>The media who gave Trump billions in free advertising, didn't vet him & gave softball questions all year, are now meeting Trump in private "off the record". BAKA
>The media needs to quit worrying about "access" and start doing the damn job of journalism, you know, that thing that was the reason they were protected by the First Ammendment. Otherwise, they are just the stenography pool. And especially this will be true of Trump. Between Trump, Ailes & Bannon, you've got one of the greatest propaganda team ever assembled, and the media must be diligent and not listen to his threats. We know he'd love to kill the freedom of the press & have a State Media.
>Bought and paid for!!! always has been. If Engineers or the Medical Professionals abdicated their responsibilities the way the Entertainment-lack-of-information media did, we would all die.
>Ah yes, the so-called "lying press" he incites his cult to hate. Feeling lied to yet, Trumpsters? You should, and eventually you will. t. asian
>See the smile on Wolfs face.... it says it all ... They are laughing all the way to the bank. All the contributions to the parties geos to the media for commercials and all that . Its just one big con. No wonder they go so easy on Trump.
>America do not expect the media television press corps to do anything but rollover. Just as they did for the first year in four months covering tr*mp. Throughout time the press was to be the guardian of keeping are republic a democracy. They failed all for profits. They have proven that they're not worthy of the first amenment freedom of press. What took place this last year and a half would have never been allowed in the 1970s. >He is formally informing them that he will NEVER EVER hold a press conference, and neither will his press secretary because he won't have one, no need. Anything the world needs to know will come in the form of TWEETS including the all important off-the-top of-his -head ones from the Emperor.
Joseph Nelson
lol i love minecraft, i play minecraft all day, my dad is busy working because he's a businessman and now he's sort of a politician but i love minecraft, i play minecraft all day, minecraft is my favorite game, it's a tremendous game, i tell you, we are going to make a big beautiful tower, and it's going to have a beautiful door on it, but honestly, if anyone wants to come in, they have to come in peacefully, when people come in, they are not the best people, they are griefers, they are trolls, and some, i assume, are good builders
Logan Parker
100 days is a long time
Michael Collins
>The report comes from a source familiar with Trump’s plans, according to the MSNBC morning show
I wasn't paying attention. Did Kellyanne mention it?
Matthew Perry
It's smarter than you actually think. The investigation can still happen (I think the Clinton Foundation one is still a thing). If Trump pressured it, it would make him look like a dictator that wants to finish off all his opponents.
Also Trump can hold the Clinton family on a leash. If they try anything smart, he can just put the 'investigation of the investigation' back on the table.
Nicholas Bailey
>6 Dem electors pledge not to vote for Trump >That means almost 200 Dem electors might
Landon Gutierrez
>(((Controlled Opposition)))
Hudson Hernandez
this. until it shows up on his twitter or greatagain.org shut the fuck up
Jonathan Ward
British Leftists absolutely butt devastated by Trump's Farage tweet:
I can't believe you people are trying to normalize the suffering of an entire ethnicity. I disavow pol. Goodbye fags
Brody Garcia
the nytimes twitter is so salty
Daniel Hernandez
rate this mem ples
Jonathan Robinson
>Says they are out of time >cuts to a commercial
TV is really so disgusting
Wyatt Miller
>Democrats in party? >answer might be yes
Webb and Tulsi?
Daniel Young
Goddamn, Kellyanne is good. REALLY good.
>She will never step on your balls and call you a godless commie
Matthew Cooper
Flynn is a democrat too
John Barnes
So comfy on F&F, now.
Jaxon Green
are you admitting to being a godless commie?
Jose Morales
Of course she's good. Trump picked her.
Jordan Phillips
Of course he is going to fucking say that, if he said otherwise Obama would pardon her on his last day in office (which I still think he will do) using some excuse like "to prevent the unfair pursuit".
Hunter Carter
Bentley Allen
>the Melania impersonating "beauty" contestant forced to apologize
Xavier Jackson
Christopher Gomez
Nathaniel White
Jason Barnes
She just said a Democrat will be in his cabinet.
Henry Lopez
I can't stop fucking laughing This is exactly what I dreamed of Trumps fucking Twitter shit posting earns international responses I love being the most powerful country in the world, Obama was such a pussy
Nathaniel Rivera
Beautiful. Not a bot thread. What happened to the bot?
Brody Fisher
>In August 2015, Conway became the president of the Keep the Promise I Super-PAC, which supported the 2016 presidential campaign of Texas senator Ted Cruz
Shit, poor Cruz. Trump took both her and Katrina Pierson from him.
Adrian Reyes
bots are gay, electric pence got him
Charles Scott
I don't understand the praise for that bitch
She didn't do shit
Aaron Bell
wait til caroline bends the knee rato will suicide himself and his wife if that happens
Chase Hernandez
>j0E I like my ID
Cooper Ortiz
Who's the guy on Joe is Joe?
Colton Cruz
The two were basically the only reason why Sup Forums didn't spread the New York Post's Cruz Sex Scandal story around.
Jaxon Ross
Mr Farage said politicians who had been "openly abusive about Trump now pretend to be his friend".
He wrote: "It is career politics at its worst and it is now getting in the way of the national interest.
"I have said since the now famous photograph with Donald Trump 10 days ago that I would do anything to help our national interest and to help cement ties with the incoming Anglophile administration.
"I have known several of the Trump team for years and I am in a good position with the president-elect's support to help. The world has changed and it's time that Downing Street did too."
>anglophile lol
Nigel is right, though. Trump is a grudge holder. That Sir Kim guy will probably get invitations to D.C.'s premier crackhouses in place of formal functions, LMAO.
Jace Davis
j0E is j0E
Adrian Evans
? This guy is a fucking idiot
What it is is treasonous left wing animals importing foreigners and giving them welfare.
They fucking ADVERTISE to them, telling them come.
Jace Barnes
One of Soros' flunkies might lose their arm
Landon Lee
Samuel Evans
Liam Lopez
Juan Rivera
>everyone doing political activism is a soros agent
kys, that woman is saving the world while you are masturbating to orange hitler
Jack Phillips
Jeremiah Howard
very good, but needs to have some spencer or david duke mentioned
Parker Johnson
Christopher Hill
Farage just wants to hang out with his friend as an official government job Bless him
Kevin Davis
Caleb Edwards
Mika's wearing a push-up today, isn't she.
Me likey.
Austin Morgan
what did she mean by this post?
Parker Nguyen
Why are clinton sheeple protesting against her pipeline?
Brody Edwards
Good source.
Oliver Ross
Did DRUMPF finally get BTFO?
Joseph Murphy
Gabriel Mitchell
remember that dumb bitch that got squished by /our guys/ in israel?
David Davis
>running the Trump empire >can't even read instructions for banana bread
wow o w
David Allen
Wyatt Ward
I need Barron memes!
Benjamin Taylor
Charles Hill
retard trans nazi
Josiah Garcia
>its another retards blindly believe anonymous sources episode
Julian Rogers
This mornings rant:
One of the tropes I am really getting sick of since the election is this faux confusion over how the left "missed" the 'white working class', which I note they describe by race, or what we used to simply call the people who made up the country not that long ago. Now they seem to have occassion to think of it as a racial component. Gee, I wonder why.
Could it be there really is no confusion? In fact, iirc, didn't the Clinton campaign, which was in essence the DNC itself, documented as having totally written of the *white* working class? Again, these are simply the people who composed the citizenry as general whole once. For some reason, we now look at them as a race. The people who worked, and the predominant local ethnicity. How peculiar should that be that they have to be further defined by race and class? In any working society, they would simply be called 'the average citizen'.
No, there is no confusion. I am sick of seeing liberal pundits stroking their beards and wondering aloud how they lost the 'white working class' vote. They didn't lose it. They deliberately threw it over board. They knew people were sick of hearing "All lives matter is racist". They knew the majority didnt like having their faces rubbed in culture wars every day in the media, to the point where anatomically accurate pronouns were hate-speech.
And yet they were trying to win an election. So how do these two aspects engage? If you wrote the "whites" off, expected to win the election and knew the "whites" were sickened, then how do you merge these elements? Simple:...
Nolan Murphy
>ywn wake up to the smell of Ivanka's cooking
Xavier Campbell
Lyin' Ted Little Marco 'Truly Weird' Rand Paul Crooked Hillary The failing New York Times
anyone have a full list of these?
Matthew Gomez
The Jewish got into her heard
>be billionaire >your father is president >try to save money in SUGAR
Parker Lopez
I'm afraid
Trump will be challenged on the convention 2020 by Mcmuffin