Don't ever swim near fish!!! some fish are deadly!!!
There are fish with toxic spikes and there are even sharks swimming there in the see, if you will swim near fish, you will get eaten alive and poisoned by toxic fish.
Don't ever swim near fish!!! some fish are deadly!!!
There are fish with toxic spikes and there are even sharks swimming there in the see, if you will swim near fish, you will get eaten alive and poisoned by toxic fish.
There are fish with toxic spikes and there are even sharks swimming there in the sea, if you will swim near fish, you will get eaten alive and poisoned by toxic fish.
I stay out of any body of water, lakes, oceans etc specifically because of all the dangerous fish and shit in them.
If there's one thing I can say it's that I won't die by shark attack or humboldt squid attacks.
How's that wall? Keeping them outsiders out?
Did you hear about the fish that went on a suicide mission in afganistan killing about 100? Yea the fish wore an explosive vest. Blew itself up in a market.
He was trained by other fish to be a jihad.
Fuck off kike
How is it sucking daddy USA tit for money?
We need to send more BLM over to culturally enrich them.
>this retarded analogy
even a caricature kike wouldn't say something like this, man
More people in the US die from drowning than from terror attacks.
I would say it's a good analogy
Well, you can see the toxic spikes on a fish, so you would avoid it. To Sup Forums Islam or African descent is those toxic spikes.
Other people will ignore the spikes, they'll refuse to see them even when confronted with it. When a fish with toxic spikes stings them they'll #NotAllFishSpikes. When a thousand people are killed in a toxic fish-spike attack they'll say that it's only because we call them toxic spikes, that they sting us and poison us, not because they're actually toxic.
You miss the point of the analogy user.
Most muslims and africans are peaceful people, ESPICIALLY in western countries. they are like regular fish.
But then, there are some radical muslims and criminal africans, but they are really a tiny minority, they are the ones who like the sharks and spiked fish.
It's retarded to avoid all fish just because there are sharks in the sea
>you're more likely to die from X than Y, so you should actively increase your chances of dying from Y
ITT; retards fall for bad bait
Sage in all fields.
Your bait is awful. I don't think you even tried at all. You shame your flag.
Are you calling it a "bait" because my argument actually makes sense and challenges your flawed world view?
Jet fuel
post touhous
>the salmon kills itself every year after swimming against the current.
>no matter how much another fish wants to be a salmon, it cannot.
all a muslim needs is a suicide vest to be radical
more people die from cancer and car accidents than drowning, but we still acknowledge that drowning is dangerous. Besides, we all know how your country handles africans and muslims, so it seems Sup Forums was right about them after all.
Google, "hyperbole". Fucking Jew nigger. For all the LARPing on here there are ideas expressed here that ring true
You miss the point of the analogy user.
Most muslims and africans are peaceful people, ESPECIALLY in Israel. they are like regular fish. But then, there are some radical muslims and criminal africans, but they are really a tiny minority, they are the ones who like the sharks and spiked fish.
It's retarded to avoid all fish just because there are sharks in the sea.
And so you need to disband the IDF right now and embrace your peaceful Palestinian neighbors you hypocrite.
I live in a country where about one out of six people is muslim.
I had muslims in my school
My dad has a shit ton of muslims in his work
Most of them are legitimately peaceful people
I think you missed my second sentence, where I said "To Sup Forums Islam or African descent is those toxic spikes."
Your entire analogy already falls apart from the get-go by claiming that there is a noticable difference between radicals/criminals and regulars prior to anything bad happening. There isn't, until it's already too late. Unlike fish, where you can see the spikes, you can't do that with humans. We can see the spikes on fish, but can't see the radical/criminal until they've done something we consider radical/criminal.
In humans you can only see the spikes once someone's been stung already, which makes it nigh impossible to prevent the radicals/criminals from doing these things, other than removing the fish entirely.
Now imagine spiked fish having a warning colour, like bees, wasps and hornets.
The fish with the spikes are indistinguishable from the non-spiked fish, they all have the same Islamic/African warning colours.
Imagine an entire swarm of fish of the same warning colour coming towards you, and you can't distinguish the spiked fish from the non-spiked fish, would you just wait until they've surrounded you to see which fish are spiked or would you swim as far away as you could?
The holocaust didn't happen but it should have
So why exactly should we risk our lives letting those people in?
Its a risk that could be avoided simply by not letting them in.
One out of six people in my country is muslim, and im taking about israeli citizens, not palestinians. the vast majority of them are peaceful
Why would you risk your life by swimming near fish?
Despite what you see the majority of Sup Forumslacks would treat everybody with the same kindness they show in return. Don't Cherry pick the militant Stormfags shitposts and cry about their propaganda.
You would be hard pressed to find most people around here disagreeing with the ten commandments despite their religious background.
Alright so bulldoze the border wall on the Egypt border and allow some more diversity into your country! How about that?
>Why would you risk your life by swimming near fish?
Isn't your country an apartheid state specifically for this reason?
Also, even the ones who aren't violent criminals are undermining the cultures of western nations and replacing them with their Iron Age barbarism.
>israeli citizens
>not palestinians
There you go again treating them like sharks and spiked fish for no good reason. I think you're right, these muslims are pretty ok guys, I think they are just trying to protect themselves from toxic israeli spiked fish
I see anti-antisemitism in every single thread i started in Sup Forums which got more than 20 replies
Not all muslims in the area are israeli citizens user.
The west bank and gaza are not israeli citizens, but israeli arabs ARE citizens of israel, and they make 1/6 of the citizens in israel
Jews did it
Hitler is just a social construct
I know that but they are still your neighbors living within your country, why are you treating them and the ethiopian jews so poorly if they are generally good peaceful people? It is bigoted to only treat citizens with dignity and not the others.
well yeah you probably shouldn't interact with wildlife that you don't know if it's dangerous or not
Congratulations you've been memed.
You seem underage and quick to judge. I have been called a faggot, Brown loving shill cunt alot of times. But I see no reason to take it personally, on the internet of all places.
To grasp where I'm coming from you would have to understand Sup Forums and specifically board culture.
I agree but they need to stay in their own countries
Muslims and Jews lived together peacefully until the UN can and carved out Israel from Muslim lands after WW2. Then they started blowing themselves up. It's all your fault chaim
Why the fuck do you assume i treat them poorly?
I treat them like they should be treated, which is treating them like human beings
You do realize that if the human species lived under wated what you just said would be a completely reasonable argument, right?
Fuck off kike.
Israeli muslims do actually stay in their own country.
They were born here
If you love muslims so much, open your borders to them. We have plenty that you can take in.
Blanket generalisations are usually a sign that the conversation will end in an infinite loop or a supreme shitposting war
Yeah my point is that Israel got conquered by the Arab empire and didn't exist as a state until recently. The relationships between Jews and Muslims in that region for fine for like 1000 years. The Palestinians only started blowing themselves up AFTER NATO came in and carved out the state of Israel using forced eminent domain. They never hated you until you guys used NATO to make Israel. It's your fault
First of all, let me make something clear:
I'm anti-theist, i think all religions are terrible. but most religious people are peaceful, and they believe in their religious ideology because they were brainwashed since childhood to believe in it. they are not bad people, and most of them are peaceful.
Now, about open-borders:
Open borders work when the people of both countries love each other and have a great relationship with each other. that's why there is an open border between New York and PA for example.
It does not work in the case of israel where there are severe tensions between the populations of the two countries
I'd say that the Islamic state consider themselves pretty religious considering they are fighting a "holy war"
Fuck off, we have our own goyim now. You aren't special anymore.
And more people die from drowning than shark attacks. That does not mean that shark attacks do not happen or that you should not exercise caution when dealing with sharks.
Even a small amount of Jihadis in our midst is enough to have a profound effect on society and culture.
Look at what happened in Denmark when someone drew a cartoon of Muhammad. The 'moderates' didn't blow anything up but they caused a shitstorm entirely unbecoming of a western nation which values freedom of expression.
Look at France, where media outlets are afraid to publish 'offensive' cartoons because they don't want to end up like Charlie Hebdo.
Hell, we even have this in America, where shows like South Park can make fun of Jesus and Christianity if they want, but are censored by their networks if they make fun of Muhammad because of fear of violent backlash like what has happened many times before.
People in Western nations should not be afraid to express themselves.
If you look at what a huge portion of so-called 'moderate' Muslims believe, importing them en made spells a disaster scenario for any modern country with western values.
They are doing things that are literally written in the koran.
It's kinda like if a bunch of Christians started killing people by stoning them to death (which is a very popular way to punish people in the bible.)
WTF? Did they only send the retarded jews to live back in israel?
Are you aware many muslims right now live in shariah law countries?
The research you posted is about muslims in muslim countries, not muslims in western countries
It's more like 'who don't you want these spiky fish in your pig farm?'
>wahhhhhh you shouldn't be wary of refugees that have a high chance to damage your culture and livelihood
>don't mind me I'm just sitting behind my gigantic walls to separate me from those same animals
Kill yourself.
And this is how EVERY SINGLE LIBERAL EVER sounds like when talking about muslims:
Why won't you bathe in this piranha-infested pond? What, do you hate fish or something? It's only a minority of piranhas that will ever bite something, you know. STOP HATING FISH YOU NAZI. Surely that one piranha bit off my left big toe the other day BUT IT WAS AN ISOLATED INCIDENT MOST PIRANHAS ARE NICE PEOPLE IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR OPRESSING THEM. We should put some piranhas in our bathtubs to bolster diversity, well, in your bathtub mostly, mine is too high class piranhas wouldn't feel comfortable.
fish dont hijack submarines. and if there were venomous fish in a certain zone you can bet your ass i woulndt swim there
Nice try Abdullah. How are you getting internet that Palestinian refugee camp.
>Israel talks about the acceptance of muslims
This is getting old now
You completely miss the point of my post.
The fact some fish are piranhas, doesn't mean most, fish are piranhas.
The fact some muslims are violent, doesn't mean most muslims are violent
You know what the fucking problem is schlomo? It's European white Jews who demanded their own state and used force to take it. The sumeric jews (who look just like other Palestinians) had been living their alongside Muslims peacefully for hundreds of years. Then when the European Jews decided they wanted to LARP as biblical Israelites and use America / Britain to take back their state (that hadn't existed in 1000 years) the problems and the wars and the attacks started happening. And you wonder why they fucking hate you?
I voted against netanyahu in the last elections
If I don't want to swim in the Amazon river because of piranhas, I'm not shamed by everyone else and treated like I said ALL fish will kill and eat people.
If I don't want to live in an the ghettos of Detroit because of black criminals, I AM shamed by everyone else and treated like I aid ALL black people will rob and rape people.
Fuck off.
And also this:
> user A: I like fish.
> user B: FUCKING KEK!!! I hope you get eaten by a fucking shark. TRAITOR!
Terror attacks are rare in your country.
You can go to a muslim party and you are doing to be pretty fucking safe there.
Your paranoia is retarded
>New York and PA for example.
And I lot of us in Pennsylvania wish there wasn't.
Leftie scum, Ahmed shill AND a traitor. Pah.
Utterly stupid analogy.
Tell me, where exactly did I mention terrorism? But I digress.
>Terror attacks are rare in your country.
So why would you want to increase the occurrence of them by bringing in more Muslims? No thanks.
>You can go to a muslim party and you are doing to be pretty fucking safe there.
Actually, I more than likely wouldn't be allowed to go to a "Muslim party" as I'm not a Muslim. They are not an over-welcoming people.
>Your paranoia is retarded
We have way fewer Muslims, and we have way fewer terrorist attacks. You have a shit ton of them, and your busses are routinely bombed.
My buddy got bit in the foot by a Muskie in a freshwater lake and had to get 60 stitches. Fish are dangerous, especially in Africa.
Here let me explain yid. We say "there are many fist. Some are sharks. Sharks statistically have a higher percentage of eating you than say, a sunfish. Much higher. It is therefore wise to steer clear of sharks and instead keep the company of sunfish."
Australia knows a thing or two about shitposting
NY and PA are the same country, you should have referenced how before 9/11 USA and Canada had an open border.
Let me guess ... you refused to enroll the idf as well..
This needs to stop
Muskie are like a fresh water barracuda. Gnarly teeth, old school farmers used to fish with kittens for bait when the barn cats had a litter.
Not all Muslims are bad. Just most. Choose with care who you swim with.
Hey Jew, I know its in your nature to conflate issues but tell me this. If people are having a conversation about high criminality within the black community or religious zealotry in the muslim community why do we have to bring up the non problem with in the conversation?
Should we put a #Notall before ever sentence? Are you that childlike in mind?
If there are 3 types of fish in a pond with the following population rations:
Type A - 63%
Type B - 17%
Type C -12%
If Type C fish are responsible for 50% of fatalities and the majority of attacks in general.
They are also much dumber than the other fish, eat more food and are more likely to destroy parts the formerly prestine pond. It also requires more caretakers and resources to keep them under control and healthy.
Logic dictates that by removing Type C fish (only 12%) from your pond, you will cut fatalities and attacks by more than 50%, you will have much more food to spare and reduced maintanance costs.
It's the correct analogy
I stopped reading after you called me a jew.
I'm atheist.
An anti-theist,in fact
Shark attacks are rare too, but divers still exercise caution when swimming with them. In fact, in the caribbean you cannot legally feed reef sharks anymore, partly for environmental purposes, but also because attacks by them occur most when divers feed them. Great Whites don't go on rampages like in the film jaws, but divers still secure themselves in cages just in case Ol' daggermouth decides to get bitey.
Why don't yo you let them all Int your country then shekelchaim?
here's what I say when talking about Jews
Throw them all into the fire.
this guy gets it
>An anti-theist,in fact