Are you happy Sup Forums you ruined Richard Spencer's life he literally believed all the memes we spouted and took it to real life this man will never live a normal life thanks to you guys.
Are you happy Sup Forums you ruined Richard Spencer's life he literally believed all the memes we spouted and took it...
Other urls found in this thread:
He never said anything about Jews.
Why can't he just be a nationalist? Wht does he believe in lizard people and worship gays?
I know why does he spout kek memes and shit just be normal richard you fucking sperg.
it's funny
I don't recall putting a gun to his head and telling him to Sieg Heil on camera. Red pilling people is a gradual process. You start with black crime statistics. You move to different races of humans with different characteristics including intelligence. THEN you go into how only Russian liberated concentration camps were labeled death camps and the Red Cross report on those camps during the entirety of WWII claimed the Nazis were treating their prisoners as best they could.
This idiot skipped straight to step 3. And on camera no less.
>Richard Spencer
"In 2014, Spencer was deported from Budapest, Hungary, and via the Schengen Agreement, is banned from 26 countries in Europe for three years, after trying to organize National Policy Institute Conference, a conference for white nationalists."
Wow wat a sperg.
Just a shower thought.
Is this guy being used by the MSM/establishment to trash the alt-right?
No you fucking goy, don't be ridiculous
Forget to mention Tila who gets also gets press today.
> media desperate to make him famous
> calling him the 'founder' of the alt-right
> no one has ever heard of him, even on Sup Forums
What do you think?
Spencer will be fine. He's picked a good time to be outed as an edgy-fascist.
But why now?
I don't get the timing.
Yet another shill thread.
He clearly was talking about the media and political consultants, not Jews. Watch the video.
I'm delighted
What the fuck is the Alt-Right and who the fuck is this guy and why the fuck is he labeled the "founder"?
>Alt right being a thing
>having a leader
Living in two different worlds here.
Because they had a conference this past weekend... seriously Spencer has been around for years.
Oy Vey don't say that goy that guy is a legend!
Can't wait to follow the next orders of our leader like the good goyim I am!
A lot of Sup Forums is newfags who just came here for the election. Back a year and a half ago people did talk about AmRen and NPI periodically. We all know who RamzPaul and Jared Taylor are for example. Spencer slipped through the cracks for many because he looks like a cartoon character, but I knew who he was even then.
>Alt right founder
This is a good point. We desperately need an honest, upfront nationalist to detoxify the brand. No obsessing over jews or Muslims. Simply making the case for the nation state. I guess Trump is kinda that guy, but I'm thinking someone a bit more articulate, a great orator who can go toe-to-toe with the SJW and assorted liberal shit.
I think it's fascinating that the alright people think their few ten thousands of world-wide followers are a strong enough base to come out of hiding and go full shitlord in the public eye.
Keep in mind that most views of your greatest story never told etc. are repeat views by the same autists over and over.
No. That guy was propped up by the media to discredit every other person that supports Trump.
I hope he learns how to back off and stop making the average Trump supporter look like actual racists. There's no way he'll get the public to side with him on everything if the rest of the country thinks that his constituents are like this.
What a sad degenerate faggot, has nothing going on in his life so clings to the "alt right" fucking pathetic
He came up with the term years ago to refer to his little NPI crowd. Through the oblique influence of guys like Walt Bismarck and RamzPaul, and the deliberate misinfo of that faggot Milo, we ended up stealing the name, and now it's synonymous with Sup Forumsack style mischief instead of the more serious American Renaissance crowd.
This is part of the reason why rejecting the Alt-Right title is important, because it already meant something and we do not want Trump's camp associated with Captain Undercut here.
Why are ye faggots pretending he wasn't referencing nazis; souless golem, luggenpresse, hail victory. The retard has decided to go down the Milo root.
Richard is a narcissist, attention whore and Russian shill. He has been tying his name to Trump all year accepting any media interview. His wife( who is currently divorcing him) is a soviet apologist who has brain washed him to worship Russia. He even fucking confirmed him and Stephen Miller brought Peter Brimelow to Duke while they were attending. He just wants to seem edgy and cool.
He is a faggot who makes non traditional conservatives look like neo Nazis. Fuck off.
B-but honestly.. are jews people?
Who is spencker?
"Hey Rich how should we most effectively spread our white nationalist message"
"I know lets fill a conference room full of wehraboo autists and scream Heil trump and drone on about White people being children of the Sun! That will definitely be an effective way to reach a broad audience and convince people to join our cause!"
If Lil Richy isn't controlled opposition then he is fucking nigger level retarded, you have to slowly reveal your power level, he just went full American history X nigger curbstomp.
Definitely controlled opposition
His fault, nobody named him "Alt-Right Founder". We found this shit. We are the meme masters. We are the shiposters.
We. Are. GOD.
Spencer is sort of self-trashing via slow auto-destruct.
Fuck this faggot. The media reported how trump appointed "a leader of the alt-right" to his strategist and out of the nowhere comes Spencer spilling his spaghetti, tainting the whole movement and makes trump look bad.
Whats up with fucks like duke and spencer? Don't they know that they're toxic to the mainstream?
There a lots of sane people, user. They just don't get airtime
Jews are not people, they are demons from heaven sent to earth to fuck shit up for everyone. Lilith killed off all the Jews at which were people back in BCE!
>no jews or muslims
Hey chaim.
"In March 2010, Spencer founded, a website he edited until 2012. He says he created the term Alt-right."
He came up with fuckall.
Alt.Right was a 90's thing on and was associated with "right wing separatist" types. Those on the Right opposed to neoconservative globalism. They were mostly what we called "survivalists". "White Nationalism" was tangentially associated with it, mostly because they were associated with prison gangs who were associated with motorcycle gangs who could get heavy weaponry and chemical precursors for explosives.
This guy co-opted the term for his own purposes. Same as Milo co-opted the term to refer to Millennials who don't like SJW bullshit.
>aren't you sad le controlled opposition man is facing repercussions for acting like a dumbass?
no for the 20th time
these should all be removed as spam desu
I think Spencer is a fucking fed
Here is the full speach:
He was talking about mainstream journalists, not jew lol. Anons falling for shills all the time lately, sad
Your wrong
No, but Kevin MacDonald at the conference did.
Jew are NOT people. This is NOT a meme.
Duke is low hanging fruit. That nigga was in a non violent Klan organization 4 decades ago.
He larps hard on his radio show every day which a normie would find his rants absolutely wild.
Nobody here has any problem with the content itself, the problem is that he knew there was a shitload of press present and he still failed to hold a speech that couldn't be easily used against the movement.
Now maybe he can turn the narrative around, but the burden of proof lies on him now.
>Richard Spencer
who? Literally never heard of this guy before.
Is this how the media is responding with their inability to deal with the likes of Milo Yianoppolis? In fact, I guess this is their way of coping with the problem that the alt-right isn't really a single movement with identifiable leaders at all. You can't punch fog, but if they set this guy up as the alt-right's leader it gives them a target to knock down (and a very easy target at that).
Still makes no sense to me.
Why trash the alt-right after the election? Ignoring them/us would be the right approach.
The only thing I can assume is because of the new policies of Twitter and Facebook. Get rid of the alt-right and trash them at the same time as nazis to keep the shitstorm in check.
But this shit failed in the past and will fail this time. Do they never learn?
Why not use this toxic influence for good? As in endorsing democrats and abortion since it kills a lot of blacks etc.
Why work against your own interest?
guys the alt right is literally a neo nazi group according to normies now :( wat do
The new David Duke will be a thorn in our side.
TRS interviewed him a few years ago. Who are all these newfags coming onto Sup Forums?
Spencer is a attention seeking cunt, with his latest vid where he hailed Trump he just undermined Trump and gave Liberals and leftist cunts a smoking gun. It almost seems like this nigger is a Soros funded shill, seem's rather convenient that Trump wins the election and this fucker comes out and gives the MSM exactly what they needed to further demonise President Trump. Fuck this cunt, I hope he get's enriched by a bunch of feral niggers.
Day of Rope for Dick Spencer.
because he isn't Robert Byrd.
>He fell for the nazi meme
His own fault for being gullible and retarded
pfft get memed on
This this this
I dont know much about spencer but it seems to me that soros backup plan for the US if hillary loses would be to start ""neo nazi"" demonstrations to match the blm/antifa ones and have a race war or at least the perception of one. As I understand it he's short US and EU so any uncertainty is potential profit.
He just normalized the Roman salute by tricking the media to cover it, its fantastic!
Heil Victory!!!
>He believed the memes
The second someone starts to believe the memes, they take over them. It's the reason why meme magic is so strong.
Prove it kike
>this man will never live a normal life thanks to you guys
well, at least he's not a normie anymore
Nobody cares about TRS here except you spencer fags
Nobody gives a shit about this larping nazi faggot
Why hasn't Sup Forums already doxxed and memed this faggot into oblivion?
Hes obviously controlled opposition and a false flag discreditor.
At this point can we just assume he's a shill plant? Let's dig and see if he's made any unusually large purchases. Fuckers been paid off.
Remember, the left are sloppy, shitty retards and constantly fumble and make mistakes. There's a trail. Guaranteed.
I don't even care who this person is enough to read any of the crap about him.
>implying normal people believe what cnn says
Not as dumb of a move as you'd think. Trust in the media is at an all time low. Shitlibs narratives falling apart left and right. Trump already won.
I really hope you guys don't identify with this faggot and his "alt-right"
seems like a lot of effort. hes a nobody. a literal who
the (((left))) seems to be destroying him for us so why bother
>niggas posting Merchant Minutes here is how I found out about that blog
at least the Richard Spencer song is GOAT
>TRS interviewed him a few years ago.
what, I'm supposed to remember every random neo-nazi featured on TRS?
>Who are all these newfags coming onto Sup Forums?
yeah, because after Trump threads Richard Spencer threads have always been the most popular threads on Sup Forums
>Buying into an attention seekers claptrap
You can help the cause by killing yourself, you mongol tier nigger.
>implying any actual "alrightist" would EVER go on CNN
Gives legitimacy to the lugenpresse, turns valid concerns of white people into nazi memery, generally autistic, constantly pushed by the MSM as the "leader" of the alt right
Say it with me
i have to say, i was the one who made the posts about if leftists are people. It seems werid how much power old nazi propaganda actually could have. i may have started the ball rolling another holocaust but i still dont regret it. topest kek.
p.s im jewish
literally who?
this is just like when they tried to brand moot as the leader of anonymous
Or what? You gonna call us a racist Nazi?
Why does he have to be such a faglord and a sperg?
>Implying that this won't paint Trump in a negative light
No, you dumb cunt. Trump has nothing in common with this pseudo nigger tier "intellectual", he's an attention seeking whore who's coming out post-election to try to validate himself and his movement, essentially a fucking leech.
Thanks to this nigger, the Leftists and MSM cunt's that lurk here will feel that their claims about Trump being a "Nazi" are legitimate and that narrative will be pushed even harder. I truly wish this cunt would Hitler himself for all the harm he's doing to Trump and his voters.
daily reminder the alt-right label was created on purpose to trash anyone on the right side of mainstream conservatism.
He is a puppet designed to make young conservatives look stupid
Well it's a conversation worth having, even if he didn't explicitly said that.