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>the wall can be made with an executive agreement
He'd be impeached
That's what he's doing day 1. His first 100 days will still entail deporting illegals. What's your point?
Pretty sure it can I have heard that the funds have already been appropriated he doesn't need the approval of Congress to start building the wall
wall is a polarising topic. Leaving TPP was already revolutionary enough. It would have been a shitshow if he announced both.
Just focus on paying your debts, feta fuck
Why not starting deporting illegals and building the wall at day one?
wtf I hate Drumpf now
Everybody already knows about the damn wall. He is wall: the president. Waste of time to go over it again, especially after that document 'leak' confirmation.
and if he did bring up the wall he'd be slated for bringing it up before thanks giving. Whatever he says. he can't win
Because if theres no wall theyll just run back in.
The executive branch doesn't have the power to establish border security. Their "independent action" clause does not cover this because Congress is responsible for legislative directives dealing with borders.
He might not even become president
They're rigging it
He can use an executive order to abolish the "dreamer" program on day one but he said nothing about it.
Trump is gonna need something to do on day two.
"Trump will not have ready border wall by day one"
Hahaha, he sure got us. I guess I'm with her now.
Everyone's fucking blind in pol i need to wake you guys up but you just ignore me. Fuck it then
you think trumps gonna built the entire wall in 100 days? no, read again dipshit, he was talking about his first 100 days
>le wall will be build and finished first day maymay
Okay (((Rome))), when do you plan on paying reperations like everyone else like a good goy?
> Trump promised to build a wall
> Day 1
> Where's my wall waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
I know you're excited to MAGA but have some patience. Jeez.
Why should the executive need anything or anyone else to build a wall? You don't need legislation to erect a big building, just money and land ownership. It's not taking authority or responsibility from any other branch or institution.
>doesn't build the wall on day one
Lets see so he is going to make the koch brothers
richer make selling our products over seas harder and start spying on us citizens threw the internet even more wow sounds like a good deal for the middle class to me.
it's CTR trying to blackpill
He should have mentioned as his first priority along with all the other stuff am I unreasonable? He talked about the visa overstay problem why not the wall or deporting illegals?
Well that has certainly activated my almonds and wtf I hate trump now and I'll begin protesting the electoral college to implement the TRUE winner of the election. I'm a #hilldog now
If they do this, you'll have a constitutional crisis on your hands. Plus a good chance of an actual civil war, or at least major riots, not just "we really dislike Trump" tier shit you've seen so far.
Because the wall is a day 2 project.
>The executive branch doesn't have the power to establish border security.
who else but the executive should execute border security measures?
The wall was approved by congress in 2006, he doesn't need executive action to approve something already approved, he just needs to implement the building of this wall, which is something Obama never did
It would be useless to build a wall with the illegals still inside the border. How would they fuck off back to Mexico otherwise?
Fuck off that poster is CTR
I am just trying to keep everyone on edge so Trump delivers on his promises. There are huge interests lobbying Trump to backpedal as we speak everyone must be alert and pushing hard for the Wall
"ummmm guys..." who talks like this? How much of a weak worthless faggot you need to be to do that "ummmm" sound? Are you a weak beta faggot with low test? I swear, if I hear some cuck doing this weak ass sound in front of me I'll beat him to a bunch of blood.
>banning lobbying
holy shit fuck the wall I wnat that right away
>am I unreasonable
Yes. You are. Continue pushing for that wall though it's nice to have Trump's enemies working for him.
This is great news. Oh don't worry wall is coming. He has to save something for our Christmas presents.
wall wasn't built in a day, buddy
All in good time, concerntrollchan.
The media are just trying to demoralise his supporters. He didn't mention saving Christmas either, but we knows its in the pipeline.
Because building nearly 2000 miles of Wall within 100 days is fucking asinine, we're talking about a project that's going to take a couple of years. People are very well aware of his wall, he doesn't need to reiterate that.
Fucking christ you're an idiot. Not only does border security fall under the executive branch through DHS, the border wall was approved in 2006.
Literally going to be the day of the rope if they do that.
You can't use an executive action to build wall. And the wall was in his year 1 plan that leaked.
You're a fucking childish idiot if you think this is even remotely possible.
>mfw the god emperor is cucking the media so hard that all they can do is shit talk him and speculate.
Like with most long distance projects the key is to have multiple work crews each building their own section.
>am I unreasonable?
Yes. He has 4 years and if he plans on working hard each and every day then we can be pretty sure a wall will be built within the very first.
Doesn't he need congress to build the wall?
It's called deportation Italy... It's not as if the wall won't have an exit/entry point.
This. He could say in day 1 I will instruct the Department of Homeland Security and all federal agencies to start preperations for building The Wall using the funds that have already been appropriated by Congress
and banning lobbying is far more important btw
Underrated a #CruzMissile now
god emperor only released first day plan out of his seven
wtf i hate shills now
The wall will be Day Two.
You are an idiot. During the campaign Trump attemptedto moderate his message on immigration but thankfully many people reacted fast and prevented that. If you think Trump cannot be influenced you are an idiot who only comes to this board to shitpost GTFO
i'm amazed at how you got to this conclusion
it's like you have to get every single thing wrong
even by chance, the odds of getting to where you are is like 1/100000000
Trump is so fucking pathetic.
You want Washington DC to burn to the ground? Cus that's how you do it.
You don't need executive actions for something already passed and budgeted for
Do any of you even remember the bush years?!
You have to get Mexico to pay for it first, he isn't president yet.
You start with the gate
And then you build multiple gates
]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[
And then you have multiple crews build in each direction from the gates
>backed out of the wall
>backed out of stopping muslims entering the country
>backed out of conpletley "repealing and replacing" obamacare
>already backing out of deporting illegals
Kek thanks for electing a Democrat, Amerisharts.
As usual the press is 5 steps behind. Sad!
Glad I wasn't the only one to think that.
Being this stupid.
the Dreamer program never actually passed though, mate
Obama signed an executive order but it was blocked at the courts. Trump can abolish it on day 1 with a simple executive order
Good enough for gouvernment work
Why would he need an executive order for the wall?
Fucking concern shilling.
Your flag looks gay
Nice detective work.
people ignore it because its retarded and a bullshit fantasy. it wont happen brother. screen cap this post if you dont believe me.
does anybody know, Couldnt Trump use the military to build it in the guise of national security. We are presently in a war time situation. Eisenhower used national security to build the interstate highway system here.
Yes it's called the Separation of Powers and Delegation. Congress created ICE/DHS (agencies) that the Executive oversees but acting outside the scope of the outline Congress provided needs Congressional approval. Since building a wall is not one of ICE/DHS' chartered responsibilities, Congress must okay it.
You are not taking into account physical features, curves of the border, and other factors into account. All you've done is draw a few straight lines and calculated the distance.
For example, Alaska has 33,904 miles of shoreline... but the state is not 33,904 miles long. Similarly, you need a longer wall than what would seem to fit into the "simple line" would require.
give it time wall will be up soon
what a thread it was last night
>Because building nearly 2000 miles of Wall within 100 days is fucking asinine, we're talking about a project that's going to take a couple of years
And he needs to persuade the Mexicans to pay for it first.
Give him some time, he needs to clean up all the shit, that the mentally handicapped and the nigger president created.
Amish squad needs to go down there and help.
Hey, that guy is making the biggest changes for a investiture on day one, but he isn"t making the biggest one on day one ! Shocker !
Trump plays 3D chess and likes to be unpredictable to his enemies - do you think he'd _need_ to announce something like that on what will be one of many clips?
There are plenty of other things he has proposed and they were not mentioned in his very short clip. e.g. Removing threats to the tax-exempt status of religious organisations that get political and taxing imports.
Gotta level up your imagination concerntrollchan.
Sup Forums is full of dumb idealistic faggots?
Who would've guessed?
> Persuade
That's not how it works mohammed. Mexico already gets gobs of money from the US. If they want to continue getting money they will do what's best for them, if a man of your faith knows what I mean.
He'll get them to pay for it through taxes on goods from mexico. They wont write a check.
Also this will raise the price of their goods which will efectively cause people to buy competitors shit from asia if there is. Its a double hit if they dont comply with Trumps plans
The papers Kobach exposed show that the wall is being built.
pay denbts
>Why not starting deporting illegals and building the wall at day one?
So that he has something to do on day two.
Look closer at the lines drawn. He took half of cali away.
He better deliver I didn't spend 2 months on the frontlines of the meme war for the Wall to not be built.
Congress has "okay'd it" you stupid fuck.
execute is the key word there mate.
The executive can only do things with legislative backup.
Executive orders are a weird workaround, usually involving presidential orders on how the executive will interpret legislation - they are often constitutional.
Anyway, you WANT congressional support, to secure funding for the future
should he import Nile crocodiles instead of gators from the bayoux for the moats ?
mexico is hot and dry like egyptia they'll probably feel just like home
>Kobach was holding a file of papers, one of which was snapped by a media photographer from a distance. It is entitled “Department of Homeland Security Kobach Strategic Plan For First 365 Days”.
>When zoomed in, the paper reads that “in addition to 386 miles of existing wall” there is a further “1989 miles planned for rapid build.”
so unratified trade deal not going through. oh wow. banning lobbying... meh it'll still happen. No wall, no muslim register and no scrapping obamacare. plus employee political elite figures and wanting 7 times never elected farage to be ambassador. Cronyism and Nepotism. WAY TO GO BURGERS.