Say something nice about each other.
Friendly Sup Forums thread
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Got a lot of Mexibros irl. I'm going to really miss some of them. But rules is rules.
Also, best weather ladies.
Say something kind about me
Sup Forums has the best cunts
Sup Forums has the best shitposters.
Sup Forums has the chubbiest posters.
You're not as big of a failure as you and others keep telling yourself.
>ID= B8
Nice digits, Ameribro.
Nice digits
Awoo is fucking cancer you Mexican piece of shit
At least you're not canadian.
I'll build the wall famm
Board is divided. They finally did it, those fuckers.
Some of my mexican friends have been some of my favorite friends. Yes they are legal.
Despite how awful AGP tranny hons are, I'm happy to have met a lot of good hearted transgirls.
I really want to visit Japan, Thailand and Finland some day.
I lust over the looks of russian women and french men.
No it's not and you're being an evil cunt.
Tacos are top
You elected Trump
Big bro
Hitler did nothing wrong
I just want to thank all of you for making this timeline the one where Trump won, I can't wait for our nations becoming friends again
Can I please get some compliments now
>tfw you can't say anything good about the French
You have a nice tower
Flight of the Concords was funny
you make tasty bread
Your women are into anal.
You did the right thing when Hitler stopped by.
Cute flag...
We are moral.
Thank God
France is more beautiful than Germany.
I love the french careless, passionate attitude to life, I think it's a nice thing to have, compared to the stressful, gloomy eastern european outlook of life.
You guys can say something about Estonia. Mostly heard negative stuff in the last weeks on Sup Forums about Estonia.
Never met a Rusky I didn't like. You guys are all cool in my book and I too can't wait for our great nations to be friends!!
I'm glad our two countries could get together. I'm also glad Trump won.
I find Cambodian women attractive
Read my post.
I fucked my french teacher when I was 17.
[spoiler]she was really sweet[/spoiler]
you and your neighbor export tasty sheep
I'm glad we won't be committing nuclear holocaust with you, Ivan.
I don't know you, but I'd bet money that you're a lot more worthwhile than you think you are. I'm not about to vomit cliches about how special you are, but unironically (((be yourself))). It's a meaningless tautology, but if you ever manage it, you'll know what I meant.
Better than Dubai
At least you're not Canadian.
I'm hyped to be friends with you, Ivan. Shillary and the DNC spouting cold war mccarthyism was retarded and no one bought it.
You're rich
Germany is more beautiful than Syria.
Yep i can't
Statistically speaking, you aren't the worst or the best and you have plenty room to grow. In order to grow, in a human society, you must be willing to engage people and understand people so you can understand yourself. "Wisdom" comes with practice.
I lik spein
I like your Taco Bell! Thanks for that.
Never forgetti.
I seriously can't believe this happened. Fucking amazing the whole way.
Go to bed Jacob
I really like your muscle cars.
I like Foreign Legion
All of you glorious faggots (besides my family) are one of the reasons on how I can cope with this terrible dystopian modern society and not blow my brains out.
You have tasty burrito
I love you all. You've completely replaced my social life and genuinely consider you my friends. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Tell me about Sbain! Why does it wear the Basque!
You're O.K Mehibro, I like your hats and your food. Now these lardass burgers on the other hand...
Same here
My friends stopped calling me to go hang out with them after i supported the wrong candidate for mayor so i just shitpost here all day or drink by myself
At least my candidate won
I like your women .
I digress Sir.
I am firmly heterosexual and humbleness is the honey of our hive.
Hi Brazilnon, I hope your day is nice, and have a comfy sleep.
Sometimes, when I get bored/upset, I imagine Sup Forums hanging around together, kinda like irl threads
One can only hope
And also there is always that one drunk canadian guy who yells stupid shit about everything and who everyone likes to hate
Vegemite is as nice as marmite
I like watching Russian car crashes on YouTube
I like your flag. Pure and white
we used to get viva polska on tv in 2000. nice songs, introduced to rammstein and other bands
Shitposting forever it is, you guys have made me laugh more than anything has ever done, the leaf & gercucks, the burgers, swedistans, all of you marvelous fuckers. 10/10 would drink a beer with you cucks.
Your flag is beautiful, you are not irrelevant and if the finns love you, so do i.
Thx for the Winged Hussars Charge at Vienna.
Do you love me, Sup Forums? I really love you.
Jews did it
Israel has some of the best banter to find here. Hands down.
yey! Moroccobro on Sup Forums?
i love what you do to arabs , you treat them like shit .
i like Isreal , and i wish to visit it one day , really ,i do !
hhhhhhhh , maskhouttt
Albo immigrants I've met aren't that bad
I really like your food desu.
let's sandnigger this thread
At least you both stay in your countries. Your people need to get out of my wall though.
Do not come here.
>cant find anything nice to say about Sweden
your leftist goverments fail you, stop pandering to sjwic policies and you'll get what you want
Please be friendly ITT
i like how you invaded Iraq ! i'll like you more when you invade Saudi Arabia .
Please nuke them already .
plus you only get the non educated trash, that's on you, the only time EU toughens immigration policies, the educated lot is the one that suffers the consequences, not dindus jumping the wall
You're our greatest ally
O snap, whats up Moroccobro?
>He doesn't appreciate the 6.5x55 round
One of the few good things Sweden did
Of course, that makes me more angry.
I have a fetish for hummus. Shit taste good.
This is now a /basedafrican/ thread
You're cool people.
Minä rakastan teitä kaikkia!
Then send soldiers to fight in our wars and stop fucking spying on us and selling our tech to China.
Fucking behave Israel.
Great Power by 2040. Make it happend.
Silly Eesti never getting enough of it. You know you're the most loved.
Israelites are nice I guess. It's just hard to detect good jews from bad, and we rather treat all jews bad because our civilization got in ''slight'' trouble for trusting the wrong jews...
You are possibly the white man's greatest ally or greatest enemy. I don't know. Tell me about Jared, is a he a ''good jew''? Is there internal power struggles?
kek, not anymore, you aren't ;)
just glad japanese moot removed ban from our IP range
You have a very nice, well defined, sculpted set of doubles, and are, dare I say it, quite a handsome chap.