Is Richard Spencer autistic?
The evidence is piling up tbqh
Is Richard Spencer autistic?
The evidence is piling up tbqh
That would probably make him /ourguy/ more than anything
Leave shill he is the true voice of Sup Forums
You have to be 18+ to post here dude
fuck off
Yes. Beta white male autistic loser, who can only take pride in colour of his skin and nothing else, with bad case of yellow fever.
Many such cases!
Stop spamming these threads you fucking faggot
Lmao you ever notice how salty LARPers get when you insult their autistic king?
One thing I have learned is to never reveal your power level in public. Doing sieg heil at a public event is autistic. Hillary was right, you should have public and private opinions.
He is even worse, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, a dudebro.
I literally have no idea who this is
Check the catalog
Figures the spic doesn't understand expressing pride in your heritage. We won We are free to reveal power levels whites are on top again. Now leave Clinton shill
*never* heard of this guy and I know I'm not alone
nice bait.
We (and 8gag) are getting raided by unironical stormweenies trying to stuff their retarded neonazi in the Trump movement and associate him with it
literally who
also dont forget to sage JTRIG threads
You do know that TRS is basically 90% Sup Forums right?
nice attempt JTRIG, but we know that stormfriends are our greatest ally. D&C wont work here, sorry.
>TRS are the kikes now
>Media tries to label everyone against Hillary as alt-right.
>No one buys the meme.
>Media tries to convince world all of alt-right people are neo nazis.
>No one buys the meme.
>Media now produces an alt-right neo nazi figure head, who supposedly is the leader and founder of the alt-right.
>Everyone on Sup Forums where a majority of this ideology stems from, yet does not identify as alt-right, has no idea who he is.
>Will people buy this strawman meme?
Richard Spencer is a media produced strawman designed to put a face and body to an ideology they coined themselves.
>Don't buy the meme.
the reason i've said this is because they are trolling you
hahaha what a dumb fucking libshit i really love how its counter fucking troll fucking brilliant by TRS
It's genius what he did, intentional or not. The media is spending what remains of their capital and energy chasing after a mirage they call the "Alt Right."
Meanwhile Leftists are becoming more paranoid, more prone to lashing out, more detached from the concerns of the average person.
> hasn't heard of based Richard
Oy vey spot the shill
>lol its just trolling bro lmao we're not retarded we're trolling haha shitlib shitlib XDDDDD
So these fucks are literally like ANTIFA, they are trying to co opt everything.
Fuck them
listen JTRIG, i understand your lobotomized brain is barely functional, and that you are basically just a zombie wired into a thinkpad, but the reality is that trying to D&C an openly racist board by calling us racist is fundamentally flawed. nobody cares.
you'd be better off spending your time rubbing applesauce on your helmet.
spot on
Never heard of the guy and i'm guessing most people here haven't either.
It seems to me CtrlOp that has been given a list of Sup Forums memes and buzzwords to write a speech with. For what purpose i'm not so sure. The whole thing seems very strange to me though.
Anyone have any more background on this guy? He just looks like somebody who loves attention to me.
>Yes goy hide away and never bring out your thoughts and opinions out in the open and public! Do not attempt at all to participate in and influence public discourse with your own beliefs!
We are Sup Forums and 8gag retard you are the redditors shilling with this stupid shilling meme
Fuck off stormfront.
it's possibly but unlikely, most likely pic related as it coincides with a media campaign against Trump
>alt-right meet n greet circlejerk
>LARPing and memespouting
>real world influence
Oh i am thinking
You only haven't heard of Richard "meme haircut" Spencer because you need to lurk moar you fucking redditors
Whats up with all these paid shillthreads lately? Richard is a hero, look him up you lazy fags
He's a faggot and you're only here because they blocked you on twitter and gab is an echo chamber
fuck off and get a real job you shill
Which one do you work for, Washington Post? Atlantic?
Fuck off to reddit you fucking CRT shills if you can't accept Spencer's views this isn't you place
twitter trending #TrumpAltRightFilms
this is a planned coordinated hit
We understand his views, its his actions that are edgy, spergy and embarassing
He's a LARPing fruitcake and his followers are impatient millennials who want instant gratification and have no sense of long-game or tactics
What's it called again,horseshoe theory?Both extremes tend to suck desu.
You either die a hero or live long enough blah blah blah...
And you do? What's your game user?
Shitposting on Sup Forums?
This Richard Spencer guy is starting to become a really issue and I haven't seen any action taken by Sup Forums yet.
He is taking advantage of the 'alt-right', people are doing nazi salutes at his talks....
He gives the media a face and a name to attack, a means to make the 'alt-right' movement irrelevant before it even finds its true way.
I am making this thread to brainstorm what we could do to end this guy.
What about something like the #DraftOurDaughters thing that Sup Forums did?
Brainstorm with me!
This is a related thread. Come discuss ethnic/non-ethnic nationalism.
Just call him autistic, he tells his own jokes
Also alt-right is gay. Fuck labels fuck heroes
I'm a civic nationalist. I'm ready to die for Western Civilisation. The question is are you ready to meet me on the field of battle? I really thought this through and I consider myself a civic nationalist. It takes a lot of courage to say this but I identify as a civic nationalist and a bit libertarian and paleoconservative.
I've been on Sup Forums for years, and its always the same shit. Stormfaggots coming in over time to try to push their shit, then they leave again. When was the last time you saw a merchant thread?
Spencer is an edgy faggot, who is attracting all the wrong kinds of attention.
Don't use this term you little faggot. So gay.
Daily reminder there is no such thing as "alt right"
>reveal power level
>stand in a shitty hotel conference room with 40 other spergs and say your favorite memes out loud
Wow pick one
fucking stormweenies
You left out the part where you invite the MSM to film you and your friends LARPing and memespouting
The USA is a civ-nat nation and that won't change desu.
Always sage Richard "I'm a homosexual actor paid to discredit Trump" Spencer threads
Ignore them
They are CTR spam
They are designed to derail MAGA
Sup Forums has no spokesperson
Trump is the leader of the movement, not some faggot hipster reading off George Soros cue cards
>Is Richard Spencer autistic?
WOAH it's the people who control us behind the scenes HAHAHAHAHAHA what a bunch of spergs.
are you dumb? it's literally him
.02 has been deposited in your account.
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