You have the power to eliminate one of the below races/religions from the face of the planet, forever. There's a catch though, you have to choose another whose population will double. Your choices are:
Niggers Muslims Spics Jews Indians
What do, Sup Forums?
Blake Myers
Kill muslims double indians
Elijah Walker
If I choose Indians to redouble to get rid of Muslims, are they engineering Indians or shitting I'm the streets Indians?
Owen Jones
No, no, NO! I'll delete ALL of them, end of discussion!
Chase Cook
Niggers but double the Jews. There aren't that many Jews and without niggers they don't have much bite anyway.
Gavin Gutierrez
White people because I don't want to be part of this timeline anymore.
Evan Parker
Remove muzzies, double Indians. World loses a lot of destabilizing factors in return for a whole lot of terrible movies.
Seems like a good trade.
Landon Williams
This. Would kill all nigs, but with Muslims all gone We can just deport niggers to mideast instead.
Jordan Hall
Kill muslims, double the Indians
Michael Reed
Eliminate: East Asians double: Blacks.
Julian Martin
>World loses a lot of destabilizing factors in return for a whole lot of terrible movies.
You mean the subcontinent turning into a Shitter version of a Mad Max movie, right?
Because there's no way they could feed themselves. The only problem would be if they managed to get out.
Nathan Morales
Easton Adams
This one. Africa's going to explode in the next century and a black tide will engulf the world. Jews will jew, with twice as many they'll just start jewing themselves.
Angel Young
Kill niggers double jews, Will open the door to the vast resource trove of Africa
Henry Jackson
Exactly. Double Indians means you actually end up eliminating both.
Parker Turner
Remove Jews
Double Spics
Hispanics are christians
Christian Green
Eliminate jews, double the spics.
Tyler James
Will also be a huge hit to Islam as alot of Niggerland seems to be Muslim
Jonathan Bailey
You're a strange one, Sweden.
Leo Moore
Eliminate Muslims, double Spics
Adam Flores
Remove Jews Double Spics
Jaxon Fisher
Never lose sight of who the true enemy is.
Mason Gutierrez
>double Indians They are going to need bigger streets.
Anthony Sullivan
Why isn't whipepo on the list?
Ryan Hernandez
Remove Jews, double Indians India immediatly collapses
Thomas Reed
This. The nigger without the Jew is powerless. The spic is closest culturally to whites anyway
Camden Cruz
kill jews double muslims
Easton Anderson
you still need more?
Joshua Hughes
Can't believe I'm saying that, but this
At least jews don't breed like crazy - and can be dealt with at a later date. We've been playing 4d chess with them for 2 millennia, another one won't hurt. It's a long game.
Landon Cook
Fuck off ping ping.
Who even cares what Korea thinks, ever. You were funny those 2 times you made fun of nips but you're largely irrelevant, even more so than Montenegrins.
Cameron Moore
Muslims definitely. Most niggers are mudslimes anyway.
Parker Sullivan
Eliminate: Muspigs
Double: Jews
Leo Reed
Jews have no power over India Even with more than 1.2bn population there are less than 10k jews
Chase Murphy
kill nogs
double muds watch the heathens burn Allah ackbar friends
Joshua Baker
Kill the muslims And double the kikes.
Nathaniel Richardson
I think the 1.2 billion is the point he's trying to make, you overpopulate India and watch it burn.
Brandon Barnes
Sup Forums racists confuse me.
I've never seen a bunch of talentless, neckbearded degenerates and virgin losers try so hard to be better than everyone. Like, at least elitist racists like Trump have some kind of platform to base their superiority off of. He at least has some kind of skill, money and usefulness in the world he can use to compare himself to other people. You guys are just a bunch of pimple faced Sup Forumssters with partime jobs washing dishes and crippling autism. How, exactly, race aside, are you guys better than anyone? Isn't this where the world's most useless people gather?
Is it the niggers you hate? Or is it yourself you hate when you sit at home on your computer alone in your mom's spare bedroom and you look inside yourself only to realize you're no better than them?
Something to ponder, hmm?
Andrew Anderson
Enjoy world peace.
Adrian Reyes
Kill Niggers and double the Jews
Caleb Cruz
Kill Musfilth (though a real close call between them and dindus) Double Jews