I sumonse Kek into this thread to bless President Elect Trump in the lead up to his inauguration.
I sumonse Kek into this thread to bless President Elect Trump in the lead up to his inauguration
Maybe a rare Pepe will draw him out.
Come on Kek.
Praise kek
Praise renenet
Praise geb
Praise mu fat cock
You guys are playing with snakes and expecting them not to bite you.
Snake is KeK's wife KeKet
Trump confirmed old Testament messiah
Please Kek frogive my sins
Checked, praise Kek.
This was the first pepe / kek that I saved (not the actual one I saved, but the same one.)
I believe it was 2009, when did you get your first pepe.
This is my first favorite Pepe.
Praise him.
A lot of times ago
My favorite get.
Nazi Pepe
Kiked Pepe
enraged Pepe, get your rare Pepe's out so we can worship at the church of Kek.
Check em max.
We are loving frogs. Besides kek is a frog kekette is his female counterpart a snake.
They don't bite
Kek was also a etruscan divinity
Kek must help Kanye and destroy CNN and the NYT.
Pepe's cousin, Roachroach.
even MSM media owned by (((*))) are producing trump memes now..
Reminder that it was impossible for Trump to win.
666 get.
Please let trump uncuck the balkans
The memetic warfare order of march.
>off by gorillion
Kebab Paypay
School shooting Pepe.
Anyone got train pepes?
Nope, only fireplace pepe
Hotel Pepe.
Praise Kek.
Hail Pepe.
Power to Trump
WE ARE (((THEM))) NOW !!
Apostle John Pepe
Do not use our precious Kek in vain, his power shall only be used in situations of emergency. Shadilay oh precious Frog God.
Rest well Pepe. Your work is done.
Trip 7's get.
Checked. But our work is never done.
Kek is pleased
My favorite get
The almighty egregore of Kek is surely pleased with this thread
Checked. Our work is done but it's never done.
Checked. Ride never ends
Please let me fuck my high school waifu.
Checked. The ride hasn't even started yet and we are already winning.
Checked. The ride has started. It will be true chaos once France and Germany get their next big kebab attack. I hope it doesn't happen, but it seems to be the only way Evropa will wake up.
Raise KEK over all other deities
Praise KEK to shift realities
Amaze KEK by posting the frog
Inspire KEK to demolish the ZOG
Trump will be the first president to win all 50 states in 2020
Where's the screaming pepe with the severed head?
Kek works in mysterious ways user.
His unpredictability is defined in his very nature.
We need kek more than ever. EU will crumble, Sweden will become muslim by 2030, Trump will be Reelected. Shaidlay
Shit. Bump for trips. Praise kek
>actually believing I "bless" things or people
I reaaaaaally want to save that Pepe. Can I please?
Praise KEK.
Hail Pepe.
All power to Trump.
Tulsi for SoS.
Allah has nothing to fear from kek