Why do you see psychology as a pseudo science?
Why do you see psychology as a pseudo science?
Other urls found in this thread:
make up vast number of terms and systems
provide no objective validation of any of it
Because it gives the weak a reason to be weak,
I really really like this image.
>people of higher intellect have higher rates of depression
I call bullshit on this picture.
What is depression anyway? i have lost my grandma, mother and father in this year + i'm about to go homeless..no friends... no money and i have nothing left which would feel great.
But still whatever you want... rob a supermarket and get your 10k euros...
EVERYONE feels sad at some time but this depression thing is a fucking bullshit..
here have a cute rotti
Depression isnt about being sad imo. Its more about feeling nothing at all. There isnt something that makes me feel happy or even sad anymore.
kill yourself normie
depression is when days bleed into each other in a never-ending blur. nothing can excite or horrify you anymore. you just breath, and if you aren't totally broken, dream of nostalgia or a better future without having the inner fire to change anything about your current situation
Depression exists but like ADD it's severely over-diagnosed. Most people who think they have it are just falling for their mammalian instincts.
that pic is from neurology, not psychology
neuro is legit
Life in grayscale
Parts of psychology are indeed pseudoscience, like social psychology or freudian psychologiy. Cognitive and neuropsychology are real sciences though, as they try to provide real empirical evidences. But we can not yet measure things like 'self'. But neither can we see gravity, taht doesnt mean its not there.
Tl dr most of psychology is real science and it can help people but social psychologists are retarded sjws.
t. psychologist
>neither can we see gravity
we can measure it: ~9.81 m/s^2
Your neurons dont fire much anymore this is science what it causes and how to prevent it is pseudo science
>Psychology and Psychiatry are the same thing
>t. psychologist
>I was brainwashed by shlomo to believe that homophobes are secretly gay
Anybody that thinks depression doesn't exist or depression isn't real is an edgy edgester. It is real, but you DO need to get over it, because life sucks and people don't really care about each other. Many of us have inner problems we never speak of, problems we cannot even articulate in words, problems that we know people would mock us for if we tried to speak to people about them.
So yes it's real but you can defeat it, I can say 99 percent I've beat it. I can only think of 2 or 3 days in the past year that I've felt depressed the way I did 2-3 years ago. I remember the "feeling". You just have to adapt and be strong, find out who you are and ignore all the negative people out there.
What the Alt-Fugg said
>t. psychologist
I'd rather trust a fucking sociologist than you armchair jews
Gravity isn't real it's just a theory. If you disagree you're a fedora nerd.
I don't see it as pseudo science in general, it is just that a lot of pseudo science is going on in their field.
These images are bullshit.
they have nothing to do with mental health research.
You're confusing neuroscience with psychology. Shit like personality types is where psychology falls on its arse.
I imagine some people would argue that the depressed brain is that way because the soul who operates that brain is choosing to make it not light up.
Psychology was pretty reputable in the 60s, when the CIA and FBI didn't have to deal with shitty things like "ethics boards." Now most published studies are pretty worthless social science shit.
This article explains the liberal hivemind that comes from sociology and psychology departments.
Actual clinical depression isn't you feeling sad about shit that happened in your life. It is a hormonal imbalance that directly affects your way of thinking.
Depressed people don't even need a reason to be depressed. Their life can be great and yet they still feel like shit (or feel like simply doing nothing) because their brain is fucked.
If you believe that they just need to "pull through it" I suggest you take anesthetics and then try to "just stay awake".
The real problem is that the term is used incorrectly and applied to everyone who doesn't have a great day.
>life sucks and people don't really care about each other
Then why would someone with any shred of decency have kids and bring them into such a crappy life? You just said it sucks.
Hell No, its complex topic but at least something to work with.
Only MANIPULATIVE MORONS like Scientology think Psychology is something bad.
They even claim it is responsible for the Genocide in WW2.
Stay in school, and you will see for yourself. When you look at some interessting Experiments like the one of Milgram.
science requires results to be re-creatable and falsifiable, psycology creates fads trying to explain a complex phenomena that are neither proven or disproven
neuroscience on the other hand is a hard science
not a hormonal imbalance specifically, that happens in some cases though. really clinical depression is just when your emotions flatten out to the point where you don't care (if you're thinking about anything emotionally you're not at rock bottom yet). that can happen for hormonal and non hormonal reasons.
and what if you ignore all the positive people too? The only thing i like is going to the gym at hours when it is almost empty
hello dog
That was my point though not well written: there are theories which we cant prove yet. Psychology is very young compared to other sciences.
>trusting any (((sociologists))) who are working with society and cry about niggers
You dont really know what different kinds of psychologists do, do you?
You are talking about social psychologists. I pointed out that they are retarded.
This is the main problem. We can measure eye movements, reaction time but not the self.
Out of curiosity, what else than hormones (or other messenger molecules) would be responsible for your emotions?
Conditioning. Look up Little Albert experiment.
Would probably be better to call it engineering than science. You can do shit without really understanding it by just observing trigger and reaction.
a trained response. i was beaten and starved from 3 to 18 and raped from 7 to 16. my brain couldn't handle the onset of emotions at first and now it just shuts off and goes into trained responses whenever i encounter stress.
>This is the main problem. We can measure eye movements, reaction time but not the self.
Because "the self" is phlogiston
>go to a doctor
>son you have depression, here prescription for pills to cope and im giving you a business card from a good shrink, go see him
this is ok
>wah wah im a neet tfw no gf im so depresed my waifu will never be real ;_;
this is not
Because wanting to be female does not mean you were born a woman. Much like how you want to suck dick but were not born gay. Anyone who promotes such nonsense should be ridiculed
Those emotions are still caused through messenger molecules though.
But I guess you got a point that it is not a hormonal imbalance in the sense that your body is dysfunctional to some degree and just can't produce the appropriate amounts.
Alcohol and faulty contraceptives. But not all people are bad though. Some may purposely bring kids into the world so they can raise them decently.
You can ignore anybody you want. The good thing about "going to the gym" and doing physical exercise is that people of all types support it, so nobody will bother you about that. You can go to the gym and be in your own little world all you want.
exactly! I think a lot of time, depressed people are overthinking everything in their lives and secondguessing their meaninfulness while simpler people often don't question anything.
>messenger molecules
and the cause of failures with the internet's infrastructure lies in the packets themselves, eh Hans?
you must understand: this is literally a trained response now. it isn't a "dysfunctional" thing. my body was specifically attempting to get me away from a source of danger, and because what happened happened so early i associated "complete and utter distress" with "men, women, all caregivers, all sources of authority" and had no choice but to shut off.
i've gone to many many shrinks, amazing professional ones paid for by various support services and shitty public health ones, and they all have not helped. what HAS helped is reframing my stress response (not getting rid of it) into something more productive, like stretching or fiddling with objects. that's helped me a lot more than your bullshit "just fill him up full of chemicals" theory.
Wouldn't neuroscans and stuff like this be the referral of a psychiatrist, not a psychologist?
The liberal hivemind is truly the worst shit that happened to science in a long time. Simply due to the fact how influential they are.
And not even just about topics they don't like being touched. It also includes stuff like research in academia being funded by the army.
Want to have a joint research project for better filters for gas masks? Nope, get ready for the hordes of liberals to descend upon you and make it literally impossible to conduct your research if even one cent of the costs is covered by the army.
Neurology and part of Behaviorist Psychology are true. (brain plasticity proves it imo)
Psychiatry and the rest of Psy are mostly pseudoscience.
Serotonin is a big contributor to mental health as well as the actual physical health of your brain and the wiring inside.
Depression medicine aims to help better balance it in your head to best of my knowledge. The hard core drugs that don't cause hallucinations force your brain to produce shit tons of it for your high. The crash of these drugs come from your brain not producing it on its own after you're not high. This is why people get addicted because their brain stops producing this very important chemical and they need the drug to force it.
This is why they ease you off of hard core drugs or depression medicine because it can be very dangerous to go cold turkey.
What i was trying to say was; what if you ignore things that you know are good for you but you just don't care.
Just be yourself and get a gf. Meme illness fixed.
It must be so embarrassing to have trudeau as PM. Like a bad smell that follows you around.
>EVERYONE feels sad at some time
You're correct and a lot of people misunderstand the sadness we all encounter throughout our lives with depression when they're in fact caused by completely different things.
Will you consider leaving this board, you pathetic normalfag?
Have you thought a bit why you are saying this? Because the society tells you to do that. It's the society who tells you to be normal and to get a girlfriend and maybe to have casual, degenerate intercourse and have "small talk".
How can a shallow human being such a female make me happier and pull me out of this trance of dreariness? Pathetic comment, again, I would suggest you to get the fuck off my board.
I think there is a misunderstanding because that was essentially what I said too, just more elaborate.
My initial main point was mostly just that emotions aren't some spiritual shit that just happens and you can perfectly control them with your willpower. They have a physical (or well, in this case rather biochemical) underlying mechanism that you can never fully change simply by mentally going against it.
When that mechanism is overreacting due to some reason, because your body is not capable of producing it in the right amounts or because your body has been trained to release unusually high amounts of it in reaction to certain input, it can be impossible to just pull through it with willpower alone. In the case of conditioning you can maybe fix it without meds if you invest enough time, if your body is simply dysfunctional you cannot.
I just wanted to address this "lol just be happy I've got it way worse!" point because that is simply not how it works. Even if you have enough willpower to pull through it for a while, if it is caused by some hormonal imbalance that is caused by medical reasons it will never change.
The worst part of that photo is that Trucuck is most likely creaming in his pants because of that.
Then you are "apathetic". If you do this all the time, you are essentially nihilistic. You know better than anybody else who you would ignore things that are good for you.
>Trudeau wins
>(at 0 health, enemy holding head above his dead body)
>Trudeau wins
I finally get it, canadians are fucking retarded
99% of the time it's just someone with a shitty life. Having a shitty life and being aware of it - isn't a psychological condition
If you have ever been in this state then you'll know it's nothing to do with being sad or weak willed. You can very much tell that your brain is physically ill.
Yes, I was specifically depressed for a certain time period and I was aware that something was wrong with me. My body, my mind, my brain 'felt' different. The people who say it doesn't exist are online edgelords.
>Thread about psychology
>Not one mention of Jung
I fucking hate you underage fags. Waste of thread.
Are you serious or just memeing?
I'm a therapist. Its still considered as a 'pseudo' science coz
>Most topics about psychology dont deals with numbers. Quantitative is easier to study than having no numbers at all, like just observation.
>There are topics that are 'taboo' like how nignogs really are subhuman. More taboo now that SJW are swarming in places of academe. So its very PC now to push psychology as
>Kike influence, search it up, many ((famous)) psychologists are kikes. So fuck em. Why? For example, every college students know about Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud is Jewish. He pushes the notion that humans has a natural inclination to fuck their parents. Notice some ((agenda))?
Lastly, psychology is still a very young science compare to Physics and Chemistry. Due that psychology is better with better technology like what we have now, ECGs, MRI etx.
>being this big of a fanboy
Some people are stronger than others. Sometimes that means physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.
If you are smart enough to know you're depressed, and to understand what that means from a physical standpoint, then you are much more likely to bring yourself out of the depression on your own, without medicine or therapy. This doesn't mean that it is pseudoscience, but this is one of the reasons people will believe it is, or rather why people will say things like, just get over it. Because some people literally can get over it. Mind over matter.
I unironically laughed this shitty post.
If you kill your enemy, they win burgerbro.
i am being serious. i met up with a few guys from Sup Forums a while back here and they described me as "literally a walking talking redpill".
There are also emotions that are not even in the English language. I found out i can feel goosebumps or literally feel "ecstasy" sort of at will depending how much i get into it. It's the feel when you hear your favourite piece of music and it uplifts you out of mundane life if but for a moment. I have also had it from smoking weed then listening to Bach which was was far more intense.
This is very curious to me and i have a feeling i should be paying more attention to it.
Read the whole thing, really worth the time. Also not just conservative circle jerking since he actually provides solid sources for his claims (though you have to look them up by yourself)
Noone does, except for Breitbart readers who for some reason think that psychology is related to the retardation to the left or smthn.
Because there's no way in hell that me dreaming about crabs running along the beach means I want to fuck my mom. Freud is fraud.
Anything Sup Forums doesn't like is pseudoscience:
Genetics, climate change, any social science that might contradict their feelings.
Sup Forums is afraid of reality.
Also, Sup Forums LOVES psychology, they just don't realize it. Every "race realistic" scientists is a social sciences major: Rushton, Singer, Edwards, Weiss, Staple, Flynn.... all social science professors with no hard science education.
I observed that most layman thinks psychology and neurology interchangeably
It's methods of study, lack or repeatable research and and the simplistic views of the human mind by psychologists.
It's okay user, you can admit it.
Because very little of it stands up to the application of the Scientific Method, thus it is in fact pseudoscience.
>It's a chemical imbalance
>It's hormones
Still no evidence what the "correct" levels are
Depression is whatever, yeah it sucks, but I can manage it. Its anxiety that's crippling. I can't cope when my mind is constantly invoking thoughts that tell me i'm a ugly dumb nigger. Or bringing up memories of my past embarrassments, failures, and bad decisions.
mfw this dag has a electirc collar.
>boy decides the whole mental health system is a jew
>boy thinks ignoring mental problems is what "real men" do and that "humans are supposed to suffer" and that "help is for the weak"
>boy continues to go untreated while slowly becoming a negative wretch fueled by an awfully fucked up view of reality thanks to Sup Forums
>boy finds out he can no longer relate to others and is convinced reality is merely a dream, a game of sorts
lmao Sup Forums is full of full on spergs
Depression is psychiatric issue, a psychologist that doesnt derive a depressed patient to a psychiatrist deserves to have their title taken from him, sadly those semi humanities "professionals" have an ego so big they think they are doctors themselves.
Tfw medically diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and manic bipolar disorder.
I know it's all bullshit though. I don't understand why i was never diagnosed with autism. I clearly am.
If youre still here user can you tell me your story? Im really curious now.
Neuropsychology is a real science grounded in hard, deductive, empirical evidence. General psychology is social philosophy based on inductive reasoning.
>being this new
How does it feel to know that you're a faggot?
because it is. You can't use the scientific method 100% with people. also, most of research is just bullshit.
most of these people are mechanistic as fuck and can understand shit about mind. I like neuropsychology but it makes you the whore of some medic.
you understand shit about psychology and psychoanalisys.
Psychologist here. Its not a pseudo Science. It has some Scientific shcools, like the behaviourists. And some schools that are not scientific at all. Like the psychoanalysis. And being not a science (under kants eyes ) its not necessarily bad. Even tho the unconscious as an object of study take psychoanalysis out of the sciences, the remission of symptoms by the speech of repressed memories is a fact. So, we have a working non scientific knowledge. Go figure that out.
Depression is, was and always will be a choice.
I study Psychology at uni, its pretty fun desu
I just wish psychology in general would stop trying to be taken seriously as science. As someone in therapy for mental illness psychology is a very legitimate study of the mind and offers enormous value, but it is simply not an objective science and is not medical in nature.
every prominent contributor over the last century has been regularly dismissed as a quack and then replaced with a new quack?
>Depression is, was and always will be a choice.
its a sickness that have bilogical evidence on neurotransmitters levels. The chance of cure of the diseas is about 80% if you get the pacient under a psychologist and a psychiatrist care.
>hormonal imbalance
typical kraut, trying to find objective reasons for subjective things. The changes in the brain that are associated with depression come as a result of it, they do not cause it unless the cause is medication.
Because it is.
the problem is you will get into a causality unsovable problem: was the mind making the brain depressed or was the body making the mind depressed. It does not matter, a treatment with meds by a psychiatrist in conjunction with psychological help can solve the problem.
Because it establishes no direct causal link between physical and biological processes and behavior.
It's like gazing at the thermal signature of your CPU to determine which site you're browsing. Flimsy, bogus bullshit.
Neuroscience has to go through decades of significant progress before anything more than pure guesswork can be implemented.