is Sup Forums a Nazi board or not
Is Sup Forums a Nazi board or not
I can tell you that this is a 10 year old on Sup Forums.
it's a reactionary nationalist board with natsoc sympathies
hitler memes are just reich to me
i wish i could suck early 1940's Hitler dick
nohomo ofc
Indeed it is
No, most of us are Big L Libertarians who act like Nazis on Sup Forums
I have no doubt that there are a number of people on here who are genuine Nazis. I think the majority of us are just right wing and enjoy memeing
Not since all the anti-racist pro-jew newfags came here
Can't even have serious discussions here anymore like the other Sup Forums. The IQ of this board has dropped significantly since the election and the_donald came here.
Politically incorrect, the Swastika will always be a part of Sup Forums.
The specifics of a governing policy aren't the point.
Since political correctness is the enemy and cultural Marxism is political correctness, that will fundamentally always be the case.
haha his face looks like GRRM there
Pretty much nailed it, Paco
I'm sure there's a fringe of legit Stormfront types, and a larger group of Nazi larpers, but most people here want nothing to do with socialism of any kind.
Not really
hey shut the fuck up faggot and check these digits
Sup Forums is a peaceful board!
Guys hitler lost and it didn't take long
Because he was an actual meth addicted faggot with a micropenis. A failed sensitive artist.
And Richard Soencer is a numale...
Not since the accident
Hitler was a top cunt and only lefties and fake conservativeswould disagree
Did Sup Forums find this girl because I know her profile
Sup Forums is a racial nationalist board, but it doesn't necessarily follow the tenets of the NSDAP, which was tailor made for early 20th century German society. I personally envision the ideal American society as one simply reverting to its early structure. Sort of a National Libertarianism much like the God Emperor Trump has planned for us
She was interviewed by some msm outlet. Well, she guerilla infiltrated an sjw interview. Don't reveal her identity here. Please
Fuck you're gay
Sup Forums is an open public forum. You'll find cucks and nazis here
Fuck off stormfront faggot
No, its Right wing populist now
I always thought this would look better with a black 4 clover instead.
Sup Forums is the board of peace.
imageboard of peace
>I personally envision the ideal American society as one simply reverting to its early structure. Sort of a National Libertarianism much like the God Emperor Trump has planned for us
>b-b-but g-guys how will i get famous on Sup Forums without my t-t-rip
Sup Forums is what freedom looks like in a weird Japanese board form. Nazism on the other hand is dead. Nice try though, FBI.
Sup Forums is a JEWISH board, for JEWISH values, any NAZI post you see here is ironic, for amusement
not only that
>you'll find people with all sorts of opinions here
>fuck off for having a different opinion
Opinion was not stated faggot
Poster made blanket statement that Sup Forums is a certain type of board
You adhd fat fuck. You need a Der Safen Spacen?
Sup Forums is a pluralist board. It constantly gets hijacked by people who claim they own the place tho
Make a straw poll
Why would we celebrate the father of the state of Israel? Oh wait..I get it
I can speak for myself only.
Hitler did nothing wrong. Gas the kikes, race war now.
You can definitely tell that the election has caused a recent upswing in new posters
$0.02, account, etc
I fear so.
>tfw my fellow white men want to legally plunder me
Feels Batman.
Except be a faggot failed artist who lost quickly
Hahahaha yeah I'm CTR you fuckin nazicuck
yes 1488