>Looks like they are 40 in their 30s
>balding early
>thin hair
>have weird fetishes (cuckolding/swinging)
>Can't tolerate the sun, skin turns red in 1 mins
>Can't tolerate delicious spicy food
How come you are so "superior"?
>Looks like they are 40 in their 30s
>balding early
>thin hair
>have weird fetishes (cuckolding/swinging)
>Can't tolerate the sun, skin turns red in 1 mins
>Can't tolerate delicious spicy food
How come you are so "superior"?
Other urls found in this thread:
>check post
>check flag
checks out
>look 40
>claim to be 16
they are not.
muslims control europe and jews control usa. therefore both muslims and jews ARE superior to whites.
Jew > Asian > Muslim > White > Black > undeveloped blacks/abos/hindus
inbreeding during cold winter nights
Fuck off sandnigger
>>Looks like they are 40 in their 30s
>>balding early
>>thin hair
Personal opinion on what looks best, but a female cant drag her hands through your afro achmed
>>have weird fetishes (cuckolding/swinging)
Haha. No.
>>Can't tolerate the sun, skin turns red in 1 mins
If they lived in a cave for half a year and its really warm, yeah. So what?
>>Can't tolerate delicious spicy food
Ummh most sure can, can you tolerate bacon aschmed?
>How come you are so "superior"?
We created civilization & culture.
you brownies should try and isolate white people in the most harsh, resourceless places on earth.
then not interfere in any way possible for a couple thousand years.
that'll teach white people
>All these first-world problems
>only relevant because without white people, there would be no First World
There's your answer, Mbele.
I can't take it anymore. This poem has pushed me over the edge. Goodbye cruel world. I hope the next life is kinder to queers.
Im actually italian-argentinian
Check em.
Isn't it about time to prepare your wife's shitskin bull you Swedish faggot
oi real Sweden, one of those mudslime rapist is on the internet again.
Because a nigger like you is living I a white country
>Can't tolerate delicious spicy food
May I ask why it is that to nonwhites spice = the only flavor?
undefeated world champions of organised violence
Why do my farts smell like delicious smoke
we are the pioneers of science art and engineering to name a few, but i don't expect goatfucker to understand
>balding early
>thin hair
Just searched this then, everyone knows niggers go bald way more often than Whites.
Is that supposed to be any better? Let me laugh even harder.
>non whites
>have to insult whites to redeem their shit skin
>can't list benefits of not being white
We've won just about every race war for as long as we've existed.
They arent superior. In fact i will release the truth here for all to see. In reality, the world is upside down becase the european, the caucasion, the white person, projects their own innate inferiorty at the rest of the world. You see. Whites are the real subhumans. They are direct descendants of arab albinos. Under europe, on the world map, is Africa and the Middle East. Where europeans came from. as albinos. Even many europeans countries have muslim whites in them. Khazakstan. Uzebekistan. Ajerbaijan, Turkey. Euroes are blind to this. They cower so deeply at the truth. They are ashamed of it. They are ashamed of the blood in their own veins. They cower at their birthmarks and freckles not knowing their dark skinned ancestors gave it to them.
Long story short. Europeans are Ashamed albinos and they should not exist in the large numbers that they do. An albino is born once in every 20,000. But it doesnt matter. European numbers are plummeting. They are being outbred. Their inbred geneticall failed albino x albino offspring can no longer compete in the real world without the safety gear of white supremacy. The white man is deathly afraid of becoming equal. He knows on equal footing, his weak non trained, non- tested, albino ass cant compete.
eEuros will hide this information, that they came from albinos Thats all they really are. White skin is just missing melanin. Straight hair is just missing protein.
And the funniest part? For giving you all this information, they will trun to me and shout NIGGER!!! as if to do some damage to me lol. Because they are inanetly and always will be jealous of the blacks, for they are the original human beings, and they are perfect. So make your comments albinos, because I am not black and i am non-white.
But I also have a hottie euro gf who I fuck the shit out of so what can you really say to hurt my feeling fascist albinos? You will never have this power. The truth cannot be unseen. It is universal and absolute.
I heard black were white at one stage and adapted melanin production to suit sunnier climates.
>>can't list benefits of not being white
You rectum!
This is the truth they are deathly afraid of reaching the masses. They will try their whole lives to deny it but ppl like me will see past the veil and start to see them for they really are. Arab albinos. and ashamed of it.
>12 years old Swede
I come here to tear down fascists. To devour their egos and watch their eyes melt in their sockets.
sweden just fucking stop...
Be afraid fascist, your end is near. youtube.com
Your ancestors. Youre ashamed of them. I dont care. I will shame you fascists into an early grave.
Just not your world to covet anymore albinos. youtube.com
Don't you kill albinos or something because you're thinking it's witchcraft or some shit?
Imagine being governed by them and have to endure it with the tiny little bird brains of yours.
It's not that we can't support spicy food is that we aren't accustomed to the type of food you use spice to mask the taste : Rotten food
Thats right, you fucking honkeys time is coming to an end. The original black man is gunna take this shit over you cumskin Caucasian devils.
>have the mental capacity of a 2 year old
bohoo albino, boohoo. Its not just the black man who wants your downfall albino lepers. Gays, women, all minorities. Because youre liars, and cheaters, and berayers. And you deserve what is coming to you.
Albinism, a fucking disease, your greatest asset. Not for long albino.
>How come you are so "superior"?
Big white cock> BBC
and more cleaner too
Nigger cock is monkey tier man
i pity whoever fell for the "BBC ONLY" meme... not really
Welcome to the future albinos. The age of information. Where the truth is subtley put right in front of your face. I wont be so subtle. You will cower at my knowledge.
Lmfao bwc. More like pale, pink &fleshy, flaking, inferior & ashamed arab albino wiener.
Albino and ashamed. Ive been to greece. Shit country. Lazy people. Watching you people self-destruct. Boohoo albino boohoo. Just not your world anymore.
The truth>Weapons, guns, land, ego
The truth is your just an inferior sub human albino and always will be.
This is probably bait, but the sad fact is that some sorry nigger who doesn't even know what the ice age was will probably believe this garbage.
See, it's easy for us Whites to claim superiority because Whites created the modern civilised world. When niggers claim superiority, you have to give a little more detail. The term albino means nothing to me, if you think albinos are subhumans then that means you're even lower than a subhuman.
Can't tolerate the sun? Faggots from sweden can't tolerate it, every year a lot of germans come to Bibione for the sea and the sun.
I'm 90% Anglo Saxon bred from AMAZING stock for the last 9 generations.
I can eat spicy food.
>Can't stand the sun
My ancestors rowed in open top boats day and night for weeks under the blazing sun. I tan like a motherfucker while still looking white and not looking like a filthy laplander.
>Thin Hair.
My hair is thick as hell. It's actually annoying because it tangles no matter how short or long it is.
Implying it's not the decedents of Victorians and Puritans in America manifesting strange fetishes due to over repression of sexual expression.
I only have one fetish but it's so common it's not even noteworthy. I like urine a little. A female's urine, with all those pheromones, mixed with the scent of her vagina gets me harder than any expensive perfume.
>Look old.
I'm 27 and I still look 20.
already addressed my hair.
Albino and ashamed. You didnt create jack shit. Taking the acocomplishments of othermen is why youre sucha lonely fucking loser. Not me tho. I am non white and I am fucking your women. Great job in America. Have game and social skills. Can dance 10x better than any albino lurking here. I haz rythym albino. Can leave with any bitch becky. I dont even want them. Cuz I know the truth now. Shitty inbred times a thousand ALBINO genetics. Failure. Missing shit.
You wont get a crumb from me albino. The sun does all the fighting for me. So lurk in the shadows like the lepers you are. And drink your milk albino, you need it. Loser lonely fascist motherfuckers. I live above you and always will. SHow me How you fight albino.
you misspelled swedish
Blacks will always be superior to you. BLACKED. No one gives a shit about WHITED lmao. Its just not your world to covet anymore albino. The pendelum has swung, the tide has shifted. The party is over. Its time to pay the piper albino.
Don't worry.
It won't be.
How come you are so "superior"?
>invented and discovered everything
>gone to space
>conquered earth
>colonized earth
>all superpowers are White
>richest culture and history
>best looking and longest living people
because we created this earth and without us you'd be dying in a puddle, you fucking swarthy affront to humanity
that's why mediterraneans are the true master race
Muslim was not a race last time I checked. Now explain to me how can "muslim" be superior to "white". Is like saying that "christian" is superior to "black" you fucking idiot. :D
>80 year old
>looks like 40s
Pick one
Just albino and ashemd projecting your inferiority at the world. "Hey look at me, the subhuman, look what I can do" Stfu albino. No one cares. youre gonna pay in full and you know it.
hes talkign about the saudies who could bomb you with lambos
>Liberals are white
>Looks like they are 40 in their 30s
High test does that.
>balding early
High test as well.
>thin hair
High test strikes again.
>Can't tolerate the sun, skin turns red in 1 mins
You should see the escaped zoo assets on Moscow's streets - a stiff wind blows and the blacks turn blue.
>Can't tolerate delicious spicy food
Not killing taste receptors, not getting indigestion, not having rancid sweat and constant, unshakeable, unwashable body odor. I'll take it.
Daily reminder that white men have been selected for having as little estrogen as possible - which is why we have superior impulse control, thus discipline, thus conquered the known world a few times over.
Daily reminder that white men have been selected for having as much testosterone as possible - which is why all the world's strongmen, boxers, and power-athletes are white.
The niggers can only run. When the white men come, they better.
I still look 20 and I smoked for 17 years. Alcohol and the sun has lots to do with aging.
>We created civilization and culture
Nice meme. This is true in comparison to Africans but Asia has been civilized and had their own culture for a while.
>Roleplaying this hard
When did your life go so wrong?
Yes those chinese are quite civilized... Why are americans fucking retards?
Tbh I've seen actual white people that like a few of them. Especiall the center guy and the guy below him.
Youre just albino, ashamed and lonely. Descednet of theives on rapists. Living on land that will never belong to you. Land wher eyour ancestors never died. Nothing but a lonely loser squatter with nothing going on in his pathetic sad and lonely sexless life. I fuck you women assuie shitstain while you play with your lonely hand & flaky inferior albino dick.
You can't use high test as an excuse for everything faggot. You are not even White. Why would you defend them?
They would be if not for foreign interference. You should be sympathetic to them, since that is exactly whats happening to us now.
>None of that was accomplished by
>First one is not even true
Of course you have. The truth makes 10 times more sense then, "Oh God put us here and made us all different n stuff"" Odin did this, we came from space n sheittttt" White race from space n shietttt"
Just albinos. Just lying about it. Just cowering at reality. The sooner you own up to it. The sooner you realize were all connected. They better off youll be. But by all means. keep cowering at reality. I love to behead fascists. I love to devour their egos. They will never win against me, because they will never arm themselves with something as powerful as the universal and absolute truth.
Even for a nigger, your typing is too obvious. If you type proper sentences some people might actually believe you're a delusional nigger. But at this rate, you're just some fat Sup Forums shitposter.
Here's your (you), you're not getting many.
eating salamander for breakfast and street shitting is culture now?
The Communists fucked China. Even then, they were a kingdom with big cities when most of Europe was still tribal basically.
Hi, ahamed.
>You can't use high test as an excuse for everything faggot
Tough to admit you're a baby bitch boy, isn't it?
Don't worry - you're only upset because of the female sex hormone in your blood. It'll subside in a few hours.
I also don't give a shit what you consider me, Tyrone. I see a nigger out here, I'll give him some shit. Shitskins should never forget they're outsiders, and this is not their home.
Unlike the USA, Croatia is 99.8% White therefore we fall under the demographic that rules and leads the world, you nigger.
I don't see how you can discount a culture just for eating salamander. Pig blood sausage (it's great though) is a delicacy in much of Europe. When you think about it it should be gross.
As for the shitting, yeah that's true for India. I'll admit that most of India is pretty gross.
My wine
And yet the USA does rule the world and Croatia never has.
Right, that's why if you look at societies founded and built by white people vs the rest of the world, white societies are quite inferior in comparison. For instance, if you take a look at Copenhagen and compare it to, say, nearly any "city" in Africa, it's abundantly clear that white people are incapable of doing anything for themselves in cold climates while darker people tend to build thriving, low-poverty, high-tech societies all across the globe.
>Saudis spend all their money on stuff made by white people.
Smart, aren't they?
I can. When you're walking down the street and see a spider and think "that's breakfast sorted", it's a dead give away that your culture is inferior.
Chinese kids to this day wear pants with open backs, so that they can shit anywhere. The Chinese are a disgusting, unhygienic people. They produce garbage, they make garbage. Their entire culture is based on garbage.
>im italian and argentinian
So a nigger and bolivian.
Wrong, we are not all connected. The out-of-Africa myth was disproven long ago, and white people likely evolved from neanderthals (not cro-magnons) in the region that is now southern Russia, Azerbaijan, etc., or somewhere close to it. Try again faggot
Tastes are different. Europe also a lot of gross foods. Bull testicles and fermented fish does not sound very appetizing. But, just like spiders in China, the majority of people don't eat that really.
Also, I've been to China 4 times. Never seen that once. I do admit that it's not the best Asia has to offer though. The communists fucked it thoroughly.
To add to that, I only saw spiders in one place there, and most people, even the Chinese, were just taking pictures of it. It was some roadside food attraction that also sold fried scorpions and frogs (As a tourist trap, even though it's illegal). Never saw it anywhere else, even in the villages of China.
Stfu lonely albino. The only reason youre here is cuz you cant get the love of your own women. To quell your loneliness you suck the edicks of other albinos all day long. Stroking their albino egos along with projecting your own built in innate inferiority. Albino and ashamed. End of story. You will always be beeath me and everyone else you hate you diseased leper. Lonely motherfucker.
>Looks like they are 40 in their 30s
how is it bad?
bitches prefer older men, and you're not supposed to keep an ageing woman by your side anyway, so who cares what white bitches look in their 30's
>balding early
>thin hair
better than dick hair errywhere on your body, like shitskins
>have weird fetishes (cuckolding/swinging)
>Can't tolerate the sun, skin turns red in 1 mins
is because we have been selected to work hard, in frost
gave us the strength to build civilizations, instead of sloshing in our own shit, like shitskins
>Can't tolerate delicious spicy food
I love ultra spicy food
Ahahaha youre sucha coward. Google image search ethopians. They are black. But ehy are CLASSIFIED AS CAUCASIONS. They look identical to you scept with black skin and black hair. Thinn lips, narrow nose. Your whole world is fake. Albino and ashamed. Those countries you mentioend ARE FULL OF WHITE MUSLIMS. You descenended from them. They dsecdended from albinos of arabs. Youre just ashamed. Coward to reality. Pathetic albino. You will always be beneath me in whatever southern inbred shithole you hail from. Get over your parents divorce inbred albino.
Superiority is not physical, it's mental
> Longest lifespans after Nips
> Highest IQs
> Highest degrees of social cohesion
> Highest degrees of coorporation
> Most peaceful after the Nips
Whites didn't invent babyrape to cure AIDS, that was the Africans, and even cuckholding is less degenerate than babyrape
Nips rape their women with octopusses
Blacks cannot tolerate cold and lowlight climate
Spicy food is an aquired taste, so not all whites are into it. Besides, spicing food is to hide the taste of rot. Our food is fresh, so we prefer it mildly seasoned
them digits
nice, checked.