Alright you motherfuckers, who redpilled him?
Alright you motherfuckers, who redpilled him?
Other urls found in this thread:
I did. It was me.
I knew it
He's been browsing since Sup Forums shilled the fuck out of MBDTF, crossboarding and absorbing the culture.
He found Sup Forums and realized what his industry was about and couldn't take it.
Fuck, David.
Kind of irresponsible, but hey, it's your life.
When has Kanye ever been mentally stable? The last time I saw him in the news, he was ranting about how billionaires should give him money to start some revolutionary idea of his.
You should have waited until after 2020 David.
You're too rash, David.
too much redpilled that he's in hospital now.
Top kek.
Also he got redpilled when Kim was raped and assaulted by muslims in Paris. Pink Panthers robbery is a fake from the news so they don't criminalize more the arabs there, as usual.
But he knows the truth.
Found this.
>unexpected pro trump rant
>cancels world tour
Oyy vey!
he's redpilled since he rose to "fame"
he's laying it all out in the first verse of his song Power describing his initiation to the elite circle
the video is pretty much saying it all
he'll pull the prince here and name himself slave or something like that when he's had enough of the maniupulation. I mean the poor bastard had to take this ugly ass midget for a wife.
The fact that his father in law is now a degenerate tranny did it to him.
Who even knows at this point.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /new/, whatever.
It's become some form of comedic project mayhem that actually gained serious power and got way out of control, it goes from the bottom all the way to the top and even if Sup Forums died today it'd keep going.
I like it.
Everybody pretends IRL they haven't heart of it (or they're supposed to) and it's even better like that.
Altright you motherfuckers
>a nigger
Yeah, no one cares. His big booty slut wife is the only reason he gets any more attention than he deserves.
dont let (((them))) find out you did that
Nigger or not he reaches the weak minds of millions who would otherwise be mindless drones to the ill intent of the state.
Even more, it wasn't him who canceled his tour, it his manager or something after the rant.
he's a mong
>implying brainless nogs have the capacity to effect change beyond burning down their own neighborhoods
excellent meme my friend, push it
>burning down their own neighborhoods
Seems like a fairly good reason
David you fucked up.
>Implying red pilled people cannot comply with the putrid system that every other balck rapper stands for.
it began a month or so before ninjas visited kim
Dave, my man, we talked about this.
Kek did
Like all of us, a tranny.
This "red pill" stuff is stupid.
Literally Shut-It-Down™
your mom is stupid
just goes to show how manufactured celebrities are
they have so many people telling them what to feel, think, and say
Thanks for agreeing with my point. In both that your post was stupid and my mom is actually stupid like you.
>Also he got redpilled when Kim was raped and assaulted by muslims in Paris.
If your wife being mugged doesn't redpill you, I don't know what will
Redpilling makes you racist? Dang, I thought it meant something more noble than that.
'Black on black lies is worse than black on black crime
The Jews share the truth on how to make a dime'
- Saint Pablo
Is he a nigger or is he not a nigger?
Was he redpilled.
The ways of the nigger are strange, though.
Different nigger in pic, associated with above link.
South Park with that gayfish shit. Ever since then he started questioning himself and all of his assumptions.
Married and bred with a white woman.
It was Jenner. That tranny is a hardcore Trump supporter.
I like Kanye West, he's funny and most of all he doesn't speak Ebonic like Snoop or any other nigger rappers.
Are you the nigger-hacker called 4Stan
can't enslave the dave
Do you think Kayne ever fapped to the videos of his wife being fucked by that other nigger?
Yeezus just rose again
of course it was a fucking dave.
Who do you think?
he took the whole fucking bottle at once