Is race mixing with Dravidians allowed? (Not the average smelly Indians)
Is race mixing with Dravidians allowed? (Not the average smelly Indians)
It is if you do it outside europe. Migrate to their country and racemix there
why do people care about other peoples mating partners?
>does it have an IQ above 115?
>does it have light eyes?
>Yes? Go ahead
>No? Reconsider
Because my children will have to live with his mutts.
By all means fuck an ape but stay in the apeland.
As an Indian, dravidians are literally shit-class Indians. Black-looking women with shit princess personality complexes. You can keep them while I have your white women. Thanks.
>implying your permission is required
They better not be sri lankans, user
Mixing with any race other than your fellow whites is strictly forbidden.
And yes, that goes for yellow fever faggots too.
talk about a land of apes..
9th post best post
if eldar do it....
why not ?
You got more ape DNA in your """"white""" people than Slovenia ever will
>Because my children will have to live with his mutts.
So you lack the resolve to educate your children?
A first world country with extremely low crime rates. One of the safest countries in the world actually.
Without having 10% Bosnian, Albanian Gypsies we would be an even more peaceful nation
Even if i homeschooled my children they would still end up having to live with mutts.
One day a mulatto child would rape or beat them for no reason.Maybe even out of hatred for their beautiful blonde hair.
Oooga booga lets git dat blonde bitch.
>living with mutts
>lack to education your children
pick one
>Is race mixing with Dravidians allowed?
Is beastiality allowed? Why are there so many stupid questions here?
Are you trying to tell us you are 50% Dravidian and thus seeking to get approval? Sad, because you won't.
A lot of similar threads especially ever since the alt kike movement gained traction.
They seek to create a new "far right" that will be left wing and only slightly oppose the far left that genocides white europeans.
God damned british mud sharks.
No, no race mixing is allowed. Do you wanna turn into me, UK? No? Then dicks and pussies go together among the same race only, simple as that.
Fucking teenagers and love sick cucks. I get fucking mad when, for example, I know of brazilian gold digging SLUTS I know getting nu-male, bearded, fair haired and eye boyfriends. It always lead to marriage, ugly kids popping up in Europe, dirty genes infiltrating in the continent's gene pool and either a divorce of a cuckold type relationship soon after.
I dunno this kind of shit has been posted for a long time on Sup Forums. The template is obvious: find a picture of an attractive brown or asian woman, post it and ask "Is race mixing with X allowed?" or "Why do you hate X people?".
dravidians are the worst looking indians but the most civilised. compare kerala to gujurat for example. it's a weird exception to the usual WHITER IS BRIGHTER rule.
Your next first lady is from Slovenia apeburger.
Race mixing is needed
>calling any Western country "land of apes"