Report: Trump Won't Pursue Investigation Into Hillary Over Email Server or Foundation

>A source with direct knowledge of Donald Trump's thinking

Lost me on second paragraph

(((sources say)))

Of course not it was a bunch of hot air. Trump was planning on losing that's why he went so hard on the Clintons the last 2 months before the election. Now that he won he probably feels kind of embassies that he said all that stuff.

We'll wait and see, but I doubt he will pursue anything.

Calming the calf before the kill.


It sucks user but this is the only way the country survives. It's better that only people that already hate Clinton knows what she did.

Just be happy we won the fucking election and didn't have it stolen via jewery.

Of course he won't Hillary...... No need to worry....

Of course he won't. Stay comfy, Hillary. Remember there's no reason for you to leave the country at all. Just sit tight and enjoy the rest you've rightfully earned....

Strong sauce


Even if he wanted to, it would not be his decision. It will be up to the AG. He can input, but, ultimately it is the AG's decision based on evidence.


Fuck sake.

Trump said it himself, you don't tell the enemy you're attacking. You fucking attack.

>Unnamed source

That aside, it's be imprudent to do so now. As long as Obama is president, he might pardon her.

Kelly Anne Conway to be precise.

They are cousins, so why would he Pursue Investigation that to part of his family?

This is good. Shows Trump never betrays his best friends.


>A source with direct knowledge of Donald Trump's thinking tells Morning Joe
>Morning Joe
>having any shred of credibility left after this election

Come on, use your analytical skills.

He never said he would charge her, he said he wanted to investigate her with his own people, didn't he?

who? some old hag or something? are people still talking about this? Pro Tip: they aren't

now, tell me all about how trump is a fraudster that settled out of court?


Fortunately the stupid hubris of the leugenpresse means they are unwittingly helping him... AGAIN.




Keeping them both in the country

First (((sources))) agreed be couldn't win and now (((sources))) and 9 out of 10 Jews agree he won't so the things he said he would.

Yes, we all know that the POTUS has no influence over the AG.

Obama showed us this

Wtf I hate Trump now?

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