I don't know if I trust Italian code. If it's anything like your cars or tanks, my computer will explode. I'll use it anyways tbqh.
Ayden Gray
If you go with Trump as #1 they will ignore it and claim that the poll was tanpered with, so obviously it's the Khans who should've won. Go Assange and stonewall him with Trump 2nd and Putin or Kim 3rd. Otherwise this is an exercise in futility.
Asher Hall
>Nigger gymnast >Nigger TV something I don't even know who the fuck this is >Cuckerberg
why are these all so highly ranked right now?
Gavin Jones
bumping for Assange
Colton Reed
lol i did not write shit
i only removed the assange name from the list
but you are right on the cars tho dont touch them
Jeremiah Cruz
also can someone tell me what the fuck half of these people even did this year? I have no idea why half of them are on the list.
Carson Lewis
WHAT THE FUCK! Trump had 76% yes and he's down to 3% now!
Dominic Sullivan
Problem here is that they will see a fuckload of voters with the exact same votes on the candidates, should have gone with a random chance per vote to mask it better
Bentley Howard
Make Trump, Hitler, and Assange the top 3.
Henry Rivera
wtf this script is so cool do the one without assange btw
Austin Lopez
Wow nice shilling. Why not add Clinton to the "yes" list too, while you're at it?
This guy speaks the truth.
Benjamin Bennett
They chanted "fuck Donald trump" on instagram and omg yasss
Jackson Diaz
You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself pastanigger.
Easton Hernandez
it does not matter
Trump must win this
where 3% moron? i just looked and it was 11
Owen Robinson
They're showing the daily results. In the long-term tally, Trump and Assange are in the lead I believe.
Hudson Clark
obvious times vote rigging it's at 3%
Juan Scott
so far trump is second in fact
Joseph Hall
Go sell oranges on the highway and get your family raped by cartels, faggot. Everyone vote Assange.
Oliver Harris
Why is mark zuckerberg even being considered for time person of the year? It's 2016.
Is that Beyonce? God why is she even on there, it's easily Trump.
I think Trump is going to idiot himself out of office and get pence in in no time flat but he's the most influential person on the planet right now, everyone knows who he is.
Thomas Perry
who cares about, who the mainstream media nominates ?
who cares about, the mainstream media ?
Colton Rogers
Cunts leave that console on overnight. Lets take this shit over.
Nolan Jones
>tfw have 10 tabs running this
Jayden Ortiz
Charles Young
ok since you want assange to win so badly he is above Trump atm
Nolan Jackson
Where do you get your news from?
Buddy, you can't just ignore everything the mainstream media says entirely because it's the damned job to give you news, much more than some blogger on the internet.
Some places have lean, that's why you decide for yourself what to take with a grain of salt- but you can't ignore absolutely all mainstream media.
Author of the script here. I've written another one using a different method. This one doesn't go through the UI. We should know pretty quickly whether this one is effective.
we dont need trump to win this, say no for trump. hes already the president of the god damn usa, correct the script with no for trump. vote for assange only. we need a assange interview, if trump wins this it will be literally nothing!
Asher Jackson
>Script compromised
Literally the OP link. You're just yelling because I'm pointing out your autism and speaking out against your shitty edited version.
I'm starting to get not just annoyed, but suspicious. Is CTR actually back?
Nicholas Morgan
Doesn't matter as long as whoever comes in the top 5 isn't on the "correct" side of the narrative.
Aaron Cruz
trump is honest though
the point of person of the year is to mark the most influential person of the year, that's why hitler won the one time. Trump is easily the most visible person on the planet
Christopher Cooper
no, just the normal butthurt leftists and trolls
Leo Thomas
Lol How much are you being paid cunt? Do they not want people to remember Assange exists because then maybe theyll question where hes disappeared to