Ok who of you motherfuckers did this?

Ok who of you motherfuckers did this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do we even need to rig it? Don't presidents traditionally get named person of the year?

I have a feeling Clinton will be person of the year

fuck assange tied with the Don and fuck assangetards who voted him

vote trump

yea but it might also be some one that just died potentially. the whole they are dead so they are now a saint mentality and assange is dead

>assange is dead

zero proof


There were several threads calling people to vote for Trump last week

Assange should win.


assangefags btfo

trump will win

I think Assange needs to be given credit for what he did

If it wasn't for Assange trump wouldn't have won.

There'll be plenty of proof when he wins and can't make a public appearance.

Fucking Merkel won last year
Love the sound of the pendulum swinging

>not appearing for a prize = DED BODY

assangetards are the worst

Honestly though end result should be 1. Assange 2. Trump 3. Putin.
This way they won't be able to weasel out of putting Assange on the cover, and even if they do it's either Trump or Vlad who ends there so leftists everywhere will be literally shaking for weeks.


post code :)

Get in here

fuck off i already saged that nigger

>go to: renderer.qmerce.com/interaction/582a42a8ba00a998079fd95d
>If your using chrome do ctrl+shift+j
>paste this code: pastebin.com/c13sEBxV
>press enter
>repeat with 26 other tabs

uhhhhhh and on firefox?


if you make a thread on this and follow it for 30 minutes.... it could be really good, just saying

time already named Assange as the most voted candidate. The poles should already be closed

Idk how to open coding options for that

chrome is ez af to install just do it meatball nigger

Who is modi and diamond reynolds? Are they musicians?

you're fucking delusional

ok i have chrome anyway, will try now

either that or some shitty left politicians.

Underrated. You're doing Kek's work, son.

>have 5 tabs open atm

>do we even need to rig it

There's no point. We've rigged it several years in a row now, nobody we vote for gets it.

Assange is def the person of the year. He should win.

thanks its working

hahaha fantastic so ez based user this pastanigger thanks you

nope we scripting hard for Trump now

assangefags btfo

how will they ever win

Won't happen. Time always gives the award to the president-elect during election year. It's actually one of the few times where Sup Forums can get to sit down and enjoy the show.

of course i edited out the assange part of the script, only trump

Gay prostitutes

If you look at the states that tipped trump over the top, you'd realise Wikileaks had no impact.

It got almost no MSM coverage and when it did they were shilling for Hillary the whole time.

Comey had a bigger impact.

Arent they tracking IPS? Are they that dumb?




Modi is in charge of india, very important guy, doing lots of interesting stuff

I want Putin or assad more desu. Especially assad imagine the butthurt. But Donald deserves it

It doesn't matter, Time picks the winner no matter who wins the vote

>chrome is ez af to install
>chrome is ez af to install
install chrome

google owns your software, hardware, mind and soul forEVAR
good thing they "do no evil", we can take their word for it.
Right guize?