Is this board helping you lead a successful and happy life?
Is this board really an asset to white society?
Is this board helping you lead a successful and happy life?
Is this board really an asset to white society?
I'm lonely and this is the only way I get interaction after my girlfriend broke up with me after I proposed.
Maybe you should shelve politics and focus on your personal life for the time being
Sup Forums has helped me. I have a way more positive outlook on the world since I started browsing here.
Never listen to the Jew.
Lol, I find that hard to believe. You must be joking
Lurk more ratface.
Politics is for people with their feet on the ground and money in their pockets. What the jews want is for some small number of millions of broke, unstable losers to use white racialism to vent their frustrations in soceity
The purpose of our community and culture, above all else, should be the creation of productive and happy individuals. That alone gives more power and credibility to our beliefs than anything else we can accomplish.
Nice no image reddit spaced post kikeboy. Want a tip ratface? Spend less time pretending to be a concerned goy and spend more time disavowing this shit.
Not at all.
David Duke should understand not to encourage people to "seek to make others uncomfortable" as a rule of thumb. That can easily be manipulated by our antagonists to encourage fanaticism and hysteria which will have the effect of training society at large to mute us all by default
Again I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how the lawsuits that opened abortion in our countries were lead by kikes, I could even lay out all the noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that every time someone in this thread sees societal/political rot ask yourself, and do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins people for one simply cannot stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
We won faggot. Where you concerned kikes two weeks ago when optics actually mattered? Oh yeah you were posting BBC and >le argentina isn't white.
I've always been shit on for my spacing. Don't know why, because I've been here for years and years, and can literally count the number of times I've browsed reddit on one hand. I think I'm just a little older than the median user here, and so come across sounding "snoody," which is then (incorrectly) assumed to indicate that I'm from Reddit.
By the way, WN is bigger than >le Sup Forums vs rebbit maymay. We WANT to reach people off site (in a positive way).
I come here while i'm at work to laugh at all the underage queers and feel smug that trumpfag "conservacucks" are a bunch of NEETs while i'm pulling 6 figures, raising a family and own property
Sup Forums helped me quit smoking weed and cigs. It also made me realize how immature I was and helped me value my life more.
You started a post with "lol" faggot you're not fooling anyone here.
>We won faggot.
WN is a long, long, long way from having "won." It remains to be seen that Trump will not just sell out the population to Wallstreet, as every president (red and blue) has done since JFK.
The sexual humiliation propaganda is spammed to goad and provoke an unintelligent and unduely hostile and insecure atmosphere in our community. Do you think you are going to win any hearts and minds when your first response to any ideological difference is "we won faggot"? Not smart user.
>Argentina isn't white
Idk. Just a silly meme that's not too important. Anyway, no I don't post those threads.
I'm getting way more out of /biz/, /fit/, and /lit/ to be honest but it's fun to shitpost here every now and then.
We are 'reaching' millions every single month, and this is despite you ratfaced inbreds coming in here trying to convince everyone to name anyone but the Jew. Again why would one of the most politically influential websites in history take your advice at the very moment the overton window needs to pushed as far right as possible?
Kosher conservatism is dead kikeboy. We will name the Jew which is at the very core of most of the dire issues we face in our nations. Remember what I said? Less time shilling as a goy and more time disavowing this shit.
>You started a post with "lol"
Yea I know that's not the norm here. Whatever. It's not really that important. I'm trying to communicate a social and political message, not fit into >le edgy Sup Forums culture. FYI I've been here since the end of 2012, I believe it was. And I spend wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on the site. But it's not "my life," you know? I'm not going to change how I type to fit in. I was on the internet wayyyyyy too much for years and years before I found Sup Forums, and this is just the way I type.
>We are 'reaching' millions every single month, and this is despite you ratfaced inbreds coming in here trying to convince everyone to name anyone but the Jew.
Jesus fucking christ, dude. If you wan to expose the heinous and incomprehensible crimes of the jewish menace, you would do way, way better by fucking DIALING IT IN a little. You think anyone off site is going to listen to you when you talk like that? Your opinions are radical and wild enough already, you don't need to also sound like a violent maniac to get heard. You just shoot yourself in the foot doing that, which is precisely why the jews actually work to goad and encourage you do "BREAK THE CONDITIONING (tm) D:
Feel free to ignore me, but I've already told you that I've never browsed Reddit. I honestly don't even know how the site works.
Before I found Sup Forums in 2012, I spent all my time on youtube. That was where I started interneting when I was young, and when the internet was starting to take off in a big way. So that's where my style comes from, and I'm not changing it to prove anything to you. My opinions about white racialism should be enough to speak for my beliefs.
There you go.
Why isn't Sup Forums a bigger benefit to us personally? It should be. That is a real value. This board should be a place where we seek to help each other lead more successful lives.
Well it's not really what I come here for. I share many of the political views commonly espoused here but I don't attach any of my self-worth to that.