Can we tell these cringy autists that take memes seriously that they are fucking mongos they make the rest of us Trump supporters look bad or is this a safe space?
Can we tell these cringy autists that take memes seriously that they are fucking mongos they make the rest of us Trump supporters look bad or is this a safe space?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you push a negative long enough, it turns into a positive. Let it be.
they are mongos for a reason, like this board
hey lugenpresse, stop making threads
We don't give a fuck if we "look bad" take that shit back to wherever you came from
>Can we tell these cringy autists that take memes seriously
Fuck off kike.
Why are there a million threads about Spencer?
He didn't even say anything outrageous, yet everyone seems to lose their mind.
CTR was replaced by TRS.
They want anti-Marxism to turn to LGBT Pagan Nazism.
They couldn't keep up from winning so they want if to be a punic victory.
>They couldn't keep up from winning so they want if to be a punic victory.
So you think the faggot-AltRight people think it went too far now with Spencer?
"Pyrrhic victory." The term is "Pyrrhic victory."
Stop posting about yourself, Richard
We'll never like you.
Because Sup Forums is debating whether Spencer is enough of a liability to Trump that we need to disown him. If MSM starts playing Spencer sieg heiling Trump on a loop, people will fear our power-level too soon.
>Richard Spence
Literally who?
Some tool who comes out of nowhere and suddenly claims to have invented the alt-right, which doesn't really exist anyway. Basically either a larper, an FBI plant or a media patsy to convince America that the alt-right, which doesn't exist, is a dangerous and organized body of Neo-Nazis who got Trump elected.
Fs why'd he have to go and do this
He is a huge liability. We don't need to be associated with Nazi anything. The negative connotation of Nazi culture is deeply ingrained in the normies. They reject it without understanding it.
The New Nationalist movement will be hindered if the Lugenpresse is able to link neo-nazi's to it. This is why we all need to avoid things like the Bellamy salute and quotes from WWII. We would be better off using patriotic terms from the Revolutionary era.
Besides, Spencer seems like a terrible orator. He doesn't maintain eye contact with the crowd and is just reading from a script. He giggles and laughs at his own jokes. His voice is tremulous. He needs to rehearse more.
Don't feel pity for them: they were idiots, they deserve what they got.
talked about the press, press assumes he means jews
wtf are you talking about? TRS is the most pro-spencer alt-right website apart from his own. Why would they push the "we need distance ourselves from spencer" meme? Mike enoch was shitposting on cernovich's website when he called spencer " controlled opposition" ffs
The mainstream media is quick to label any neonazi as an "alt-right" individual to discredit anyone who's remotely alt-right. Its poisoning the well.
Press isn't wrong then.
>the rest of us Trump supporters
You mean the newfags from /r/The_Donald?
Nigger, the alt-right was originally founded first and foremost as a group for white nationalist interests.
If anything, the ''poisoning of the well'' was adding every goddamn conservative group that opposes to republican party under the name and confusing what the fuck the alt-right even is.
>Its poisoning the well
So? If your enemy labels you something, embrace it. You think infighting is going to strengthen you?
>Because Sup Forums is debating
>punic victory
what did he meme by this?
>the alt-right was originally founded first and foremost as a group for white nationalist interests
Its not infighting if you're outing the extremist elements of a group which can eventually be a threat to your legitimacy. We need a corporate purge so to speak of groups that will discredit us or make us look like we're all Nazis or something. Its not going to be good in the long run. None of the alt-right candidates such as Trump support Nazism or Fascism. Its the extreme fringe that is trying to co-opt the movement.
this dude lasts 2sec in any type of fight
literally a decoy with a boipucci
Where in the fuck are you from? Because you're sure as fuck not from here. Get the fuck out.
>alt-right candidates such as Trump
Oh, you're just Nazis, then? Feel free to fade back into complete irrelevance.
Fuck off kike
>caring for your people makes you an ebil nadsee
seriously where the fuck do you think you are?
Normies were a mistake
>or is this a safe space?
Sup Forums is an echo chamber safe space hugbox circlejerk hive mind, yes.
>just nazis
I caused that feel
>He is a huge liability. We don't need to be associated with Nazi anything. The negative connotation of Nazi culture is deeply ingrained in the normies. They reject it without understanding it.
The New Nationalist movement will be hindered if the Lugenpresse is able to link neo-nazi's to it. This is why we all need to avoid things like the Bellamy salute and quotes from WWII. We would be better off using patriotic terms from the Revolutionary era.
I agree with this completely.
>Besides, Spencer seems like a terrible orator. He doesn't maintain eye contact with the crowd and is just reading from a script. He giggles and laughs at his own jokes. His voice is tremulous. He needs to rehearse more
I somewhat agree. Look at the picture attached. National Socialism used to be do much more than what he was speaking about, now it's been perverted into Neo-Nazism.
He seemed somewhat genuine in his statements and his proper attire is something that should be emulated though. That being said, his delivery method was a bit fucked though and will only end up hurting Trump.
This guy had so much potential to start a patriotic movement within the white community, yet he's already squandered it foolishly and probably doesn't even realize it.
>The New Nationalist movement will be hindered if the Lugenpresse is able to link neo-nazi's to it.
Do you still not get it? This cuck mindset is exactly why the most milquetoast republican is to afraid to act in the countries interest.The media just smears them with >oy vey nadseeee
and theyre immediately paralysed
The only way the lügenpresse cant demonise you is if you just dont give a fuck
Oyy veyyyy
This is exactly like the anonymous fiasco over at Sup Forums.
Retards taking memes seriously.
spencer is a fucking idiot or a shill. either way just a fuck boy for the left
Controlled opposition.
Sup Forums is the origin of the alt-right and we've spent zero time talking about, reading about, watching or sharing anything to do with this Richard Spencer faggot but of course the media was ready with cameras to pounce on Nazi salutes at a forum none of us knew was happening.
This guy is an actual literal nobody.
We're the origins of only memes.
Alt-rights origin is the mass media trying to place a label on us.
Begone with this shitty label, it serves us no good.
>Been here since /n/
>Sup Forums is the effective root of the Traditionalist resurgence
>Barely even heard of this effeminate autist
This is either another Milo, who is a Narcissist who wants his fame, or something like Tony Robinson who is effectively controlled opposition
Both need to be culled
Maybe you should go there with your alt-right label, fool.
who the fuck is this nobody?
and why the fuck is he the spokesperson?
and why the fuck?
he must be a plant.
>punic victory
So we are going to crush them, raze their houses, and salt the earth? How does Spencer bring us closer to this?
NPI has been around longer than /n/, and you give Sup Forums too much credit. I'm not saying Sup Forums doesn't do a lot of fun shit that spills into the real world, but there's a lot more stuff going on than this one website.
>Do you still not get it? This cuck mindset is exactly why the most milquetoast republican is to afraid to act in the countries interest.The media just smears them with >oy vey nadseeee
and theyre immediately paralysed
>The only way the lügenpresse cant demonise you is if you just dont give a fuck
Do you not get that we can't even start a movement like this until Trump takes office? There's no way in hell something like that would fly under Obama and liberal tyranny.
One needs to wait for the opportune moment to start a movement like this (especially with liberals looking for any excuse to stop Trump from attaining office). Once he's in, Conservatives will have much more control over a lot of things.
I'm sure Osama is going to keep taunting white people until Trump takes office (which will only aid in our cause).
>alt-right founder
lol just how fucking jewified can CNN get?
>wanting any label other than user
Who the fuck are you? This board is just a board full of autists who talk about politics and make memes.
If you're so pushed to join the (totally not We r legiun 2.0) than go to somewhere that'll take you.
Richard Spencer is a jew plant, made to try and discredit the alt-right.
It's been obvious from the start. That's why everyone except the MSM think he's a joke.
>The only way the lügenpresse cant demonise you is if you just dont give a fuck
>Barely even heard of this effeminate autist
>Been here since /n/
No, you aren't.
Spotted the American: 2:47
Thanks, glad I'm not the only one that feels this way.
Dressing well, speaking eloquently and with confidence, gently scoffing at our opponents for their lack of understanding instead of threatening violence; these are the traits that I would prefer to see in a New Nationalist movement. Strength, patience, and kindness can win over the normies. Focus on what we are FOR, and do not discuss what we are AGAINST. Let's define ourselves with positive terms; more jobs for Americans, freedom to defend ourselves, protection from international banking interests, re-investment in struggling rural America. Send a message of hope if you want to persuade people.
It will be a refreshing change to the vitriolic race-politics the left constantly pushes.
You misunderstand me. I'm not suggesting we labelled ourselves alt-right, I'm saying that this is clearly what the media was referring to when it came up with the term. It only ever referred to Pepe memes and some of the Breitbart articles.
Now suddenly it's 14/88 retards holding forums that none of us knew about, and we're all tarred with the same brush. Who is Richard Spencer? Find me a single archived thread about him that got beyond 20 replies or so.
are you retarded? hes out in two months
youre just afraid that things are getting real and are going beyond memery
What do you think will happen to europeans if we solely stick to memes?
American whites are a minority by 2040. Do you understand that? Youre either a non-white or youre seriously brain damáged.
Since when was this faggot ever not a joke he's almost tripfag tier level of filter
To be fair, the left is gonna call us Nazis no matter what we do
It's funny because he was talking about cucks
I think its JIDF. Seems like a concentrated effort.
>picnic victory
It's Pyrrhic victory.
You have to be a serious new fag to only just now learn about NPI
Are you retarded. We have been proven white nationalist for years. Do you really want to divide so some weak willed sjw's won't call you a nazip? Which they do anyways.
He did not question whether Jews were people. He questioned whether journalists were people. Are journalists claiming Jews control the media?
Here's the full text of his speech, which for onbvious reasons the MSM will not share:
its not the jews who are golems but the politicians and journalists who mindlessly do their every bidding.
Agreed completely.
The Democratic party has been devastatingly wounded during this election specifically due to the amount of DNC corruption and fraud that has been exposed.
This is a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity we have here to really make our stamp on politics and change how the game is played. Trump defied all odds and this was the first election in a long time that wasn't bought with money, exposure, or power, but by ideals, passion and hope. That's exactly what kind of Nationalism this country has been yearning for as of late and it's exactly the type of Nationalism that will set this country on the right path if implemented correctly.
Hopefully in the midst of all this, these identity politics and harassment of Caucasians is abandoned by our opposition.
We can take back this country with ideals, not force or violence. The time is now and the people are ready.
Did someone said, JIDF?
>they make the rest of us Trump supporters look bad
>muh pee rr
I don't care about this, but you should go kys
>The only way the lügenpresse cant demonise you is if you just dont give a fuck
Sort of. We must disregard their opinion, but also avoid letting them define us. We must define ourselves.
It is a question of marketing, of branding. I'm not debating the ideology, I'm saying that in order for a movement to be successful it must garner support from the people. Most people just follow the herd, but in order to get the herd moving in a desired direction they must be incentivized. Apparel with slogans, such as the MAGA hats, are an example of that.
Treating it like a marketing campaign helps to frame the issue. The brand "Nazi" was well marketed in 1930's germany, pic related. Now, it has been associated with atrocities and war crimes. True or not, that is public perception. The leftist media knows this, and is trying to associate the Alt-Right with the poisoned well of Nazism. If the New Nationalist movement can avoid that association, their brand may flourish. To avoid it, we must push our own style and brand before they can slap a generic Nazi label on us.
It's a big concept, maybe more than I can convey on a laotian basket weaving forum. I hope I'm communicating it well enough.
This, its literally nothing, nobody except the most devoted shitlibs care about this
I doubt it was just "Jews" more like SJW's in general, they're subhuman, they don't think or rationalize at all which is what made humans so successful.
These people are just walking prerecorded messages with no individual thought in their head, it's a cult hive-mind.
>are you retarded? hes out in two months
youre just afraid that things are getting real and are going beyond memery
What do you think will happen to europeans if we solely stick to memes?
American whites are a minority by 2040. Do you understand that? Youre either a non-white or youre seriously brain damáged.
You have to be autistic if you seriously don't think the Democrats are going to look for any reason to swing the electoral votes to Clinton.
Jesus Christ son, we need to wait until AFTER he attains office. Like you said, it's two fucking months away. We don't need to be giving them any reasons to legitimize Clinton > Trump before December 19th, 2016.
This is about winning the war user, we have over 160 million Caucasians within America, about 1/3 of those are liberals and the other 1/3 don't give a fuck. In order to convince that 1/3 who doesn't give a fuck to start siding with us, we need to do this tactfully, and that won't be done by associating Trump with Hitler.
Jesus Christ, are you a skin head or something? Hitler didn't win people over with white supremacy, he won them over using ideals and correcting wrongs (something I believe Trump will do, which will only strengthen our movement).
We need to be smart about this if it's actually going to work.
I got something for you:
>cringy autists that take memes seriously
>us Trump supporters
yes, I agree. And we should respond with kind laughter, deriding them for their lack of knowledge.
Like when a little child speaks up at dinner when the adults are speaking, we can tousle their hair, chuckle and say, "ah, that's cute. But the adults are speaking, finish your veggies."
We will dismiss them for the uneducated people they are. They will see that their name calling cannot sway or bother us.
why do amerishits thinks its about them? its about europe. idgaf about trump or about your barely 50% white country by european standards. you are fucking pathetic cucked cunts and i hope u get yellowstoned soon u fucking subhumans
>tfw I was the one who led the salutes at NPI
Stay mad OP
He created the term alt right user
>This is about winning the war user, we have over 160 million Caucasians within America, about 1/3 of those are liberals and the other 1/3 don't give a fuck. In order to convince that 1/3 who doesn't give a fuck to start siding with us, we need to do this tactfully, and that won't be done by associating Trump with Hitler.
Well said. +1 internets for you, good sir.
Trumps victory showed that facts still outweigh slander.
It's about time everyone grew a fucking back bone and treated it as it is, the screaming of mentally damaged and delusional cultists.
Top kek there really are nazis out there
I saw the video. He was talking about the media as a whole when he said this. Last time I checked there are both Jews and Gentiles in the media.
McFucking kill yourself.
the big problem with this is that it all goes back to steve bannon
the fake news stuff is a slight on him too, since bannon owns breitbart
the dangerous thing here isnt that they call us nazis or what we say is fake news to them but that they call an important member of trumps cabinet the top nazi and the master fake news slinger
the general public scares easily at the idea of weird fringe movements hijacking top government positions
Do you have the link to the full video (unedited)? I'm genuinely interested in what he said because I know some liberals who are going to bring this shit up to me and I want to be able to shoot them down quickly.
>muh PR
>le nazis are bad meme
Redditfag go home, Sup Forums is a natsoc board and always will be. The only thing making us look bad are PR faggots like you who don't have a fucking clue how to win or why we fight.
Give me a minute or two to find the link and the time when he said it.
Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of fucking cuck faggot
We do not need to, and should not, grovel to the mainstream and beg for mainstream support or mainstream "legitimacy". What this election has proven, more than any ever before, is that if we refuse to compromise, the mainstream will shift toward us and not the other way around.
K, thanks
>that image
Wasn't that about the media though?
It's time to go back.
Alt right is a term invented to discredit the national socialist movement. Stop using it like it's a real thing
Nothing wrong with a guy throwing a belamy salute and a Hail Victory
Fucking pussies, you don't convince anyone by turning on people who offend liberals.
Thats what the conservatives did to turn their whole party into that of cuckservatives, and why we are in this situation to begin with.