I'm new here. Please explain why do we hate Canada?
I'm new here. Please explain why do we hate Canada?
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Same reason we hate Australians. For fun? Don't be such a gay
we also hate russia
Because when you kill your enemies they win
you will learn.
Because most of cancer, false information, retardness, hiding legit cases are coming from leafs.
Living here I can tell you that the majority loves their jew brainwashing. Maybe not your average Sup Forums leaf but the vast majority are unable to think beyond what was pushed on them during their formative years. Long story short Canadians are retards who have lost their country and just do not know it yet.
Hello Sup Forums it is clear we have a problem with Canadian shills on this board. They are more than likely funded by the effeminate cuck Justin Trudeau and are here only to disrupt our community.
According to Hirohito all boards are allowed to enact changes if they can get a consensus. So i ask every user on Sup Forums should we enact a final solution and range ban every leaf from the board.
I will be running this poll over the week until we have a final solution to the Canadian question. If we decide to exterminate every leaf i will then present that decision to the honorable Hirohito.
For reasons
Ok then explain what are the reasons for that? From what I know people living in Canada should not be much different from people living in US.
Don't hate the leafs,just ice road fuckers.
Who haven't lost their countries yet? Aside from Russia, of course.
This so much. Critical thought and self preservation are dead here. The media tells everyone what tontine and they just go along with it because "it's great here."
Meanwhile Ontario has the highest debt of ANY NON-STATE ON EARTH and the infrastructure is quickly crumbling. We're going to be overrun with rapefugees next year and Mexicans soon after. Watch how quickly it happens.
I like to fight with Sup Forums and shitpost and purposely make them angry. They think it's a big deal. I think Sup Forums needs to stop being such little pussy special snowflakes and harden the fuck up.
I fuck Sup Forums in the ass all the god damn TIME.
> Ok then explain what are the reasons for that? From what I know people living in Canada should not be much different from people living in US.
Didn't you hear that the most loudscreeching SJWs, arabs, mudslims, mentally ill cunts were all about "if trump wins i'm moving to canada"? And some of them actually did and they keep shitposting from there. Also their goverment is total shit and keeps brainwashing people, and people are too weak to try to think outside of the bubble, they believe jewish lies and try to infect others
We are the worst shitposters. Modern day Canada has become a socialist hellhole where it's easier to just collect government dole and smoke weed all day from the dispensaries that are basically legal weed. A lot easier than actually working or doing anything meaningful with your life, that's why there are so many stoned shitposters from Canada on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is simply right again, we truly are the worst.
It's freezing cold outside and when you do go outside in any metropolitan area it's completely overrun with third worlders and people who can't speak English. Basically no one in Canada except those born here (the dwindling minority) can speak English, it's more normal to hear Punjabi, Urdu, Arabic, Mandarin or Korean in the city of Toronto than English or French.
The spirit of Canada has already died. Our Prime Ministers for the past 25 years have all been good goyim, and the majority of the populace proudly enjoys their brainwashing and celebrate the diversity, even when radical jihadists try to assassinate the Prime Minister himself. The whites have no interest in retaining Canada. In 20 years it will become a third world, communist nation with no single lingua franca: cultural enclaves will be formed from unassimilated immigrants of various backgrounds, no unity will be had.
The best thing that could ever happen to Canada at this point is America annexing us and 'freeing' us just like Iraq.
Well that makes sense now.
So if I consider moving to either US or Canada, and from what I know moving to Canada would be easier, should I avoid an opportunity and still try to move to US?
Yes. The American dream is one of self-made prosperity and success. The Canadian dream is to become American.
I'm sorry!
Shut up, FAGGOT.
I'm sorry!
This user speak the truth.
Annex our socialist shithole please.
Who is this Sup Forums that you speak of
Then stop being a pussy and help us fight them.
I'm planning a rally on Parliament Hill that'll happen in January to halt or drastically reduce immigration and H1B visas.
Kill yourself holy shit I hate you so much right now YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
they're trying to steal Australia's shitposting crown
numerous reasons ivan
from bad shitposting to politics and everything in between.
Beacuse we suck cock like good leafs :)
You didn't hear guy? They shitpost for a living
Explain pls
No we don't pastanigger
STFU and Kill Yourself, toothpaste.
wow go fuck yourself wtf how did u edit my post dipshit loser
With any luck Obama's influence will be replaced by the new god emperor
I edit with great skill
am not sorry
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Remember, you're here forever.
Бикoз ит из фyлл oф кyкc Aнд лeфтиcтc
this !
jealous of our intelligence, so they mock us via leaf-posting. Much like how Hitler scapegoated the Jews
The real question is what makes us worse than the UK? Because the UK is also a socialist hellhole full of mudslimes, hell they can get arrested for "hate speech" or criticizing their immigration plan
uk has better bantz
Just lurk. You'll end up hating Canada too. If your here, you may already.
At least you are funny when you bant.
Are those ashes from a Jew?
It's time for Canada to rewrite it's history.
Canada is no longer a white country. It's majority asian, but one problem remains. Our history is still white. How do we go about solving this problem? Do we replace William Mackenzie King with William David Xing? Can we rename Pierre Trudeau, Ping Tsu'Zhou? Or do we forgo Canadian history entirely and recreate it in our own glorious Asian-Canadian image? Maybe we should start calling it Canasia and change the official languages?
Looking for thoughts and ideas from my country men. European Canadians need not reply
you want a slit to breath out of to go with your eyes?
Canada is the retarded son in the family, who is unintentionally killing himself.