Reminder to Sup Forums that Hillary Clinton has NEVER lost a popular vote.
>defeated Barack Obama in popular vote during the 2008 democratic primaries >defeated Bernie Sanders in popular vote during the 2016 democratic primaries >destroyed Trump in the popular vote during the 2016 presidential election
Face it, Sup Forums. The people have repeatedly chosen who they want.
So she's good at winning games nobody is playing? Congrats. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Elijah Baker
No one cares about the illegal commiefornia votes
Camden Reyes
California confirmed for containment state.
Austin Bennett
Cool, what other irrelevant metrics did she come out ahead on?
Colton Clark
She has a real talent for offensive yards, but has trouble in the red zone.
Too bad Hillary, go buy a participation trophy.
Blake Roberts
>implying black welfare leecher votes should count equally to working middle and upper class votes
Isaiah Flores
That clothed hurts my eyes!!!!! Stop it!!
Hudson Howard
I guarantee you wouldn't be saying that if Hillary won the electoral college and drumpf won the popular vote. Kill yourself
Ayden Adams
She's also NEVER won the presidency and NEVER will.
>vilify your opponent as Hitler >lose to Hitler
lmaoing @ your life
James Sullivan
Lol stay mad and impotent forever.
Angel Ward
Is he the most punchable man in the world?
Elijah Reyes
Hillary just doesn't deserve to be the first woman president of the US.
Leo Bell
>getting the most votes >irrelevant OK retard
Owen Howard
I don't support Hillary, but changing your mind isn't something evil.
Angel Wright
Michael Sullivan
Not how the system works. If you want to win you have to win by the rules of the game, all other outcomes are voided.
Benjamin Ortiz
It's not a changing of mind and more "my opinion is what is popular now".
There is no core Hillary, just a lust for power and money.
Benjamin Allen
She probably never changed her mind.
Public opinions are usually different from private opinions. Most politicians use a mask
Jace Gutierrez
If Trump campaigned in cucked states then he would have destroyed the popular vote but that was not the game to play. Also millions of illegals voted skewing the totals and they will be deported.
Ryder Morales
reminder that both cunty Clinton and jewboy trump are no different. all you staunch djt suppoerters have been trumped and all you faggy Clinton supporters have outlived your use.
Levi White
Reminder to you that Hillary Clinton is the eternal second place / best loser.
Joshua Ortiz
>Not how the system works. No, but it's how it should work. Your party hasn't had a non-incumbent win the popular vote since 1980. Since the great depression, the democrats have taken over the white house 5 times, with the support of the voters all 5 times. Republicans have also take the white house 5 times, twice with the support of the people, twice despite the will of the people, and once with 43% of the vote when the dems split the ticket. So go ahead and gloat about glitching your way into power despite the fact that you're in the minority. Your fat, senile man-crush is already breaking every promise he made you, kek be praised.
Elijah Williams
Then you need to show that she is just agreeing with public/media opinion instead of standing for certain things.
Aaron Richardson
you're not really good at arithmetic right?
She did loose the popular vote since most people voted for either Trump of 3rd party candidates, and if you sum them all up, the amount is greater than what she got.
You stupid stupid braindead child.
Noah Phillips
The funny thing is. Hillary and myself have been the president the same amount of times.
Ayden Young
At least a million illegals voted for her. Between them and the undead, yea, I can see how she can win the popular vote.
Jacob Smith
But why did they rig it only to the point so as to allow Trump to win a governing majority at the three main institutions : Supreme Court, Congress, and Presidential Electoral Votes, while making it clear that Clinton enjoyed a majority of popular votes and that the first two bodies are Republican principally thanks to Gerrymandering techniques? The riggers just managed to rig it to a certain definite point, a far better calculated one than one may imagine. [i.e. to ensure Civil War].
Hudson Hall
Google "plurality". If the POTUS race worked the the governor's race here in VA, she would have won. The alternative is a run-off, which she still would have won.
Jose Roberts
Makes you wonder how does an unlikeable candidate like Hillary get so many votes? Couldn't be voter fraud. No. Hillary is too honorable and principled for that. A candidate who can't even get 100 people to show up for her rallies somehow manages to make millions come out to vote for her. That seems totally legit.
Owen Bennett
Isaac Gutierrez
>At least a million illegals voted for her. Name one.
Benjamin King
David Reyes
>Couldn't be voter fraud. You do understand they cross your name off the list when you vote, right? And if even 1% of your grazillion "fake" voters got caught, you'd have hundreds of thousands of examples to point to. But you don't.
Logan Russell
except he isnt, bye bye ctr
Wyatt Long
Bwaaah. Hillary played baseball while everyone else played football. Kek.
Nicholas Fisher
Troll post aside I can't stop looking at your image in the OP. People like this exist.
I bet you believe DJT is a Presbyterian? Lol. No matter who 'won" the election, the west was fucked from the get go. DJT is just Adelsons alter ego.
Aiden Parker
She did not win, stop being butthurt. That is a FACT.
Connor Gutierrez
Pedro Gonzalez
Carson Reyes
add it up. the popular vote means MOST people voted for her.
See those numbers? See how if you add up all the amounts except for hers they are greater than what she got?
Now go back to your safe space and shhhh the fuck up.
Luis Williams
This is the most perfect result you can imagine to justify a Second Civil War, each camp being convinced that the victory of the other is the Apocalypse, both being right in a certain sense. I feel bad for you naïve trump suckers and Clinton cunts.
>SHE DID NOT WIN THE POPULAR VOTE MOTHERFUCKER!!! She won a plurality. Your party has only had two non-incumbents win a majority since Hoover.
Carson Stewart
Those aren't the rules sister.
Easton Perez
>The are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that don't know Hillary is a serial voter fraudster.
Lucas Rivera
Samuel Ramirez
I hate to keep reminding you faggots, but she didn't actually win the popular vote. Over 2 million illegal immigrants voted in California alone. And guess what? None of them voted for Trump.
Matthew Martinez
Your salty tears are very yummy m8
Andrew Ortiz
stay mad cucks
Kevin Anderson
Reminder that losers are not winners.
Luis Garcia
>Holding back rage
Luke Ward
Never forget that warm, wonderful feeling when she got BTFO by Trump
Nathaniel Foster
Xavier Fisher
And? She still lost, no matter how you want to justify it, she did loose the popular vote, as in most people that voted, did NOT vote for her.
Here, do some more mental gymnastics to justify your loss.
Gabriel Rogers
>she got BTFO by Trump Trump squeaked out a win on a technicality, nobody got BTFO.. And how many of you would have voted for him if you had known how much he's already betrayed you by dumping his entire platform a week after the election?
Jordan Jenkins
Your tantrums amuse me Dance little monkey, dance!
Jordan Brooks
> Completely abandoned his platform
Did you read that on Huffington Post, Goldstein?
Jaxon Collins
but hillary DID lose the popular vote.
Landon Smith
>she did loose the popular vote, as in most people that voted, did NOT vote for her. By that measure, nobody won, but Donald lost worse than Hillary. And if that's how it worked, she would have won the run-off. Now go back to eating mayonnaise sandwiches and fucking your sister in your irrelevant flyover.state.
Julian Hall
Fuck popular vote and fuck Californian people
James Hall
>Face it, Sup Forums. The people have repeatedly chosen who they want.
That is true. This is exactly why Donald Trump is going to be the next president of the United States. The people have chosen nonetheless.
Bentley Lee
Say it slowly: Mister President Trump.
#YoureWithHimLikeItOrNot #HesYourDamnPresident
You can keep the
Austin Smith
Dance little monkey, dance!
Lucas Lee
>Fuck popular vote and fuck Californian people So you admit you're the enemies of democracy?
Josiah Hughes
>Dance little monkey, dance! wow. Such intellect. Surely this is why your movement swept the nation. You're really a bunch of sharp cookies.
How does it feel knowing you're on the side of the stupid and poorly educated?
Connor Moore
he he, dance little monkey, dance! you only exist to amuse me with your ignorance and flailing intellect
Luke Peterson
>illegals and dead people have chosen who they want
The system in this country is by electoral vote, he won that. Now since you children of bubblewrap like to cry wolf and try to change the system to suit your little dreamland scenario of fucking retarded safe spaces, you started saying that she won the popular vote, which she DID NOT WIN, she had more votes than he did and still SHE DID NOT WIN THE POPULAR VOTE, get it?
Most people in this nation that voted,did so for either Trump of a third party candidate, NOT FOR HER.
Now go back to your little protest tantrums and genderfluid moronic friends and suck a gluten free non GMO cock
Angel Evans
>Has a history of rigging elections >Always wins the popular vote
Oliver Roberts
Oh yes, dance more little monkey, dance more!
Levi Young
Yeah. It's not like California and New York have no voting ID laws and literally anyone can vote, including illegal immigrants.
Chase Bennett
The only thing this proves is that she should go run for office in New York or California.
And she still lost. Why is it so difficult to accept? Is it cause you know nothing about geopolitics? About how corrupted she is? Is it about fear of loosing what? Abortion laws? Same sex marriage? What are you so afraid of?
I did not vote for the man but I'll give him a chance, and, if he fucks up, then I'll join on the protest, so far all I see is a bunch of pretentious spoiled little brats that know shit about economics, geopolitics or law to even know wtf has happened in this country & the world for the last 50 years or so.
Tyler Rogers
Said the big city welfare recipient, or maybe businessmans trust find kid, who never actually contributed to the community with any kind of work, but was just some form of leech.
James Moore
pic related, op
Angel Adams
16 years ago I remember how butt mad and salty democrats were about losing the electoral college but winning the popular vote. Half the people upset about it now were too young to even remember that election.
Isaac Fisher
>SHE DID NOT WIN THE POPULAR VOTE, get it? I like how address my points about plurality and run-offs. A lesser man would just keep shouting slogans, proving themselves to be the mindless sheep serving whichever master served their petty emotional needs.
Blake Parker
>Californian ((((((((((people))))))))))
Jaxon Wright
hmmmm maybe the fact that she changed it concurrent with an explosion in its public support?
Brandon Hill
>Yeah. It's not like California and New York have no voting ID laws and literally anyone can vote, including illegal immigrants. Name one illegal that voted. Any one will do. I'll wait.
Daniel Clark
>The people have repeatedly chosen who they want. If by "the people" you mean a bunch of fat, stupid retards who shouldn't have a right to vote, then no, not even then, because you forgot to factor in cheating.
Jackson Young
If the Presidential election was decided on popular vote alone, more Republican voters would actually go up to vote in places like California.
Jacob Taylor
damn bro u mad af
Carter Allen
Thats actually pretty interesting user. Now we can safely assume shes been in cahoots with the people that make voting machines as well as getting the illegal vote.
Isaiah Rogers
Why wouldn't they vote for their best interest? They're in the country illegally anyway, what's going to stop them from voting for their preferred candidate in a state that doesn't check ID?
Wyatt Howard
My girlfriend voted for Hillary and she is studying in America.
Jeremiah Turner
>The only thing this proves is that she should go run for office in New York or California. This is your daily reminder that even EVERY SINGLE vote in New York, California, Florida, Texas and the next 4 states combined isn't a majority. But keep telling yourselves whatever you need to believe you aren't the enemies of America.
Camden Cox
Pedro or Amir?
Leo Thompson
>feminism tattoo >hillary tattoo oh god what the fuck man you better get that shit removed right now
Jose Harris
>California has repeatedly chosen who they want
The other states disagreed.
Josiah Lee
>what's going to stop them from voting for their preferred candidate in a state that doesn't check ID? When you vote, they cross your name off the list. If even 1% of your "three million" got caught, you'd have 30,000 examples to point to. But you don't have any. the kool aid
John Rogers
>The other states disagreed. see >EVERY SINGLE vote in New York, California, Florida, Texas and the next 4 states combined isn't a majority.
Austin Wood
You do remember she admitted to Wall Street fags that she had a public and personal opinion. Its in one of the emails.