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>people voted for this shit
You sent all this filth here. You can clearly see like 2-3 japanese there the rest is americans/cuckeuropeans
What the fuck is that thing in the bottom middle? Parents had to force that kid to do that right?
Also, why do you guys always wear those square backpacks? I see them all over campus and that's how you tell they are Korean/Japanese.
Pic of faggot child is Brazil you dumb yellow monkey
here, 5 hours on photoshop
Japan has taught how to work togather but leftists try to break harmony.
Globalists always say "we are one " but also always say "harmony is shit and individualism is good".
Leftists want to break natinality and harmony to make global slave system.
Japan should keep harmony.
LOOK. I found the exact backpack by searching "square asian backpack"
>you will never have the history of the west
even if it's true you are implying this is somehow better..
The Japanese guy is just surprised he didn't have to go to the zoo to see monkeys
what's happening above nip flag?
They are your problem now, English teacher.
You didn't think Japan would be able to escape PROGRESSION, did you?
A commie's spy was killed by 17 year's true Japanese.
based. if we did this 50 years ago things would've been better now
inejiro asanuma assassination
>same asian backpack
I would love to see your definition on the word 'same'. Does it have anything to do with the color yellow?
Fuck off.Im not with humericans
Fuck outta here, Japan literally has a festival that celebrates dicks and gives out penis lollipops to children.
There's not much to discuss. The west has become shit, while Japan remains pure.
I would move there, but i don't want to plague the japanese the same way immigrants have with us
>The epitome of degeneracy
>More males marrying body pillows and paying woman for cuddles than having offspring
Yeah, okay.
This spy "Inejiro Asanuma" tried to appologize to Chinese communists about WW2 but those Chinese thought Japan was ally against Chiang Kai-shek so communists thanked Japan with laughing.
In fact, KMT and Chinese communists killed each other over 10 millions but Japan killed 1 million KMT and only 1 hundred communists.
i have yellow fever just for japanese girls so badly even average ones look cute. there little girls are even cuter jesus christ
Fuck off you virgin pillowfucker. You are just mad that we westerners come to your land and fuck all the girls you wont dare to talk to. Get a grip.
What's in them?
This spy wanted to sell Japan to China for bribe but even Chinese were purer than this spy as Mao Zedong knew true history and thanked Japan about WW2.
A waifu
Japan ditched their culture to play make believe way beyond the second world war.
Should have opened those fucking ports without a fight silly japs.
> pure
> what happens when your entire country is a permavirgin
>Empire based in Balkans, Middle East and North Africa.
Nice try Justinian
Panties, supposedly. Not sure what it really is (real used panties being sold in machines is a myth)
This boy in the pic is brazilian
Just like in my animes
>post a pic of amerifat and brazil
That's a swedish backpack from the 70's that's popular with hippies and commies.
What the fuck is the point of BLM in Japan, though? It's not like black people are subjected to unfair judicial process, and with such a low violent crime rate and for that matter lack of suspects killed by police, seriously whatbis the point? Fucking tools, jeez.