CTR is in full force today because of Richard Spencer's speech. Don't worry Sup Forums, just about every one of these people have only heard of Richard yesterday and have no idea what their talking about, and like always these shills will have no effect other than a brief 2 day annoyance. No real member of the alt-right honestly thinks this bullshit media narrative. But I'd like to dispel some things
>Richard Spencer popped up out of nowhere like Milo
he's been around for years in the national policy institute and saying something like this makes your status as a ctr shill plain as day. And even so, Milo was a problem because he tired to co-opt the alt-right movement, Richard Spencer literally fucking created it.
>We are not Germany so doing Richard Spencer's "German Nazism is stupid"
this seems valid on the surface but it's actually really dumb. He's a WHITE NATIONALIST not a German Nazi, you can tell because he believes America should be a homeland for the white European people and create a society which benefits whites over non-whites which has fucking nothing to do with German Nazism.
>Richard Spencer is a Nazi LARPer
see above, also nothing about him is LARP besides his (admittedly cringey) "Hail Trump" comment. He believes in creating a white nation not through genocide, not through violence, but through creating policies that specifically benefit white people and does not take into account the needs of other people, while also creating economic incentive for non-whites to leave.
If anyone has any actual arguments I'd love to hear them but all I hear is concern trolling, ctr shills, and people who have been living under a rock who are judging Richard's entire career based on one speech they saw on the news yesterday.
CTR is in full force today because of Richard Spencer's speech. Don't worry Sup Forums...
Richard Spencer just made us all look like Nazi's. If you are in any way associated with the right that is not the well beaten path of American Conservatives you will be seen as a part of this. You will suddenly be asked to justify this. He fucked this up. And now we have to play damage control. Thank god the election is over.
Looks like your nazi plans have been exposed too early to the big public eh ''alt-right'' ?
This is the same shilling we saw after the second presidential debate
Look at any "alt-right thought leader" on Twitter and they defend Richard. So that's really all that needs to be said.
Ill support him when he drops his nazi larping faggotry. This is America, not Germany. If Spencer is incapable of creating an AMERICAN fascist movement then I will not support him. Glorifying Natsoc Germany is pathetic, and only reflects poorly on whatever "movement" he takes credit for. I'll stick with Trump until an actual visionary appears who doesn't sound look a little girl when he meekly yells out HAIL TRUMP.
While I may agree with some of his policies. Quite frankly that speech was all I needed to see in order to know that he is devoid of any originality or charisma. He would be of more use serving the role of a henchman to a man with real vision, as opposed to the unfiltered faggotry that he's espousing right now. I repeat the Bellamy salute is in American, and anyone who does it in a political setting should be hung.
And It's not concern trolling or shilling to point out that we don't need to Larp as Nazis in order to achieve our goals, doing all that pointless Natsoc shit just draws unnecessary attention to the "alt-right" or whatever the fuck he claims to represent. you can be a white nationalist without talking about children of the sun or whatever retarded shot he was ranting about. If Spencer isn't controlled opposition then he is simply very stupid and he needs to disappear.
It is not CTR it is the JIDF you faggot.
If you knew about Spencer, you would know he is, or at least was, one of the most mild-mannered people out there.
He banned Heimbach from NPI, just like any other acts or imagery that he considers inappropriate, such as swastikas.
Him saying "Hail victory", "Hail Trump" and implicitly saying lugenpresse was a surprise to everyone.
Of course, if you really "would support him if he dropped the nazi crap", you would have already been doing so. Spencer's positions are American to a hilarious degree.
>He believes in creating a white nation not through genocide, not through violence, but through creating policies that specifically benefit white people and does not take into account the needs of other people
Definitely a smart policy in a 60% white nation. I'm sure you will succeed
sorry, most people are smart enough not to have anything to do with nazis.
Friendship ended with Richard Spencer. Now TRUMP is my best friend
I had heard of him vaguely, but not enough to form a definite opinion of him, but I heard he was a white nationalist, so I suppose I tacitly supported him. But that video I saw today was simply embarrassing and if he's not controlled opposition then he is incredibly stupid, and is acting in a counter productive manner to any movement he claims to be supporting. You can be a white nationalist, but you also need to be an American nationalist. Faggot nazi larpers can fuck off
Nice double reverse shill op, moishe. If you had put this much thought into it when it mattered you might have won the election
How much do (((they))) pay you to lie?
This is a fucking shill thread. Fuck NRI and fuck you. FUCKING SAGE THIS SHIT
Agree. Fucking retard played right into the hands of the (((narrative))).
If he wasn't a Jew from the start, he definitly made bank off of them because of this.
Short of an elaborate ruse, this nigger's cooked.
Things are going pretty much according to plan, I'd say.
Trump is in. Time to fire the next stage.
> and like always these shills will have no effect other than a brief 2 day annoyance.
I'd have hoped that 4/pol/ would return to more manageable amounts of shilling after the election but it's just been 2 weeks.
meant for
No one fucking cares what this faggot does.
I watched the video and have the same concerns mentioned here, Too German centric, Nazi Salue, Hail Trump rubbish,Lugenpress stuff.
Only response to all of this by his supporters on this thread has been "yeah its cringey.. dont worry about it, forget about it" that arguement doesnt hold up, he should of known all eyes will be on people like him, if he just started doing this cringey stuff now out of all times then the guy has obviously no good judgement to lead anyone.
Why does he hail trump?
Trump isn't a white nationalist, he may have some policies you guys agree with such as border protection and anti immigration, however everything else isnt close to white supremacy of Nazi Germany. His children are married to Jews for instance.
I can understand you white supremicist being happy about Trump winning, but the fact you guys did a nazi salute and said Hail Trump like you worship him seems like you guys have your ideologies crossed and are larping. No Nazi German white supremacist will idolise a Jew friendly person.