Eight years?
Eight years?
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I fucking love this cheeky cunt.
Reelection biatch!
I'm confused too. The Trump Dynasty is going to last a millennia. What did he mean by this?
And you are enjoying that
Jej notice bants
He's implying his family is free to make their own decisions about their cabinet members when the time comes.
Step aside Australia we got a new Shitposting King.
I just read the tweet before this thread and didn't even notice he put "8 years" lol
Women love strong authoritarian leaders. White women will flock to him, and many lib-cuck White men will jump ship with them. Factor in all the deported Democrat voter, and you are looking at an even bigger win in 2020.
Saying 4 would make him a loser, he's planning ahead.
Dilbertman would be proud.
I'm supposed to be sleeping, but now I'm hype as fuck!!!!!
just make it a monarchy where the eldest in the dynasty gets to reign.
So line of succession is Don jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany will abdicate for Baron
Im ready for the 1000 year Trumpenreich
Dilbertman is a hack. He was hedging hi bets throughout the election
Is this the first time a US president has autism?
If he even does half of what he promises, he's gonna win 2020 in the biggest landslide America has seen in decades.
We can now observe a cuck's natural reaction to another male's incredible display of confidence. While unsurprising, it is still fascinating!
Maybe he persuaded you into thinking that... He's a master persuader after all.
what are you on about eurotrash faggot
>Emperor of the Internet and America, Baron Trump.
Actually he was convinced of the 4d chess by someone else.
Tiffany was born before Don and Marla Maples got married.
That makes her a bastard and therefore ineligible for the throne.
>Tfw Barron is elected the general secretary of planet earth to deal with ayy lmao empires
>Tfw Barron creates a supercomputer and becomes the A.I. so that he can rule forever
>Tfw Barron will be the next galactic ruler who thinks objectively and truthfully.
Nice get faggot
This enrages the liberal
He's such a cutie.
>you'll never live in the land of cutie men aka scandinavia
>you're stuck forrebver in the land of the angry ugly manlet called France. To make thing worse, we import even uglier lads from Africa.
>feel bad
In just two posts, the cuck has not only displayed his insecurities, but also his stupidity! Amazing! More to follow...
Please visit natgeo.tv for the daily program schedule!
Honestly I would vote for literally any member of the Trump family into office purely based on what Donald has done so far, without even stepping a goddamn foot into office. I really hope that after 8 years of donald we start passing this shit down to his family
I absolutely know this feel user
Wasn't it supposed to be a few decades at worst?
Would you also accept Mittens or Petraeus as SoS, then?
Tulsi Gabbard would be better desu
That's pretty gay senpai
>Tfw Barron becomes a less douchey Peter Wiggins a la Enders Game and declared Hegemon of the known Universe
She's anti-gun, so she's a piece of shit!!
well there you go it all works out
>tfw baron is the REAL god emperor of mankind
I lost a lot of respect for Petraeus when he cheated on his wife with ugly chicks and let them see classified information.
more like 16
We will keep Trump alive with innovations in nano-tech, biological engineering, and transhumanist AI Tech -- he will be leader forever
To be honest, the entire left will cause another Trump term because they still can't accept how they lost.
>not 40,000
The next 4 years are going to be so great that he's sure to be re-elected. Even the parasites that we commonly call "liberals" will see the light and start supporting him.
He'll win 2020 by a landslide.
That simple number lit a fire of amazing intensity under the asses of his already buttblasted opponents.
This guy has balls of steel, fucker is the most powerful troller on the face of the planet. Reaching super saiyan levels right now.
Emperor of the Cyber
A lot of people speculate that Jefferson was on the spectrum, so no.
Don jr, Eric, Ivanka and Tiffiny are all Bastards and are not in line for the white house.
>assuming the sale
3d checkers t b h
He has been a Shitposting King.for many years now