Is she a SJW? A cuck? Or is she actually one of "our guys"???
Tell me, what is Donald doing trying to hire a curry nigger Dem in his cabinet?
Is she a SJW? A cuck? Or is she actually one of "our guys"???
Tell me, what is Donald doing trying to hire a curry nigger Dem in his cabinet?
I'd have sexual intercourse with her if you understand me
Trump rewards sexually attractive women. You could be against him politically but if you got an ass and a nice big ole pair he will hire you on the spot.
Not a SJW. She's like Bernie with a backbone.
Iraq War veteran, anti-TPP, hard on the Saudis, doesn't want to overthrow Assad. Very common sense and respectable woman. Would make a good cabinet member.
name one better active democrat
no she's not one of "your guys" but then again neither is Trump
>has ties to modi's hindu nationalist party (hates conservative and radical muslims esp. pakistan)
>has criticised obama for not using the term "radical islam" (hates conservative and radical muslims)
>did two tours of iraq working as a medic in beetween working in state legislature
>strongly against no-fly zone in syria and intervening in syria (opposes globalist neocons tryingto take out assad)
It appears that she is our girl, for certain purposes
Gabbard and Webb are the only two respectable democrats
So Drumpf is degenerate? wtf I hate Donald Drumpf Duck now
what did he mean by this?
>for certain purposes
This. She or Webb () would make a solid Secretary of Defense.
>Is she a SJW? A cuck? Or is she actually one of "our guys"?
Not really any of these, to be honest.
She's an economic lefty who is redpilled on foreign policy.
Is she white (by American standards)?
Mattis for SecDef
Webb for SecNav
Is Bolton still on the table for SecState?
She also hates faggots.
>In 2012, Gabbard opposed the Defense of Marriage Act and a proposed state constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a woman and a man.[121] She has, in the past, opposed both civil unions and same-sex marriage.[20] In 2004 she argued against civil unions, saying "To try to act as if there is a difference between 'civil unions' and same-sex marriage is dishonest, cowardly and extremely disrespectful to the people of Hawaii who have already made overwhelmingly clear our position on this issue...
Maddog Mattis bruh
Poor Rosie
She's fine because she's aligned with him on foreign policy. It's an anti-neocon move, so it's great news.
>Mattis for SecDef
>Is Bolton still on the table for SecState?
No Zioshills in foreign policy or defense positions.
>Electing a brown woman to our white nationalist movement
Fucking bluepilled faggots ruining this board
top lamo
Trump is putting people with competing stances in his administration, so he pleases mainstream Republicans while still being the final arbiter
this is EXACTLY what HITLER did
Trump isn't WN, though.
get lost CNN
Strategic move for 2020 --Trump is premepting the best potential candidate the Dems have by giving her a job.
I'd cream her coconuts if you know what i mean
I'd like if he got selected for a position on the team but I think having him in the DNC is great considering he's trying to fix it. Ideally he'll jump over to another party and help tear apart the DNC to a point it will be unsustainable as a party.
But she isn't Elizabeth Warrens.
GTF back to Africa, nigger
as long as she is put in an appropriate position... keep your enemies close I say
Has Mattis said anything concerning the rumors? As much as I would love him becoming the SecDef, fixing the JCoS and Secretaries in order to tear down all the PC dogshit (seriously I've been to six SAPR briefings this year) I remember that he has said he despises politics. It'd be like putting Patton in a political position. It's not his element. Webb would be a better choice.
Nigga red pilled is red pilled.
She's also an enemy of the second amendment and lines up against the free market
He needs to have some that he can grab by the pussy.
Dems can't win with self-hating white candidates, not if they keep on their current trajectory
This is playing the long game. If she is in the Trump administration she will not be credible against him in 2020.
Having him as SecDef would keep the other generals in line. He wouldn't put up with their bullshit appropriations or war plans. He also wouldn't put up with Trump's shit either.
she is basically the only person in the entire congress who is redpilled on Syria and Assad. She has been debunking jewish lies on Syria for years.
Just Trump knowing about her is a great sign, and when she met Trump it's possible that she redpilled him on Syria.
Trump is known to do this in his own companies, to have people with opposing views work together. He views it as the best way to get the moderate stance.
if Gabbard and Webb cross over Democrats are fucking dead
Trump clearly stated that 2nd won't be attacked during his mandate, and he's against "free market" too
he needs to balance though
he put a lot of neocons as candidates to appease GOP, now he needs other people
>take the reasonable Dems like Tulsi and Jimmy Webb
>force the Dems to move further left by default
12D chess
She's a populist from Hawai'i, she has a lot of 'left wing' positions, but also a lot of common sense ones as well.
She's against any and all aid to rebels in Syria, is a war vet (Major in the national guard), is hindu, hates muslims, believes Islam is responsible for the majority of terror attacks. She endorsed Sanders and resigned from the DNC, opposed the TPP, etc.
Plus she's fit as fuck. Getting populist and sensible democrats (not just neodems/neocons) in his cabinet is an insanely good move by Trump.
Whatever you think of her, she actually put her cunt on the line when she attacked the DNC process.
The enemy of my enemy is my waifu.
>still no word anything for Webb
fuck my life
pretty obvious that this is a move to keep her from running against him at any point, though. Very smart.
>anti neocon
>anti globalist
>the list you posted
She sounds pretty based, pham
I am an officer fag, trust me I know the pain
that plus she isn't a neocon and it's a way to balance his cabinet since the media is pushing all his other choices as white nationalists.
Yes, Tulsi is our girl.
I completely agree with you.
She was touted as a potential democrat presidential candidate for 2020 by some raging lefties I talk to in response to me saying they have no-one left and they bet it all on Hillary.
YOU'RE the blue-pilled faggot, NOT US. Trump is NOT a white nationalist, Trump is an AMERICAN NATIONALIST.
Fuck you collar boys. Seriously I got my dick ripped off by some snot nosed 2nd LT because I missed a Green Dot brief. Fucking stupid.
>she is basically the only person in the entire congress who is redpilled on Syria and Assad
Fuck off, Bernout. The Paul family has been talking about this in Congress for decades. Trey Gowdy has been against military intervention in Syria. Plenty of right wing individuals are on the same side as Trump, and the fact that you think it's only a single leftie against action in Syria is fucking baffling.
>S-she's still our girl even though she's an enemy of the Constitution!
>T-Trump won't let her do anything!
Sure, maybe nothing will happen. But enemies of the Constitution are traitors and have no place in government.
Go back to Stormfront and talk about superior male aryan bodies you closet homosexual.
>strongly against no-fly zone in syria and intervening in syria (opposes globalist neocons tryingto take out assad)
Globalist isn't against Assad. Only neocons. Globalists want stable governments, weak nations and open trade. Assad is good for the Globalists because he makes the region more stable and open to trade.
She stuck her neck out for Bernie and the Clinton backed DNC was going to chop it. I see this pick as a subtle political move, pulling on the threads of anvery loose sweater. The DNC is far more factionalized than the GOP. Getting some Bernie Bros working in the cabinet on crossover positions would deleverage the political left. This is 4 d chess and it's absolutely evil.
>thinks cabinet positions are elected
>calling anybody bluepilled
it's a real world out there and you need to make some compromises
There's several different flavors of "globalists". NeoLiberals will use worldwide financial institutions (WTA, IMF, World Bank) to open borders and increase trade and human capital. NeoConservatives will use military hegemony (currently the US) to do the same. Assad, by siding with Putin, was a threat to Middle Eastern instability designed to open trade.
>all these msm "THE DEMS SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO WEBB" articles
I guess Trudeau forgot to remind Hillary that if you kill your enemies they win
The Constitution is not something our country can make any compromises over.
I'd put my penis in her vagina and then move in a thrusting motion until I reach climax.
If you guys catch my drift.
She's the first female president
>The Constitution is not something our country can make any compromises over.
Except for the 27 times we did.
Yes. Secure bernouts for 2020 and she agrees with Trump on most foreign policy issues.
And to make MSM who called him racist and mysognist to eat their own shit again. Machiavellian.
>Pauls, Gowdy.
I recall them as against military intervention in Syria, and other places, in general. Not redpilled on Assad, per se.
Has Ron/Rand Paul or Trey Gowdy made any pro-Assad or Pro-Iran statements, Mr Sanders?
She's a typical politician that's clinging on to power wherever she can find it. People here think she's hot so of course they're going to treat her with more respect than the people who supported Trump and showed better loyalty from a much earlier time.
Just so we're clear - you're currently implying that you're fine with giving more power to an individual who the NRA gives a 7% on gun rights.
You may be in the wrong place if you're implying this is okay.
Just how disconnected from politics are you? Rand Paul has consistently said that a coalition with Russia to defeat ISIS is the correct action and he's gone on numerous rants in Congress arguing over the fact that Christians live a safer life in Syria under an Assad regime. Go watch his confrontation with John Kerry for proof of this.
He does this while maintaining a 95% rating from the NRA in his protection of the 2nd amendment. Fuck off back to plebbit.
Hey CNN.... what'cha doing?
>white nationalist
fuck off cletus
there a billion plus of them. the hindu thing might be a bad thing since its all about appeasing muslims now and hindus and muslims don't really like each other.
Just so we're clear, the NRA isn't the best it could be, and just because I disagree with someone on one thing, doesn't mean they can't be good in a position which controls the things we do agree on. No one is touching 2A without a constitutional amendment, and that particular one will never pass.
yeah, what are Amendments
dude I'm pro-gun myself, but being stiff puritan doesn't work in real world
in any case Gabbard if chosen is there for her economic and foreign policy positions
Trump is pro-gun and he literally reaffirmed his position after election
calm down
So now you're going back to the whole, "Oh, it'll never happen argument!" right after you tried to rationalize and excuse the watering down of our rights.
Fuck off. Traitors do not belong in the cabinet.
Gabbard's economic policies are nearly as bad as her views on gun ownership.
I want plebbit to leave.
so you disagree with Trump too?
She's not indian. IIRC she's white/samoan.
And for SoS position, it's not appeasing mudslimes. For mudslimes we have Mad Dog.
I can't believe the repect I had for her turned into such hatred
Wait - are you now saying that Gabbard has identical economic policies as Trump?
Let's put this into perspective for a second. The
National Hispanic Leadership Agenda gives Tulsi Gabbard perfect marks on just about all of her positions, including her economic policy. You may remember that group as one of the first group of lobbyists to attack Trump.
Fuck off, plebbit.
It's Tuesday morning, user. Have some coffee and slow the fuck down.
then why is she hindu? her husband is it so she converted?
> woman
> democrat
Absolute not trustworthy! definitively an evil trap !
I don't care if she is for free healthcare or college as long as she stops these wars and hates muslims.
>Not being at least racially conscious.
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
But the CNN Times said he was literally Himmler!
These fucking faggots who can't compartmentalize or understand separation of powers are as bad as the liberals, which makes me think they are them running a concern trol.
And, thankfully, there are plenty of respectable politicians from the Republican party, who are not neoconservatives, who are capable of that without jeopardizing our rights.
>being looked as a candidate for secretary of state, secretary of defense or United Nations ambassador.
What does she bring to the table for any of these roles?
>CNN posts
Media seriously needs to be gased.
Trump must have grabbed her by the pussy, I can't see any other way.
Preventing future competition. See appeasement
It's the exact opposite of the current hugbox administration.
Anti TPP, Anti-isis, anti-saudi and pro kebab removing in general.
Tulsi a cute.
Thank god she lives on an island thousands of miles away from DC or Hillary certainly would have had her killed by now for disobeying the DNC.
What the fuck is this webm
could making her a cabinet member (along with other similar liberals) be Trumps way in repair the Democratic party?
All Indians already know all about Islam.
Also these are the roles she is looked at for:
>being looked as a candidate for secretary of state, secretary of defense or United Nations ambassador.