When Assad and Russia are the good guys and just trying to prevent America from destabilizing even more countries for Israel to take over in the future while also saving their own asses...
...why are they bombing hospitals and schools in Aleppo, exactly?
Those are not contradictory. FSA and ISIS set up in hospitals and schools, murder thousands of people, cut kids' heads off, set antiaircraft guns up in them. Think they're invincible. So the Russians blow them up.
What ought they to do? Just let ISIS leapfrog across the country one hospital at a time? Civil War is messy. If you're mad about it, see to it that Hillary Clinton is executed with a shovel in the Hague. It's her fault.
Joshua Long
you must be underage b&
the terrorists and 'islamic freedom fighters' or whatever they want to be called this week always use innocent civilians as human shields. so they'll set up bases and ammo depots in hospitals, mosques, schools, etc. to deter aggression.
luckily we've wisened up to that since iraq and now no place is off limits for bombs - especially for a country like russia
Jaxon Ortiz
>see to it that Hillary Clinton is executed with a shovel in the Hague. It's her fault. How the fuck is it her fault?
Owen Cruz
Are you never watching TV? They are bombing children. It was just on CNN one hour ago.
This has to stop.
Connor Gray
The reports of the attacks on the hospitals are provided by persons who to a greater or lesser extent operate under Jihadi control. In northeast Syria that essentially means Al-Qaeda control.
This does not in itself mean that bombing of hospitals never takes place. However, what it does mean is that the scope for Al-Qaeda to manipulate the stories is boundless. Al-Qaeda = a violent internationally proscribed terrorist organisation
Colton Lopez
Why are there still civilians there? Most likely, they're being held as hostages. So what would you propose?
Luke Nelson
Because that's where the terrorists hide.
If we refuse to bomb we allow them to exist by using their citizens as a shield. Kill them all.
Parker Clark
>why are they bombing hospitals and schools in Aleppo, exactly? Because rebels refuse to say where they are or even name them. Ever seen an hospital from the air in a densely populated area, shit is invisible.
Liam Perry
collteral damage
war is hell.
Mason Miller
>This has to stop.
So just concede defeat? Leave east Aleppo to the assorted Jihadi factions? I suppose you would have the Syrian government feed them all too? Say what you really mean cunt.
Julian Turner
There still live like a million people in Aleppo, retard.
This has to stop. Stop sucking Putin dick, Sup Forums.
The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H.W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيره الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign which was run by American Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.[1][2]
In her emotional testimony, Nayirah stated that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, take the incubators, and leave the babies to die.
Daniel Foster
> I saw it on CNN than it has to be true
Jonathan Martin
you could've saved the real children instead of accepting hundreds of thousands of "children".
the world needs to understand what total war is again before everyone gets blown up.
Juan Baker
Parker Kelly
>a million 250k in rebel area and 750k in government held ones. Guess who get bombed everyday too and get ignored by the media.
Anthony Green
Don't fall for the dead children in the media meme
Matthew Bailey
First thing cunt, only east Aleppo is 'rebel'. The total population there is estimated at less than 250,000. There have been half a dozen ceasefires with humanitarian corridors opened. When civillians try to leave they're shot by your precious rebels. So I ask again. What would you have Putin and Assad do. I know your answer, and also why you won't out and say it. So how about you save us both some time and just fuck off?
Lincoln Brooks
Because assad just likes killing children and the wounded in his own country that he ruled without incident for years until a revolution was started. That makes perfect sense right?
Carter White
Defend rebels forcing there way ontop hospitals and among civilians while painting a huge target on them.
The war would have ended if the rebels lost you dumb shit, but nah lets remove their government completely that will bring so much peace! Fuck you for falling for the media propaganda machine.
Benjamin Rogers
I've heard closer to 2 million. Says a lot about who has popular support huh?
Jackson Wilson
Evan Brooks
Critical Thinking, brud. Who told you that and were are your evidences? Could be as fake news as, hmm which example would fit, Infowars? Hear say is no evidence. You should know that civilized first worldler.
Tyler Baker
She armed, funded, trained and encouraged the rebels in Syria. She took money from their biggest funders and sold them weapons.
Obama was even bragging about arming and training "ISIL" back in 2012.
Obama and Hillary Clinton worked very hard to start this war so that Qatar could build an oil pipeline through Syria. Unfortunately for them it's going to end up being a waste of time--but that will not unspill all of the blood shed by their actions.
So use a shovel. I recommend you put it in her mouth, just below the gums of the upper teeth, and have someone jump on it.
Eli Ramirez
I only know about rebel held area because the MSM can't stop bitching about muh hospital, muh proud freedom fighter, ASSAD MUST GO.
Justin Johnson
Wakeup people. Hillary wants to keep raping this country.
The rebels are the bad guys.
Matthew Harris
Daniel Morgan
I hope to live long enough to see the US burn.
you'll pay for everything you did.
Brody Smith
Because that's where the terrorists are, you dumb fuck.
the world knows russia is bombing hospitals. its shills or tards that defend it.
Jaxson Nelson
Unless you're AMERICAN, then you blame everyone else.
Kevin Clark
Well friend you'll have to wait till the democrats retake the white house and senate/congress/supreme courts. No way America will fall while Trump and his lineage are in command.
>...why are they bombing hospitals and schools in Aleppo, exactly? Rebels/ISIS are using such landmarks as military strongholds/origin of fire.
Benjamin Robinson
>posts pic of white propaganda ISIS helmets
Christian Sanders
>he thinks he will outlive the Trump Dynasty.
Dylan Gomez
>It was just on CNN one hour ago.
Have you ever heared the term Lügenpresse, Ahmed? Have you learned nothing from the lies in Iraq 1 and 2? Have you learned nothing from the hate propaganda and war rhetoric against Russia surrounding Crimea?
Juan Baker
>...why are they bombing hospitals and schools in Aleppo, exactly?
I thought it was AMERICANS who bombed the hospital used by 4 million people.
And said hospital was no where near combat zone.
Anthony Stewart
Why does Israel do the same?
Lincoln Morgan
>ISIS in Germany
Jonathan Bell
>This has to stop Sup Forums >Stop supporting the only person that can stop it
Justin Perez
>(((hospitals))) and (((schools)))
Hamas and Fatah pioneered the tactic the bleeding heart Liberals did nothing about such despicable behaviour and blamed Israel for it.
The Syrians and Russians have no such qualms being regularly demonised already.
These (((civilians))) have had 5+ years to leave.
And finally who is the one who caused this mess in the first place? Who drove parties to use such desperate tactics? Not Russia. Not Iran. Not Syria. Not even Israel. The root cause was President Obama and his shitty red lines and that war mongering Madam Secretary who would not compromise.
Lucas Bennett
totally trustworthy source, they would never lie to you and they do not need to tell people that US bombing Syria is a good thing
Why the fuck do you think that the people of Syria still support Assad? Because he murders his own people on purpose?
Why the fuck do you even care about Aleppo NOW? Aleppo had this terrorist scum for 4 years. It's now in the western MSM because the terrorists situation looks really bad.
Austin Ross
those kids were in ISIS
John Adams
Well where do you think the "rebels" are? In the tents just outside the city so that you can bomb them nicely? They live in the cities, if you bomb rebels, you bomb cities. That's war, Kraut. No justification needed, it's war. Brits didn't need justification to bomb your ass in night raids.
Lucas Martinez
Because there are no good guys, user, just different sorts of bad
Justin Powell
What do you propose then?
Let Islamists take over? Fund Islamists some more?
Also, did you notice that all the accusations about Russia bombing hospitals came after the USAF destroyed a MSF hospital?
Justin Morris
>if you fight them they win
Cuck logic.
Easton Jenkins
Look up pro-assad twitter accounts of people who actually live in Syria.
War is hell, so of course people die in zones with fucking airstrikes, showing them the truth might make them more pro-refugee even if they end up having the anti-american anti-establishment of the far left rather than the far right. You can't "red pill" people.
I agree but... >put it in her mouth, just below the gums of the upper teeth, and have someone jump on it.
damnit user... the low end of a rope or mix of lethal chemicals seems a lot less, 'Arab-y'.
Alexander Williams
They lost the war of arguments. They can't do the back story, because it would expose that the US government supported ISIS, al-Nusra and al-Quaeda with logistics, money and weapons. And that their "greatest allies" in the region: Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the secret service of Turkey basically bankrolled ISIS. Against a legitimate government which has the support of the majority of it's population or at least it is not fighting for the terrorists who are financed by other countries.
That is exactly why they rely completely on images and emotions. Sometimes supplied by the white helmets, a Saudi organization.
Nothing what the Russians or Assad did and do in Syria is factually worse than what the Americans did in Iraq, for example Falludjah, or Israel did in the second Gaza war.
Jose Clark
>We know the information is true. >Wouldn't be easy to fake for political gain.
Jeremiah Torres
When you factor in that these "rebels" are using the civvies as literal meat shields. It's quite hard to try to remove them without collateral. Ground force invasion would result in more causalities. And just let the "rebels" take over? Holy shit you're dense.
Asher Allen
How many Aleppo hospitals are called "the Last Hospital"?
Such commentary reminds of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights a one man show run out of the basement of a London apartment and the Media will cite it as gospel.
Jacob Edwards
Every-time they say 'freedom fighter' I just hear the word "terrorists" in my head.
Samuel Ortiz
Dude, you need to change up what you watch. CNN is fucked.
Nicholas Taylor
Oy vey! You are just Islamophobic, goyim! Shut it down! The Saudi financiers of Clinton really don't want to hear such biggotry.
Grayson Brooks
Rebels wouldn't let the civilians out. There were safe routes set up to get out of the village and they shot people who were making their way.
Lucas Smith
>Nothing what the Russians or Assad did and do in Syria is factually worse than what the Americans did in Iraq, for example Falludjah, or Israel did in the second Gaza war.
Not even just that, but Russia and Syria are on the side of international law. The western countries that do bomb runs and other shit in Syria simply aren't. Syria never asked them for "help". Those western countries including the German government (Merkel) are war criminals. And they also fully support those head-cutter terrorists. It's disgusting.
I hope that this whole mess will finally stop a few weeks after Trump gets into power.
How long did 'murica bomb in Syria? For 2 years? Which was against international law. And also nothing changed except that the terrorist situation went from bad to worse. And then Syria asks Russia for help last year and the terrorist's situation finally gets worse and worse. I wonder why...
Kevin White
I'm going to tell you what I told OP. Look it up yourself and don't expect to be spoofed and be manipulated by somebody else who likely has an agenda behind his "red pill"
I got the image looking up "Last Hospital in Aleppo" in twitter I'm sure you can do the same.
Isaiah Garcia
I remember those war mongering assholes every last one of them screamed Assad must go.
Realising that they had used "democracy" and "freedom" one too many times they decided to "let the people decide" and guess what? every fucking parliament voted down going to war.
Fast forward 2016 and Obongo in chief now declares his focus is on "fighting ISIS"
Good fucking riddance.
Andrew King
I wouldn't throw around the word war criminal that much. It quickly leads to double standards and while it's true that the Syrian government cooperates with Russia and asked them for help, they are not perfect, clean angels either and they have their own agenda with the harbor and the acces to the med, but also containing the spread of terrorism. And war is a dirty business.
But it's true that good goy Merkel is a US puppet and loves dat Obama bbc. Especially more than her German people - which actually isn't hers anyway, since she is Polish. She copies the US policy of "bombing the world and importing the world".
Juan James
Atta boy Tommy
Austin Kelly
I hate that you /r9k/ losers use this board.
Gabriel Taylor
What is the story with this picture, filename etc. user. Redpill me please.
Jason James
>I wouldn't throw around the word war criminal that much