But Kali is based as fuck, pham.
Don't mess with Kali... Whatever you do don't mess with her.
Im down with Kali, once Kali Yuga ends and shit hits the fan a new golden age begins, hopefully without niggers and kikes
Is she the female version of kek?
any way kek is more powerful
my dick top cannot be real life
There are too many of you ching chongs and fuckin brownies in this cuntry mate, fuck off
Why do the satanist jews love hindu shit?
its 2016
They want to shit up our countries
That's pretty neat tho
This is Satan's official coat-of-arms. Notice anything?
They're trading up to a better ancient evil.
Satan is a jobber who is destined to lose, while the even the "good" Hindu gods are worse than him.
Nice trips.
>fuck off
Nope. Deal with it, Abo. :)
You faggots need to learn the difference between Kali and kali yuga.
Kali is a based goddess. Kali, in kali yuga, is a shit tier demon.
Y'all mother fuckers gonna piss her off like this.
nice trips? kys , nice dub btw
This. Kali the goddess blows the fuck out of demons, whereas Kali the demon is the personification of Kali Yuga. Although I agree with Sri Yukteswar's interpretation of the yuga cycles and actually think that we're in Dwapara Yuga right now.
w-what's the spicy stinky stench i smell?
a-are you a poo in loo?
wat the fug??? DDD:
seriously smdh
>it's literally blade runner
Makes me want to visit even more
>Makes me want to visit
It's london X10
>no interest in the Holy Cross
This is why we deserve to fail
It's called being educated, you should just get back to eating burgers and leave my countryman alone.
I know world history is a bit too much for you.
>Trump appoints hindu to cabinet
>Kali appears on a building in NY