>Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.
Why are you guys so scared of this?
>Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.
Why are you guys so scared of this?
Because we don't need inferior cultures.
Most parts of the world are shitholes, with shitty views, products and ideas.
It's handling is in the hands of the wrong people
OP's image is shit and made by some butt devastard CTR shill. go fuck yourself.
the meme is you lefty faggots crying in your safe space, reap what you sow and don't try to jew-shift that shit onto us.
Other cultures are shit. Other people are shit
Bringing views, ideas and "aspects of culture" from places like Africa and the Middle East into Canada is bad news.
Because these idiots are scared of anything that they do not understand and are screed that a colored person will take there daughter from them before they can bang her
because whites can't compete
they need racist systems to prop themselves up
hell even their women love flocking to dark men in a free sexual market
this is the cusp of their butthurt and desperate desire to reinstate racism that can never come back post-globalism
You don't mention how a good portion of the world is in dire poverty and undeveloped.
We don't mind non-degenerate people and ideology, but globalization is leading to the negrification and the Judaismic influence to spread throughout remaining western societies.
>profit the most from globalism
>"waaah I don't receive enough from globalism"
Dumb americucks.
I've said it and I'll say it again
Globalization leads to lack of competition. Lack of competition to stagnation and stagnation to death.
Capitalism works best when there aren't third world shitholes with slave children to make your products. I remember browsing /csg/ (Chink shit general over on Sup Forums) and seeing people in Europe complaining about how they can't buy their cheap Chinese shit because the import taxes are too high. This is how the United States should be operating.
Politicians get bought off and pass legislation allowing people to export all their jobs, and people in California think "SEXISM" is why Hillary lost the rust belt. It wouldn't even be called the rust belt if it weren't for people like her.
Maybe we like to keep the colors of the rainbow separate and pure instead of mixing them all into a nondescript brownish mass
This centralisation of power is not a good thing. Makes it much easier to control. Might sound more efficient but power corrupts.
>using third world unironically as a descriptor of a country's wealth.
Lol whites can't compete? Please tell me what your gook 3rd world country has ever done for the world.
>i want to halt the most important trend in global history because i dont like certain colors.
Thus my statement. All things need competition, including separate states. Some of our greatest times of innovation and life saving inventions came from the conflict and competition of two states.
(((most important trend)))
Says who?
The ultimate result of globalisation is large companies suing small governments for not being good puppets
>literally putting the fine lads of pol in a box
Yeah, that is where political discussion ends. Go fuck yourself and piss off before I tell India to wipe its arsehole with you fucking leaf.
>Being this Canadian
>monopolies of power
>a good thing
The smaller the governments the better.
You see how hard it is to Make America Great Again. Imagine how hard it would be to make a NWO great again.
Actually I'm using it as a descriptor of their welfare system and lack of human rights. Which I know is incorrect use, bite me.
Because it's inherently dangerous and foolish to put the needs of another nation on the same level, or above that of your own nation
It's sad that you don't understand this very basic concept of survival, but then again you are from Canada and your nation is the laughing stock of the world
Because that's not all globalization entails in reality, and even those few seemingly gentle aspects you've pointed out aren't attractive to someone who lives in one of the most highly functional societies in the world because just about everything else would entail them carrying more dead weight. If your ancestors contributed to building a great society for you, that's your society, not the rest of the world's just because it wants it to be.
There is a difference between that and subverting the culture and sovereignty of a nation and its people in favor of handing control of their very lives to radically different and far removed foreign influences.
Because we don't want niggers here.
>"cmon guise! Just let then share cultures"
>shitskins come in and begin raping and beheading
A fucking leaf. Every time.