I've watched this video a gorillion times now and I can't stop hitting the replay button. It's like I'm addicted to their salty tears. Help pls.
The Young Turds
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Quality journalism.
Also the secsism is worse than the raceism because we didn't elect hillary based on her gender
Quality fat acceptance activism
me too, it is hilarious
>The sexism is worse than the racism
>Because I'm a woman, but not a nigger, so therefore I'M the most oppressed
Oppression Olympics will destroy the Democratic Party in your lifetime.
would grab by the pussy
Same here.
I fall asleep to the 12 hour cast every night now
About 8 hours in they start to panic
I have never ever watched election coverage after the night is over in my life ever. But this election I have been, a lot.
There is just so much goodness it was hard to take it all in, the good guys won and it is raining salt.
>that fucking webm
muahaha it will be glorious
t. ex democrat
This is the cherry on the cake
It's crazy how sure everyone was of Hillary winning.
Were they really that dense?
It was the never ending smugs getting their shit pushed in a few inches more each month that kept me watching.
All of their rigged polling was telling them Hillary would win.
The only people who knew what was happening were shitting themselves.
my favorite part
my FAVORITE fucking part
is kasparian playing the heroine role
"I saw two big white guys bad mouthing minorities so i heroically turned around and told them to shut the fuck up!"
When in reality it was probably two dudes just talking about something completely unrelated. I live in the deep south and i almost never hear people running around spouting open racism.
its like the worst thing you can call a modern white person is a racist so they do everything they can to kiss the ass of every minority in sight to prove how " cultured" and "liberal" they are.
They live in a bubble surrounded only by people and media that reaffirms what they think. This is why they think Trump is literally Hitler, they have nobody to tell them they're being retarded.
I hear too much of this sort of shit to believe it actually happens. Just think about this: In all confirmed cases, there's some sort of cell phone footage. Even with shit like Donglegate the bitch took a picture of the "offenders". That's how it goes down 100% of the cases where action is taken against people: They are identified and the cucked establishment comes down on them.
So in all these cases that we only hear about on their Twitter feeds they didn't have their phones on them? Nobody else had their phones on them?
And it's not just the once, but every single fucking time these people claim to have done something. Again, a guy talking to reporters in the wrong way was enough for a bitch to record him and his face, and the dude saying his name was "Hugh Mungus" was enough for her to shout rape.
This all makes their sudden reasonableness in these cases that conveniently can't be confirmed incredibly suspicious. It's especially the cases with claims of muslim women being attacked that beggar belief. Because with how cucked our governments are, no-one would even fucking risk it. Pic related.
so salty
After that ugly bitch got famous for fucking a bunch of game journalists or some shit everyone wants to be the new "victim"
The top comment has like 6000 thumps up too, top fucking kek. Go take a look at some huge views videos and check their comments out.
I bet it's over 100 million in realistic views not throttled by jewtube.
>Those legs
I watched the full twelve hour show + change the day after.
I think it was about 6 hours in they knew it wasn't going well.
Best part was when some co-host said that Alex Jones will have meeting in the White House.
the music truly makes that video
I still love how Trump built a fucking wall on the electoral college map in the middle of the night
"I'm an anchor baby"
I want to slap her.
half as long.
It trully is a gulty pleasure video.
They were so sure to win, they are so mad, Ana Kasparian calling women dumb, who voted for Trump. Cenk Uygur blaming democratic party for failure, like literally promising them war. Such high hopes, such fake polls. Kek magic prevails. New York Times gone in 2 hours from: 90% chance of Hillary winning to 90% Trump winning. I don't know about you, but somebody needs to get fired.
I love all the quick quotes
>the founding fathers weren't that smart
>I accidentally hit a kid with a bowling ball
That Hispanic lady pisses me off to end also
that mexican bitch is dumb as fuck but i would totally suck her tits
god help me, this video is 26 minutes long and I sat there watching it for 23 minutes with a smile on my face until I realized the video was almost over when the Cowboy Bebop song started playing
I will never not enjoy watching it, good stuff every time
Watching the TYT melt down is epic! Eat shit Ana!
You can pass out water bottles at the border to all your moochacoos who you can still visit or better yet move there to show your support! BTW you'll have to fund your own water bottles! Hahahahahahaha!
Cynk eat shit from the same plate as Ana! Lucky you have your papers or you'd be taking the broke ass ride to the border with your good friends who clogged our social services and denied Americans.
Thanx Kraut. Now let's MGGA!
Threw you an image of a hottie for good work!
We had the same deal with Brexit on the night of the vote. All smug media and Liberal types early on and then a huge reality hit later on as the results started coming in. Fucking loving it. Nothing better than watching Libtards going into meltdown!
Ana is pretty hot 2bqh. I would "genocide" her ass anytime, if you get my drift.
At 2:25, Jimmy calls the roach a cuck.
Based lama
I feel bad for Cenk. You just can tell he hates HRC, but can't say shit about of fucking Ana and women in general.
Everything that latino bitch said was absolutely outrageous
she also has "FUNNY" in her twitter handle, you can't make this shit up
I really burst out laughing at the end when Trump is on stage and says: "Sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business."
After all the hopelesness in the studio of the young turds, it couldn't be better.