A truly effective weapon of the Jew.
Other urls found in this thread:
That is nothing
Do people unironically listen to this
It fucking has 50 million views, every single video them.
How the fuck do Jews manage to brainwash people into liking it, is a real mystery.
Dont do meth.
And why the fuck does that god-ugly girl always posing herself as something sexy?
Literally worse than niggers.
I am seriously confused, that shit sounds worse than Russian rap.
How the fuck do Jews manage to brainwash people into liking it
"Cool" white guy+ "deep" lyrics+ "hip" rap beat I guess
That's what is sexy about her.
>photo from a concert
What the fuck
I mean I'd still fuck her, but that's not how a music concert should look like
She is around 5/10, definitely not god ugly
Yes. Most of people who listen to them are some kind of wiggers or edgy hi-school/college libtards who think this kind of music is (f)art.
Concerts have looked like this since the 60s you literal autist.
Yolandi here. AMA.
>"Good evening."
>Plays only covers to Normie's and first album shit
He would have been on pol
Most people I know who listen to them are just druggos, most are into the sense of humor and laugh at the pretentious vibe that oozes through whatever they put out.
Well since this is considered nowadays as sexy, it doesn't surprise me anything anymore.
I would beat my children if i heard this coming from the room
Are you faggots even trying? Here's my boy Azis hailing from some slavic shithole.
Dude, Die Antwoord are Boers, and they are the best thing in rap music today. They totally BTFO of black people in their own genre. Despite the degeneracy I would give them a pass because their music videos are basically kino.
Thats by far not their most degenerate music video
Ever since youtube removed the function of listing the top most viewed video. I firmly believe the views on the videos are fabricated. If there still was such a list the only videos on it would be corporate music videos.
The fuck is wrong with you ppl?
can I have sex with you? you have to drive and meet me though
For real?
OK, do you think white people have a future in South Africa?
He's just a faggot gypsy with shitty tchalga music, nothing degenerate here, besides only retards listen to his music
You are fucking retarded.
Die antwoord are fucking redpilled as fuck.
Bulgaria of course, niggers of the slavs
You know the rules, going to need tits and a timestamp.
This isn't even degeneracy, just straight-up autism.
I used to think they were just another musical group, but they've been working closely with anti-Western hack Neil Blomkamp. That's the biggest nail in the coffin, as far as I'm concerned. They wouldn't be the first edgytard musical group, but they are quite unique in their close cooperation with the degenerate messages Blomkamp keeps pumping out.
Given his subsequent work, it's a miracle District 9 turned out as good as it did. Quite ironic, too, that the world's first big SA director would be such a good example of Mandela Syndrome.
video aside, die antwoord is the fucking worst music i've ever heard..
>nothing degenerate here
Jesus fucking christ I didn't realize thing were so bad in Bulgaria.
The male in the group has been doing this for quite a bit before die antelopes was a thing, and he's been a try hard the whole time. I Remember listening to a wannabe Arthouse hip hop/electronica album he did in the early 2000s that managed to be far less edge lord than what they do now.
If the europeans who colonized south africa were shown this they'd do a much better job im sure. Probably would just genocide all the niggers.
No, OP you have it wrong man, watch some of Yolandi & Ninja's interviews, in one of them he says that there is racism against whites.
You guys also have to remember that this is PARODY ARTWORK. They are extremely intelligent people, Watkins Tudor Jones was at the top of his class and Anri Du Tois was a film maker before this.
They were a band called The Constructus Corporation before this, and a band called Max Normal before that.
RESEARCH into things before you just call degeneracy. They talk shit about hipsters too, and wrote a song about Lady Gaga's pussy being diseased.
Is wat ek gese above recht? Ook, in 2017 jy en Waddy nie speel meer nie?
What happens when whites live in a black majority for 500 please Alex.
Dude, she is married to Ninja, jy fokken poes.
If you fucking idiots took 5 seconds to look into what you were talking about you wouldn't be saying this shit.
A song about Niggers raping kids? You have a problem with people thinking niggers are rapists? Just cuck my shit up senpai
If only Austria wasn't such a shit show come ww1. Could have erased the fuck fest of romania and bulgaria from existence.
In 100% of the cases they form the developed upper crust of society, actually.
>They are extremely intelligent people
Yeah, I just don't see it. To my eyes and ears, it's like 14-year-olds trying to be edgy and failing spectacularly, only making idiots of themselves.
Fair enough but could they present the message without degrading themselves and all of white south africa. Mentally stable people could then listen too.
Fucking Dutch fags
>no fun allowed
Dit is ware. Hulle is die Jood nou.
true but it's not without casualties as we can see here
time to kill myself after watching that abomination.
You're really concerned with their artistic direction, here, user.
Did Chris Chan direct these music videos?
They are so autistic I almost burst laughing.
The casualties have, thusfar, been the result of Marxist skullduggery. Leftism is the only political ideology that preaches a narrative where countries with a white minority are seen as "birthright" countries where the original inhabitants are considered to have a legitimate claim, while white majority countries are seen as "melting pot" countries that are free to be settled by anyone who wishes.
Leftism is anti-white, and it's anti-white everywhere. And whether it's fighting against Apartheid, or bitching about the colour of paint people put on their faces in the Netherlands, that is the one red thread: White people need to be attacked, anywhere, for any reason, in any way.
See the concern about violence melt away in leftists the moment they realize the victims are white. It's not really a racial issue. It never was. It's an ideological issue.
you say artistic direction; I say pissing yourself and getting spanked by a nigger
Fair enough but I assure you that you have 100% fallen for the master troll that Ninja has created. I was always a fan but when I actually started to do the whole "behind the scenes," thing, I realized that is not who they really are.
They even troll real news reporters. These people speak perfect British English, and perfect Afrikaans, as well as Xhosa, etc.
If you really care, watch this: youtube.com
Totally fucks with the reporter. HE IS TROLLING
I'm pretty sure he talks about racism to whites in this one:
He also talks about hating hipsters in the first one.
It's 3 mins long and gives you more insight.
Or it makes white people look cool instead of monkeys.
she has top tier footpussy tho.
You are right. Die Antwoord are very clever trolls. Same level as Mozart, masonic/occult overtones included (see pitbull terrier)
I thought Brits were supposed to be more cultured and intellectually minded than Americans?
saving this thread
kek wills it
Leftism has drifted from its original intent then according to you. The progressive liberal movements have an inherent anti-white sentiment but if your going by true leftist meaning if that was applied to south africa now it should favour the whites but it doesnt. I completely agree with you but maybe we should label them different from leftists. Which I hate also. Nazi here.
>rap about dystopian corporate future
>make no money
>make rave-rap pandering to the lowest common denominator
>get big
>still deliver the same message
That's pretty intelligent, considering how the whole act is the message. It's about how rap and urban culture is a giant inbred shitshow praising sex and violence, where women are infantilized and drug use is praiseworthy. The act shows how fake mainstream pop is while the lyrics shit on it. They play at being pseudointellectual "artists" while pushing a DIY ethic free of material culture.
They're massive trolls, like SSS platinum moot level trolls. And it made them rich.
What the fuck did I just watch. I need to show my sibling this so she can understand the Jew better. Thank you.
Oh come on. "Irony" and "satire" is often used as a trick to freely act like degenerate shithead.
stop trying to defend your degenerate tastes. Accept that you lack the neurons to ever enjoy real music.
Not worth the effort typing that, best you're going to get from this crowd is "well, i still don't like it"
Sup Forums would rather complain about something they don't understand, with absolutely no idea of what they'd even do differently.
Not really a fan, just not autistic enough to play edge lord like you are here.
What is "real music" anyways, do you play it on a guitar?
It's not even the supposed "degeneracy" that's shitty about them. If you have a message and want to spread it, make sure you're not doing it in such a severely autistic manner that only a handful of your most hardcore fans understand it or even care about it.
This would make a great house remix.
They are performance artists. The way they are presenting themselves are not actually who they are.
These guys used to get booed off stage all the time before they made it big in USA so obviously now all the scene queens love them all of a sudden.
Fuck em
Oh look its Max Normal, what happened to the degenerate Ninja?
What would you do differently?
I've never heard anyone call heavy handed, painfully obvious symbolism "autistic" before.
Bro, she is straight up ayye lmao status.
Let's be real here most of the people here would fuck her though.
fuck that, hairy pussy is a no go
These fucking guys get it. Thank god.
Here is Waddy using his normal voice:
This is someone who has a classical education in far Eastern literature and Buddism. He talks about it alllll the fucking time in his songs.
This is literally gayer than watching gay porn.
>Let's be real here most of the people here would fuck her though.
You must be one desperate autistic brony-type of fellow, if you want to fuck something freakishly ugly like this.
How the fuck did I miss this photo. Thank you, based, based Ivan. I'll raise you a Clinton if you don't already have it.
Die Antwoord is literally anti-commerical music completely produced by the artists. Don't forget to pay your TV license to get cucked by BBC, literally.
That's Rick Flair to you, doos.
I would do anything to get up in those sugar walls.
Canada, worst Anglosphere.
Every ideology drifts naturally. Most oldschool communists would have been fantastically racist, like Che. Our own socialist party used to be against immigration because they saw it as a way for capitalists to artificially drive down wages. They were shamed into accepting it, and now shill for it full force, completely buying into neo-Marxism.
I don't believe, however, that Marxism was honest from the start. For instance, the way it agitates against religion does not seem to be honest. Even early Marxism sought to usurp the power of the church, not end it. It's pretty evident in my country: The South is traditionally Catholic, and traditionally full of the poorer labourer classes, and they used to vote for Catholic parties. Their vote was gradually overtaken by Marxists, to the point of their regions now being "traditionally" socialist.
A true leftist, as far as I'm concerned, is the leftist with the most power. And those are stunningly anti-white, these days.
Everyone says that. You'll be fapping to her in the next week or so.
Take a step back from the computer and think about this.
You are calling me edgy because I think pissing yourself is pushing the artistic envelope too far.
>not really a fan
so you listen to it then, filthy reprobate
Real Music, here's the definition
>vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion
note the word beauty,
so that excludes tsim fuckis larping while some trap squeals and pisses himself in the background
Get out of that Tony Gonzalez jersey!
I dont pay my license you fat burger.
keep beating your corn dog to a trap though
>anti-Western hack Neil Blomkamp
>Blomkamp’s 2009 Best Picture-nominated District 9, in which the black residents of his native Johannesburg demand that their black-run government clear out millions of feckless illegal space aliens, was universally praised by American critics as an apartheid allegory. Yet Blomkamp has relentlessly insisted in interviews that it’s really about “the collapse of Zimbabwe and the flood of illegal immigrants into South Africa, and then how you have impoverished black South Africans in conflict with the immigrants.”
>Similarly, Elysium is another Malthusian tale about open borders, set in a dystopian 2154. By then, Los Angeles has been completely overrun by Mexicans, who have turned it into an endless, dusty slum that looks remarkably like urban Mexico today. (Blomkamp filmed for four months in Mexico City.)
It's not the most unbiased source but Blomkamp either makes shallow, left wing fluff or (as suggested by working with Die Antwoord) puts deeper political messages in his movies that are easy to miss.
Considering his background and where he's from, I doubt he's a muh fee-fees leftist American cuck about Africans.
I have listened to them before, yeah, I said that in the thread, autismo
What defines beauty in arrangement? Are there chord progressions you look for? When you're writing your own music, what do you draw on to achieve this standard of beauty? Is there beauty in expressing ugly emotions? Is there harmony in disharmony? Is there humor in scatology?
Aye just look at all the jewish influence it's had, thats enough for me to not trust it.
A trap who had a child? Good one Bong, you probably dish out epic bantz at the local Madrassa!
I just want to fuck yolandi for the novelty of it. Also where I am pure I have weird, strong attractions to degenerate beings.
wow this was shit music
lol @ op for listening to this gay shit
Dont know but Jolandi makes me rockhard.
W-what the fuck am I looking at?
They are not married mate.
They got a child but stopped fucking etc to be "artistic partners"
At least that what they say.
I'd fuck her, but then bash her skull in with a pipe.
you lost me there you filthy fuck
so you got lost on the way to explaining your own beliefs and expectations?
The U.K. has come a long way, indeed.
why don't you take a look at some good music, k
had a vindaloo the other day lad, apart from their hygiene issues pajeets are nice fellas.
but someone with an obsession for this monstrosity cant be all there.
shine on you crazy diamond
More Yolandi pls.
I don't overanalyze everything and use (((labels)))
I know beauty in music when I hear it.
You cannot top what came out of the classical period. and i like playing simons and jewfunkel on the guitar truly beautiful.
use your humanity to find what music you like, feel it.
and I guarantee you it wont be this