Right wingers will try to defend this.
Right wingers will try to defend this
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95% of degrees offered by any college are scams. at least you can use realestate knowledge taught at trump university. good luck using that anthropology degree from the acredited state university.
not an arugment
(((George Takei)))
every time
Wow he really is a genius business man
WTF I hate trump now
>Implying that liberal arts students, feminist/queer/transgender theory students, english majors, [insert ancient language] literature majors, most history majors, communications majors, aren't huge ripoff scams which amount to nothing but entitled, indentured 30somethings talking shit about their "unique" political and philisophical opinions (Delusions) when on break for their starbucks shift.
And I spent over $100k on a bachelor's degree that I don't ever use. Should I sue a state university as well?
anyone else find it funny that a jap jew from california endorses the party that personally put him and his entire family in internment camps shortly after pearl harbor bombing?
I'm so glad George Takei will take to his death bed with thoughts of Trump's America in his head.
That makes him smart.
I guess I should have voted for the woman who take bribes to destabilize the middle east instead.
>some faggot from Star Trek is telling me why the US president is a crook
Really gets my marbles rolling
He settled to avoid expensive litigation and fees, not because he was guilty.
You can't get a degree in "real estate" but that is what Trump U was selling training in. It was the fault of the retards who thought any of it was actually state sponsored or recognized that they didn't see it.
>Subtract settlement from amount paid by students to get total profit
Is he actually this fucking stupid?
t. Gook faggot
Not a bad deal but I bet the calculations are wrong because not that many sued him.
Why the hell would you even pay 35k for a seminar? You can buy a car with that money. Higher-education is a scam as well.
Lefties generally can't into business
You don't know how the law works. They clearly weren't that miffed about the money because they were willing to take the settlement.
and he is now cutting deal for American interests. All non-American countrys should be worried but that is a bad thing for America why?
The seminar business is an iffy area, but legitimate nonetheless, and that's what Trump U was. Its not anymore misleading than other things not actually universities calling themselves such.
They were overpriced seminars. Not tuition.
>pay $25 million to avoid litigation and fees
c'mon now.
>Call something a University
>"lol why would you think this is a University? That's your own fault. You must be retarded."
That's called a scam buddy boy.
>Search Results
noun: university; plural noun: universities
an educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often embodying colleges and similar institutions.
George Takei is a washed up actor that knows nothing about anything
>He settled
A settlement involves both the plaintiff and the defendant signing the agreement. So nobody was "scammed". Both parties agreed to the outcome in those cases.
>He settled
THEY settled too. Don'g know if George's figure are correct, many TU "graduates said it was OK or they didn't give a fuck.
After the lawyers take 30-50%, the actual plaintifs will split the rest.
Hes elected already faggot
Your crying is worthless
How the fuck Geogre Takei the Actor know about fraud.
And why anyone try teaching republican by using occupy"democrat".
The 'defrauded' students lawyers settled for that amount because they knew they couldn't win at trial.
So, what was your college major. And what do you do now.
And what was your bachelor's degree in? And what tier of school.
>Obama supports and arms people to overthrow Nations he doesn't like, these same people he arms also kill gays by the dozen
>Liberals will defend government backed student debt
But-but I need my B.A in women's studies and no one would give me a loan.
>How the fuck Geogre Takei the Actor know about fraud.
He got paid. Like all the other celebrities and actors.
Under budget
Ahead of schedule
Left wingers try to defend this
if the students were in the right, they wouldn't settle for such a small amount.
Dastardly Donald strikes again!
> I have $80,000 in debt and I can't get a job.
> the economy is too weak, the government needs to invest more in education so fees will go down.
This is what they actually believe. They don't understand that when you increase the demand, you increase the price.
This is what I absolutely cannot stand.
Obama and Hillary kill a shitload of people and take money from the scum of the earth to do it some more but HEY HE LOOKS COOL ON TV, LOL RIGHTS AN SHIT, I GOT A FACEBOOK LIKE, I'M IMPORTANT NOW
Fuck this, I'll accept dictatorship, monarchy, anything, just don't let these turbo fucktards near the controls.
Are you going to sue the police once you find out "protect and serve" is not legally binding and they have no duty to do so too?
That what i meaning.
They can say that Trump have theresome with Bill Clinton and they still believe it.
Oh ok. This literal faggot doesn't understand what a settlement is.
If you keep going down this path you'll begi become a fashy goyim.
Needs more BATARU
and drinking all that beer didn't make huge breasted leggy girls suddenly want to take me out for watersports either
George "n-no Trump supporters, y-you really are losing" Takei
Trump is literally Geroge Seros youtube.com
I thought George and Donald Trump we're friends all the way until 2014?? They were on tv together in an interview I saw smiling and laughing
>Muh smart politician
>All politicians are dirty!
These are the responses I tend to get. They have accepted the status quo and will continue to embrace it as they don't like change.
>George Takei
Relevant today only because hes gay.
Lmao he would have won all of those cases. Trump had all of the students fill out surveys and nearly every single one of them gave him rave reviews.
He also has videos of some of the morons who filed suit having the time of their lives at Trump University.
GFYS shill.
>two best girls
My guys
this fucking asian prick annoys me so much, he doesn't know shit about anything yet people pretend he is some kind of political expert
That only makes him a great businessman who exploited a weak government that let it happen in the first place.
Now he'll build a strong government and pull up those ladders.
don't hate the player hate the game
LMFAO get rekt
if you spend 35k on trump u then you deserve to lose your money
George Takei also thinks Democrats freed the slaves, Republicans locked up the Japanese in WW2, and gender is chosen not genetic. To him, reality is an inconvenient rayciss and heteronormative construct of his imaginary oppressors.
Hillary fucking killed people
Sounds like a great man for the economy
Cute Tama
But like, racism and shit man.
Aren't you a bit brown?
Aren't you afraid of le ebil whit ppl?
i always find it funny that hes an avowed democrat when fdr issued the order that made sure takei spent his childhood in a concentration camp
>caring about his hiv infected faggots opinion
Battoru waifu for lyfu
Why is Deforrest Kelley and expert on Trump U?