An exemple for all aryans girls.
Based french aryan girl has 3 white sons at 18
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They look like retarded inbred faggots.
cute girl. would marry her and take care for her sons
Would made you a cuck. Find an equivalent russian virgin girl from siberia
But they are not mudslime arab subhumans
also this
> based
> starts fucking at least by 15
> no-one gets pregnant first time so probably 14
Yeah ok mohammed
What ? Maybe she comes from Alsace-Lorraine.
Fuck man I can almost SMELL them through my monitor... Dirty savages.
Our ancestors did the same thing, Rosbeef. Also she fucked with a male aryan
the pc term is untermensch
No they didn't, that's a myth and always has been - though maybe not true of your grandparents. You would literally have to go back to middle ages england to find that degeneracy.
dem knockers
>Northern Syria
>lecturing anyone on being aryan
nice titties tbqh
looks photoshopped tho - not that it matters
I don't speak frog. What is the subject of this show?
Also, why is the masculine sounding negress there?
>you shouldn't start breeding at optimal fertility age
>yes silly goy, you should wait until after 30 instead! nothing can go wrong with that
That is why the muslim are outbreeding you.
Thanks for your service Arya Lady
Having 3 kids at 18 is not based
yeah they look british
shut up you cuck and reelect merdekel a third time you bull prepper
>Young white families are so rare in Europe that they get featured on television shows
>the eternal anglo
white trash is still trash
Forehead of a nigger
Eyelids of druggie
Who could ever love
white trash is still white
Im 32 and have three kids and plan on another before 36. My wife and i both put effort into our education and career so now we can raise intelligent, well behaved kids and send them to private school and university.
I much prefer my life to having 4 kids before 20 and inevitably leaving an uneducated wife.
Christ, way to be subtle when getting ready in the morning
>should my tits hang out like a hooker's? yes, yes they should, this is worthy of respect
>that's a myth and always has been
People fucking when they first start feeling urges to fuck is a myth? Are you high?
t. Jamal
In civilized society yes it is, half the board have had urges for a couple of decades and are still virgins. There are social structures and organised manners of doing these things. In fact on both sides of my family i'm the earliest to have married, having done so at 28 until you go back beyond my grandparents - and only then that's because i dont actually know past then.
We're not all chavs rutting each other after having a joint and seventeen strongbows on a park bench at 13.
>he thinks humans are civilized
I won't pretend having a kid or being sexually active that young is a good thing, but to pretend it doesn't happen because it disagrees with your worldview is laughably naive.
I didn't say it doesn't happen, my brother in law's girlfriend had a kid at 13. She of course doesn't know the father anymore, the kid is in the custody of her mother and she's trying to have a kid with my brother in law despite the fact that the older child will resent the mother actually raising the new kid and will be almost 10 years difference.
That's the situation you get yourself in being animalistic. She of course never finished school and so has almost no mental horizons or potential for a great life.
There will always be lower classes and more impulsive, degenerate people for whom the highest end in their world is ejaculating - but it doesn't mean everyone was like that in the past and that we all should be like that.
>but it doesn't mean everyone was like that in the past and that we all should be like that.
It pretty much does mean one of those though, hell the life expectancy alone based on archaeological remains should be enough to convince you of the relatively younger breeding age of humanity in the past.
I'm not saying motherhood at 14 is particulary ideal, just that our species pretty clearly developed our rate of sexual maturity long before any sort of sense of 'decency' emerged from our cultures. There's very good reasons to not knock up highschoolers, and not simply the legal ones, but you seem to be expanding that moral judgement (a correct one btw) to biology, which doesn't give two shits about our rationalizations and says "yeah you're old enough, make some babies quick before a sabertooth tiger fucking eats you"
Well firstly it's a myth that neolithic man had very short lives: if you lived past childhood you would often reach 50, there weren't afflicted by as many transmissible diseases and obviously had good diets.
But im sure they did start young - but it's being facetious to use them in the argument as we're clearly talking during western civilization and most research points to late teens, early twenties being the time people had children for the most part.
that pic is shopped right?
>early twenties being the time people had children
Average, and ideal, agreed. Hasn't always been that way, though that depends on how far back you want to cite, personally I don't see much separation between our recent past and distant past here. I'm sure someone's got the image saved of a couple from the late 1800s where she was like 12, yet they stayed together until his death and produced several children.
The Anglo knows
Having 3 children at 18 is highly degenerate, even for white women
Yes but that image exists for a reason, it was interesting and novel. No-one takes and preserves a photo of a decidedly average couple.
I want Traditional Conservative America back. Tired of whores, tired of sluts, tired of every girl looking like a stripper. Yeah, it's fun to look at, eye candy. but when every woman is the whore, there is no good woman left to choose.
lol just fuck hos nigga, relationchips is fa chumps
>said the arab tier spico
>lives literraly in new Islamabad
Man stop being a fucking dick.
>No-one takes and preserves a photo of a decidedly average couple.
Most families do, but I still take your point. I can't help but look at age of consent, both in western societies and worldwide, and assume a somewhat higher degree of extra-young parenthood than you seem to, though we agree on why that should be avoided in a civilized society.
Ultimately I would want you to be right, as that would be a somewhat more pleasant world for us all.
Look at that user's two posts and ask yourself if they're really worth a (you)
Yeah, maybe i should stop posting too
I know that pic is shopped...but my friend wants to know where he can find more pics of Le Pen like that...
Leave cuck detected
Just look at those future rocket scientists... beautiful!