If Trump hadn't run this year, which one of these people would you have supported and why?
Who was the closest to Trump politically among these people?
If Trump hadn't run this year, which one of these people would you have supported and why?
Who was the closest to Trump politically among these people?
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It's a shame that Jim Webb had no actual chance winning the primary, as he was definitely the best democrat candidate they've had in decades.
I probably would have supported Rand farther than I did, but it would have likely been between Jeb!, Bubble Boy, and Rato.
Rand/ Webb
Rand and maybe El Rato
Unironically Boinie.
Jim "slaying vagina in French Indochina" Webb
Also liked Rand and have mad respect for Huckabee although I wouldn't vote for him.
In terms of political proximity to Trump I think Cruz was the closest, but I've always thought he was too much of a shifty character, even before the Lyin' Ted meme.
The rest can go get utterly fucked, I can't stress enough utterly shitty every other candidate was. This year's primaries were the definition of quantity over quality.
But since there's no way he would get the nomination, either Rato or Carson.
>This year's primaries were the definition of quantity over quality.
lel I still can't believe that they had to stage a separate GOP kiddie table debate for all the people polling at less than 2 percent. (or in Lindsey Graham's case, zero)
Rato or Rand, no doubt
Who's that indian bill gates at the bottom?
Puppy dog face.
Yep, they'll do that for every literally who GOP senator or former governor in the country despite nobody wanting to vote for them and even televise it, but we still don't allow third party candidates to be in the general election debates even if they're polling at 10%, it's pretty fucked.
because "race war now"
I wouldn't have voted for any of them but maybe Santorum and that's because he's a closeted NatSoc
kek, what the fuck did i just watch? What an autistic video. What made him think the spycam-video-from the trees was a good idea?
Probably Jill or Rand, they're my guys without Trump.
Nice guy, good television host/guest, was one of the earliest mainstream GOP candidates to extend an olive branch to Trump. Like I said that's not enough for me to vote for him though.
>Either a paleocon libertarian or a hippie socialism.
Wew lad.
Ted Cruz bc he's a constitutionalalist
>no jeb bush
Shit list user.
He's on there, it's just harder to recognise him when he's not wearing his nerd glasses or holding a pocket turtle collection in his hand.
Rand first, and when they kicked him out I would have gone for lyin Ted. He might be a total Zionist shill and possibly a serial killer but at least he supports the second amendment.
He's also not wearing the Guac Bowle on his head.
Trump was a mistake btw
dude was so shit as the governor of Louisiana that they almost had to cancel football... also his real name is Piyush
I was on the Rand wagon
I bet jill stein was really cute when she was young
Piyush, my son...
Rand > Cruz
I probably would have supported (((Sanders))) initially but moved on when he started cucking for black votes. After that probably no one.
Rand of course
Rand/Carson is the ONLY correct answers
He hates being a Poo in the Loo to the point where he anglicized his name, put on a fake accent, and converted to Christianity.
Not saying it's bad, but I find it funny he's a self hating poo when most have a superiority complex.
jeb. Sup Forums always supported jeb.
I still can't wrap my head around Sup Forums's dual support of both Rand and Trump. It's like a weird phenomena I'm also guilty of. How do they correlate so consistently on here?
Jim Webb or Rand Paul, not 100% sure which.
It's like I would rather eat a sub than eat toast but I would rather eat toast than eat shit. Libertarians are naiive motherfuckers but at least they aren't TRYING to fuck things up.
maybe Rubio
The other conservatives not in shit tier
The Constitution party guy
Gary Johnson
the Mormon
The rest
it's because you want freedom but want to have that freedom in a white country
also some of Trump's positions are pretty pro-state's rights, so there's that.
I'm not supporting Trump, he was a mistake. I would rather have Clinton over him.
Wanting to support both Trump and Rand is borderline stupidity.
None of them. If Austin Petersen had won the Libertarian Party nomination, I probably would have supported him. Couldn't even vote for Johnson, he was such a cuck.
A libertarian President would be good, but only after Trump. Libertarianism is essentially taking your hands off the steering wheel and you only want to do that once you're sure you know you're going in the right direction.
i would have grudgingly voted for the nominee just like i did with 47% mormon and mr. hostage.
as far as support, 2008 ron paul
2012 newt for the same reasons i support trump. newt is like a grenade to trumps nuke thh im glad it worked out like it did
>mfw parties realise the best candidates are celebrities.
>mfw all future presidents are actors
>mfw the role of president is redundant
>Mid Tier
He's trash tier. He WILL run again, either in 2020 (not likely if Trump runs again, but who knows) or in 2024.
He's a career politician, and a bad one at that.
>I'd rather have Clinton over Trump
I'm not surprised that Argies hate you.
Jimmy Boy
Either lyin Ted or le sleepy doctor would have been my pics.
Carson, he is a nice christian man
America is sick and he is the doctor
The good doctor will HEAL America
desu, he is kinda dumb. Still better than Hillary Clinton and what is aleppo
>During the primaries
I would have supported either Ben Carson since he's a Washington outsider, or maybe Ted Cruz.
>During the general
I'd probably support whoever ended up being the Republican nominee
I'm not surprised Argies managed to go from a first world country in the early 20th century to a third world shithole today.
So what's your point?
I bet Sup Forums would've supported Rand and Cruz.
For some reason I believe Jeb would've been the nominee because of his last name being the most recognizable and getting most of the media attention based on that as well.
All these shills saying Rand "drone the liquor store robber" Paul
They're all shit.
Cruz, because he had a better chance of winning. Rand if the American public wasn't 50% legit retards and women.
I would have gone with Jim Webb or Rand Paul, if they had any mass appeal at all. Realistically, I would have probably bit the bullet and gone with Bernie it would end up Bernie vs. Jeb/Marco/Ted or something like that. If the dem nominee was Hillary, it wouldn't matter who the opponent is, I could never support her.
Rand Paul vs. Jim Webb would have been a much better election.
Carson vs. Sanders would have been good, too.
ben carson was obviously my first pick before trump caught my attention and ben carson folded
man there is some stupid looking people among those candidates.
But as always, shillary takes the retard-award for looking the most stupid.
Ralph Nader vs. Ron Paul would have been cool.
the only correct answer is none of them. theyre all bought. when will people stop falling for politicians' tricks?
trump is the only one that was possibly not bought, so thats why he was a good vote
None of them. The choice was The Establishment vs. Trump. Without Trump, there is no real choice.
Objectively the only correct answer.
sleepy ben or el rato
Jim Webb or Rand Paul.
Maybe John McAfee but he's not on your image. Fuck Garry Johnson that stupid faggot got the libertarian nomination over McAfee.
Sup Forums has historically always loved both Libertarianism and Fascism. We can't pick a favorite even though they are both opposites.
We backed Ron Paul in 2012 and Donald Trump in 2016. It's the two sides of the same coin.