30% of Sup Forums, and indeed of Sup Forums as a whole, is female.
Discuss this shocking fact.
Source: Sup Forums.org/advertise
30% of Sup Forums, and indeed of Sup Forums as a whole, is female.
Discuss this shocking fact.
Source: Sup Forums.org/advertise
Other urls found in this thread:
How do they know ? traps are not female
what is /cgl/, /fa/, Sup Forums, art boards ?
pol is at ma 10% female, while r9k is like 1-2%
Excuse me, where is YOUR credible source?
Leafs represent only 8%...but boy are they everywhere.
They are truly the mudslims of the internet.
Its enough.
Sup Forums is a brazilian board now.
Post kuruminhas.
Makes sense ; my wifi reaches into my kitchen now
reporting in.
Canadians make up only 6% of the population, though. 8% is the UK.
Post butthole, m'lady
47% American, where are all the other percentages?
being not relevant
>Sup Forums is 30% female
that would probably be because of boards like /hm/ /cm/ /cg/ /y/ etc
atleast that's what I think
tits or gtfo
also, czech'd
Most Americans that use VPNs use Canadian nodes. No sense hopping it across the Atlantic and back
They are really low and therefore not important.
>No sense hopping it across the Atlantic and back
what is speed of light? you ain't playing fps leaf, you are shitposting
>Sweden (2%)
Most posters per capita?
murican proxy?
Makes me feel a lot better about how many dicks get posted on Sup Forums. Now I can just write it off to a bunch of nerd girls rubbing themselves instead of a horde of gay manchildren pounding their rotten cheesedicks over it.
>30% female
Trannies strike again.
plz be my ai gf
literally me irl
Mothers' basements
No one would ever lie on the internet, especially to a consensus on Sup Forums!
This board is now diplomatically annexed in the name of the Brazilian Empire
500ms ping is a real pain in the ass. Try it for a day.
Google analytics are not credible, it's all guesswork. 4chin could also be lying to try reach different advertisers, it won't work.
Is /cgl/ that fast of a board?
A lot of girls do not like to come forward because there are a lot of weirdos and woman-haters here. A lot of times it just isn't relevant either. There are a lot of girls on Sup Forums though.
I don't think /cgl/ has girls enough to get 30%
This reminds me when there were stats showing high numbers of women play games.
Then it was shown that they included mothers buying games for their sons and women paying candy crush..
This. Google's ad preferences think I'm a girl, but I'm just a femboy.
it's probably closer to 10%, that's just advert bullshit.
Wow, this sounds about as legit as that board IQ graph.
Shut the fuck up, medpack. Chang is my friend.
t. chang
He finally forgave you about this whole invasion of China thing?
post tummy
There are no girls on the internet. But don't tell the tampon company looking to buy banner ads.
There are definitely girls on Sup Forums but they are mostly socially retarded/autistic/mentally ill or all three. No successful Stacy is going to spend her time on Sup Forums.
You're right, my bad. UK is about to become so irrelevant that I already forgot them.
Hey bebby u wont sum fuk?
I'm a cute anime girl
19 year old female from Israel who likes anime and video games and is attending university.
But why would you declare you're a woman here besides unwarranted attention?
I enjoy being hated.
so where are the tits?
Lol have depression but I think most people suffer from that as a whole, other than that pretty successful and fairly attractive, blonde, not overweight or anything.
Perhaps I just enjoy being redpilled.
I like your style.
Tits or GTFO
attention whoring, newfaggotry, redditism, snowflake syndrome, kikeitis
>anons pretending to be girls and trannies are female
Who is this sexy female?
what a qt Cthulu vessel
There are no girls on Sup Forums. If you say otherwise you are just an attention whore and need to get out.
>30% female
tfw no gf
Go away Tila
And mutilating cocks?
Only on weekends.
She looks like she'd tongue out your arsehole for a rock of meth.
That explains the occasionally worthwhile posts.
They are the Trump posters because they want that Trump tower
traps shouldn't count as female
>hey guise I'm a grill :3
>this counts as female on 4chinz
A lot of normies will claim depression but it's mostly just a fad for attention. Makes you think it's more common than it is though. I think girls who do actually suffer from depression tend to be ostracised socially by other females. This can lead them to places like Sup Forums... At least that's my experience.
t. heavily medicated depressive
>tfw Sup Forums finally recognize as the sassy black woman that need no man that you really are
feel great being a queenz
Its a dude, so yea.
Not sure if this is post-op sarina, but its a dude with a little shriveled pink dick who took the sissy bottom boi meme too far and went full tranny.
Apples apples apples
Post masculine pussy
back to /r9k/ you go.
So it's Richard Spencer?
same goes for reddit
Why do you almost never post her anymore ?
I can almost believe the 30% for Sup Forums as a whole, but for Sup Forums too? Hmm. I doubt it, but who can really say?
I have a vag, though I won't post pics because this isn't Sup Forums you cretins, but if I saw any of you being harassed by a crazy lefty SJW, I would absolutely come to your aid and grab them by the pussy.
I lost all my kuruminhas when my HD died
28% of Sup Forums, and indeed of Sup Forums as a whole, are LARPing faggots.
Discuss this shocking fact.
I am a reptilian and you can't prove otherwise.
Please post a pic
the females are not on Sup Forums
Where I can get lewd kuruminhas?
It's... for science.
trigger warning
>that soul crushing feel when no kuruminha gf.
kill me now.
Why do Jews think this way?