lol, ofc not.
Lol, ofc not
Obviously I'm talking about first world countries, lad.
U know the answer, then.
I don't even know what you're trying to say with your broken English.
Everybody cries
tears won't get you anywhere, lad
Is your screenshot meant to be for real?
When was the last time you cried?
I found that on Sup Forums some years ago and look at it for a laugh whenever I doubt myself on being a homo. It was real, yes, I believe so
when my drunken father confronted me about being a worthless failure
Oh no, did you come to physical blows?
Not unless there's a really, really good reason to.
wew lad, if the west ever goes to war again they're all dead men.
'Speak up'
>Comments disabled
>Crying men
>Perfect embodiment of our country.
What age were you taught not to cry?
I cried because everything he said was completely true, and I regret putting off thinking about the future and fucking around for too long
In extremely weak situations, out of fucking food for over 24 hours, drug withdrawal, been awake for days or something like that. Basically when your nerves have been shattered. Suffered few nervous breakdowns.
Now that been sober for months, exercise and eat solid foods and get a good night´s sleep it would take really good effort to make me cry.
Not at a specific age, I just got called a pussy and got beaten by everyone when i cried so i stopped eventually.
It's pathetic.
Unless you are a woman, tears will never help you.
It's alright to cry as a man, we cry so we can move past that pain and not have to react to it again, processing it better. A man crying over something tragic or painful is not the same thing as a man wailing over something it is not worth attention.
>Man up campaign
First never let any cunt tell you how to be or what is a man. It's usually women who do this shit. What the fuck do they know.
A man should define what it is to be man himself.
If some cunt wants to cry whatever. Am I going to think he is a pussy, fuck yeah.
Personally I'm never going to cry socially.
Will I cry? Maybe I don't know what is going to come up in my life. I've never been pushed to breaking point nor have I held my first born son in my arms for the first time.
Have I cried, yeah when I was a kid and got a boo boo on my knee or whatever.
Would you ever tell your mates you've been feeling down lately?
No I wouldn't. I have shit times and I have good times just like everybody else. For me part of being a man is just dealing with that and doing what needs to be done and moving on.
Should other guys do it, if they feel like it sure but I've always just dealt with shit.
What are you a poofter?
Dont fucking bring that shit up, you are a wet blanket and noone will want to be near your sorry pathetic ass
>Australia is trying to pussify the world
is there a limit to your shitposting?
Burger, if we do any pussy shit its thanks to your liberal fucks. If you could keep them in line we wouldn't have this fucking problem.
Men crying is ok... only if it's in bed ;p
Not in those terms. I probably wouldn't bring it up in general.
Do you ever hug your mates?
nice bait
Brits are so uptight it's not socially acceptable for women or children to cry, hell you get shitty looks if your baby cries, if a man cries at any time might as well hang yourself for making others uncomfortable, the greatest dishonor.
Oh shit, that is fucked up.
>doing a project for school
>a chick
Which one are you?
Which one do you think I am?
brits are extremely mentally unstable
Crying serves as both an outlet for emotional pain, and an effective social tool for gaining attention and sympathy.
The former is an essential psychological mechanism that helps us process and ultimately overcome loss and trauma. The latter is an easily exploitable and quintessentially 'pathetic' form of manipulation that individuals with little direct power use to get what they want.
For this reason, men are not encouraged not to cry in front of other people. It's potentially manipulative and makes those witnessing it feel uncomfortable/distressed, or even guilty/shamed.
Well you seem to have had little to no contact with men, so maybe single mother child or a girl.
So you're shitposting.
>I cry from my balls
Female shitposter.
Well have I got the solution for you. I met an Aussie from Boronia in London we fucked around until I got to 27.
Then we moved to Perth I took up scaffolding and swung a six figure hammer. She also got a job in the mines and BHP paid for her Uni.
Go West cunt and fuck around Perth till you land a mining gig.
I now flip houses back in Canada no shit. I scaffolded all over the Pilbura and the Canadian arctic for six figures.
Iv'e only cried once when I was about to kill myself
Doesn't most emotion stem from oestrogen anyway?
I'll take the bait. I give my friends a hug.
Everyone has bad times. Perhaps if the drought ridden farmers in Australia would reach out for support they wouldn't kill themselves so often during those tough times.
We also look out for each other in the mines. It can be hard being away so long.
Often we just drink though.
It's fine to cry or tear up, it shows passion
>written and authorized by yur mum
>Comments disabled