthless) US bonds for the dollars paid for Russian oil – whereby the dollars return to the FED!
Moreover, Putin is under pressure from the West, which wants to overthrow and replace him with Western-minded oligarchs. Thus, the US ambassador to Moscow, Tefft, is said to have made it very clear: “We will displace Putin from office and install our people as leader of the government (he even mentioned the person by name) and appoint ministers”.
Therefore, Putin now needs a strong army to prevent Russia’s submission to the US.
W will be there within the next 4 years.
Fyodorov said in an interview: A split in the Russian elite took place two months ago, as part of the elite decided to stay with Putin.
Putin then made his decision, which defines the events to follow. Furthermore, the logic of 1) a state of emergency or 2) geopolitical war entered into force, while we are under pressure.
What this means is, a. Americans now cannot diminish their pressure, while b. we just enjoy the pressure, because it forces us technologically into national liberation: For many years, we could not obtain de-offshoring, but American pressure has performed this in one day.
Putin must now mercilessly clean the 5th column – in “Our Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy.
But above all, Putin sees the West as the big speculator against the ruble
Economic downturn is temporary
Crimea is forever
Returning from the G20 meeting in Brisbane, Putin said (Russia Today 18 Nov. 2014): ’US wants to subdue Russia, but no one did or ever will’.
From the below it appears that this statement has a much deeper, an existential dimension – not only for Russia, but for the world.
obama-stalin-putin-scI have previously quoted the Moscow Times as saying that Putin is under tremendous internal and external pressure to the extent that he must become “another Stalin“ in order for him and Russia to survive the Western isolation of and economic attack on Russia. This means a final (staged) breach with Rothschild and his tool, the US – after the first schism due to the Khodorkovsky-Yukos share confiscation by Putin.
Why can't you be more like Russia and take back Koenigsberg, Pommerania, Silesia, etc.
I hate you.
Putin was just defending his sphere of influence in Ukraine
Germany is a globalist puppet state atm
Shouldn't you be paying for a wall or something
I bet the slutty little swede loved every minute of it. Remember, it's not rape if she begs for it and cums harder than she ever has before.
Iam russian. Germany is a puppet slave. Germans are a slave race.
Ruble was going down one way or another. How can a currency with 8-10% inflation stay stable against a currency with 2-5% inflation? It's just not possible.
enjoy your paki cocks m8
Corn blasted your ass that much m8?
S h r i m p o n t h e b a r b i e
was it autism?
Stop sucking Russian dick, you're embarrassing us all.
t. evropejsko govno
You can suck my dick if you like, pham. :3
You betcha it was worth it. Free land and expanded influence now that Trump's becoming POTUS.
Russian ruble dropped because of oil, the sanctions have minuscule influence on our economy.
That said, if I had to choose between strong ruble and Crimea, I'd choose Crimea in a heartbeat.
Swedes don't have an instinct to protect their own people, so, I guess, it's hard for you to rationalize such decision.
These two major reasons are not even. The crisis is mostly about oil price drop.
So basing your whole economy on selling oil/gas was not worth it. Landgrabs were worth it.
>financial crisis meme
Call me when it does something noticeably negative to the oligarchy. It's hitting only the irrelevant proles.