>leader of the American alt-right
>married to a Russian mongol
Really makes you think
>leader of the American alt-right
>married to a Russian mongol
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who?
You keep calling him a leader but I've only heard of him this last week
yeaaah riiiiight
They're separated
Pol has no association with this person, you shit eating journalist
>finland calling someone a mongol
also literally who
>Both Spencer and others have said that he created the term "Alt-right,"[7] a term he considers a movement about white identity.
So you use a term created by Spencer but you do not recognize him as your leader?
That's interesting, who do you see more as a core leader of the "Alt-right" movement?
And how do you feel about the prominent alt-right leader Milo Yiannopoulo?
>Sup Forums
we are literally communists. we hate jews because they are the epitome of capitalism and we are far left you retard journalist.
Stop datamining u communist fgt
Fuck off
I am simply a new Sup Forums-user and want to understand the board culture better. If you could help a newfag around that would be great.
>>finland calling someone a mongol
Who better
>literally who
Leader of the Alt-right.
Here is your first lesson
Lurk moar
Fucking toothpaste bitch, Sup Forums hated the alt right when it started.
She looks almost as ugly as if she was anglo
I wonder who keeps making these threads. Spencer is a cringeworthy stormfag faggot that's too dumb to realize he is hurting Trump with his Nazi references.
You've lost the war against russia. They took clay from you.
Be butthurt somewhere else. Your economy depends on russia. In fact, if you dare to piss them off, you won't be able to shitpost anymore, finngolian.
Milo is a faggot. Spencer is the de facto leader of the alt right, and everyone is pissed because he said hail victory and hail trump at the end of the NPI coference, so Sup Forums is acting like he doesn't exist.
Outside of this echo chamber and strormfront nobody buys in to the retardation that "slavs aren't white". It amazes me that some of you clowns would look at someone from Poland and unironically say "hurr durr s/he's not white!". I hate to use the word "stormfag" but how else can I describe you guys?
Next you'll be telling me she's the founder of Anonymous.
who? i thought he gay 2bh, this actually imrpoves my perception of him. good job JTRIG
Which one ?
I don't consider richard dawkins to be the master of memes despite naming the concept
I do find it odd how many people here haven't heard about him. he was on mainstream news a few years back because he got into a scuffle with a neocon at a ski resort in montana. the neocon was upset that he had to be in the presence of an evil white nationalist
randy scheunemann was his name
what's with all the posts on richard spencer lately?
Kek will smite you for your faggotry
Spencer is a attention seeking cunt, with his latest vid where he hailed Trump he just undermined Trump and gave Liberals and leftist cunts a smoking gun. It almost seems like this nigger is a Soros funded shill, seem's rather convenient that Trump wins the election and this fucker comes out and gives the MSM exactly what they needed to further demonise President Trump. Fuck this cunt, I hope he get's enriched by a bunch of feral niggers.
Day of Rope for Dick Spencer.
as if being Russian mongol is smth bad
looks like a tranny.
Also literally who?
Alt right doesn't have leader sorry.
I didn't think there was a leader per say. Just a bunch of people that happen to share the same belief. It's like saying there is a leader of Sup Forums. It's just a bunch of shitposters.
the alt right doesnt even exist.
its so hilarious, these stupid kikes make up labels for us and then attack those labels in an attempt to D&C us when we never accepted (((their))) labels to begin with. topkek
Who is that Sup Forums guy you keep mentioning ?
Dud he is gay it's just a White marriage. I bet they don't even have sex
just because you only learned of its existence when clinton launched her crusade against pepe doesn't mean it doesn't exist mate
I mean fuck, spencer started the site alternativeright in 2010, r/new_right was created in late 2009, and r/altright was created in mid 2010
JTRIG seems to think that its a good idea to try to D&C us over some faggot we've never heard of, because hes the 'leader' of a 'political movement' that doesnt exist.
basically its babys first psyop tier and actually makes CTR look like geniuses, sad!
The irrelevant 30-something political nobody is trying to pimp his own persona by painting himself as an "alt-right" martyr.
I've never heard of this guy before. But I can tell he's just another Gavin, Milo, Crowder, etc.
An aging edgy loser clinging onto relevance by attempting to capitalize on a the politics of the next generation.
so you mean some irrelevant faggot who was kike controlled opposition tried and failed to successfully subvert us?
so shapiro and milo failed.. yet somehow this faggot is the one that itll stick to? topkek its like (((they))) never learn
Then you probably aren't very bright or too busy fucking sheep
>Muh pillow biter is redpilled
>Undermines Trump
>Unironically works for MSM
Nah M80, this cunt needs to Hitler himself.
>>leader of the American alt-right
We have a leader? Ahhhhh no.
>Self proclaimed alt right leader
>Literally a gay Jew
He's the leader of nothing and a known con artist. The label alt right wasn't something we called ourselves to begin with, others started attaching it to us.
>That's interesting, who do you see more as a core leader of the "Alt-right" movement?
the prophet muhammad
>leader of the American alt-right
geeziwonderwho canbebehindthispost.jpg
the guy is an obvious paid agent, probably by a foreign state actor. #lowqualitybait
I have been a regular on both the Sup Forumss for two years now and what the fuck is alt-right?
>two years now
cg newfag. keep lurking cunt and stfu
Another soviet agent
>obvious paid agent
He created the alt-right movement
alright, if you say so
solid text comphrehension abilities also
>Alt right
What the FUCK did I miss?
I warmed up to the name "alt right" in its early stages after being salty about how much of a cop out it sounded like
when hillary spoke it out loud, it became real though
but still not a "political party"
its just a hodge podge of counter culture ideals that know how to get shit done
A LEADER though?
Im open to be persuaded otherwise, but something sounds fucking silly here if suddenly you're gonna embody an entire counter culture into a single figure representative for one country.
I am the leader of the alt-right
how could he have created something that doesnt exist? sounds like a kike 2bh
Alternative Right is an Identitarian website created by Richard Spencer and Colin Liddell[1][2] in 2010 and the later "New Alternative Right" webzine, edited by Liddell and Andy Nowicki, that was created when the first website was shut down in 2013.[3][4] Richard Spencer's Alternative Right was hosted at AlternativeRight.com and funded by NPI America before Spencer shut it down, saying it was too much work to manage.[5]
The site's white nationalist stance has attracted criticism from the Anti-Defamation League[6] and it has been described by The Atlantic of being a "white supremacist" site.[7]
so he created an irrelevant website? interesting
>Literally who?
Lurk more newfag. He's just an autist who co opted a term the media used to throw everyone who disagrees with them in the same bag and avoid mentioning pol to the general public. There is no such thing as alt right on pol, no such thing as alt right on pol. There is only kek
>Both Spencer and others have said that he created the term "Alt-right,"[7] a term he considers a movement about white identity.
lol meanwhile the media came up with that term first
nice job outing yourself as controlled opposition Spencer
CTR - why are you pushing this guy on us. Idk who he is and I don't care.
>co opted a term the media used to throw everyone who disagrees with them
No. He literally invented the term alt-right.
>believing lügenpresse
Which then the media decided to slap on to Trump supporters to discredit them.
He coined the term, but the term describes a loose group of ideologies and groups of which he only represents one. To call him the leader of the alt-right is like to call him the leader of martial arts or something else equally retarded.
Thanks Doc.
Thanks Doc
>decided to slap on to Trump supporters
Are you retarded? The alt-right doesn't represent all Trump supporters but the alt-right supports Trump.
I am actually the leader of this movement
Not according to the media
>trumsting duh maintreem mediah