On the 53rd Anniversary of his death, I ask you Sup Forums, who killed Kennedy?
On the 53rd Anniversary of his death, I ask you Sup Forums, who killed Kennedy?
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"Fucking with Jewish bankers."
FBI user (RIP)
LBJ, Hoover and Texas oilmen.
the jews
Lucien Sarti
Was a pity that the Senate looking into Bobby Baker wrapped up the day of his assassination.
And at the lower operational levels, Cuban exiles and the Mafia
He was shot in the head by the secret service agent in the passenger's seat in front of him. Jacky saw this, and it's why the first thing she does when Kennedy gets plugged is try and crawl OUT of the car, instead of ducking down and taking cover IN the car.
>who killed Kennedy?
every fascist in the USA whose money he was deliberately fucking with
so far all the guesses here are somewhat accurate but I will add the head of the hydra Tavistock to this query
I did it
Daily reminder JFK requested UFO documents 10 days before ded
(((They))) did
The Queen ordered his death, because he was going to expose the small group of families that rule us all
but it was carried out by Bush Snr. network in the CIA
The governor was in the front passenger seat....
Oh definitely this.
... my guess is the same as Joseph Farells assumption:
Kennedy made to many enemies at once.. they put they heads together and sent a killsquad .. so WHO shot him is not important.. more like who ordered the kill.
There were multiple reasons why JFK was killed, the main ones were that he wanted to end the Fed and shut down Israel's nuclear program.
The Mob & The Soviet Union
drumpf did it
Gtfo with your /x/ tier garbage
JFK made along speech on exposing secret societies a week or two his assasination
For anyone wanting to go down the rabbit hole...
I would start with 'The Men who killed kennedy'.
Each episode has a different theory on who did it, but if you finish all 10 episodes and don't believe that SOME conspiracy existed, well I'd be surprised.
After that read LBJ : The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination
Again, trust but verify, some of the information is bullshit, but most is good stuff.
At that point you'll probably just give up, we'll never get that definitive answer that we need.
no idea
but his wife was a top qt
Curiosity killed the Kennedy
American heroes.
Ted "Zodiac Killer" Cruz
wasn't the organization carrying out the will of the queen called Tavistock?
A good introduction.
I found the evidence of the Doctors in Dallas compelling, the right hand occipital was blown out when he left the hospital, and when he arrives in Bethesda it isn't.
Figure that one out for me.
the Fed
The same (((people))) that killed Jacob Rubenstein, before he could talk.
What is the source for this?
Who is William Harvey?
Mafia since they lost gambling income from Cuba after Castro took over and JFK didn't do enough to overthrow him in their view.
Any sources or good books to read on the subject? That isn't overly bullshit
The Fed and the occult behind it.
It's like a family tree for who was involved with who in the conspiracy.
Top of the tree such as D Morales are CIA, Malcolm Wallace was LBJ's bagman / hitman
John Conally was the Gov of Texas and lured JFG there.
LBJ : The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination
I listened to it on Audible, about 30 hours, but really well written and researched.
I listened on the way to and from work every day.
trying to find this shit on YT, but i cant remember the name and it seem like its gone, some user on here recommended it.
>announcing your arrival with an open top, no bulletproof glass
you deserve what's coming
kek, historian here. I've actually researched a decent amount into Jack Ruby. He was a narcissistic nutjob that only killed Oswald because he wanted to be a hero.
Besides, if you want to make connections, Jack Ruby is much more tied to the mob than to Israel. He was Jewish and never missed a chance to point out annudah shoah. In fact, in prison, he wrote a delirious note to his attorney telling him they were gassing Jews in the jail he was staying in.
They faked the assassination. Missing Zapruter film is where they put Tippit's body where Kennedy was and Kennedy was taken away. All the "witnesses" were crisis actors.
It was you and me
It is a really good graphic, once you start reading there is no way you can believe that no conspiracy exists.
>msnbc claims Dallas has always been the city of hate and Trump's election is bringing back that environment that led up to the assassination
>JFK was literally shot by a communist
wew lad
Not so sure on that one.
You think it was enough to drive him to get into the underground car park and shoot Oswald?
The Fed. Hopefully Trump locks himself in the oval office and ends them.
CIA, not even open for debate.
Gary Oldman
CIA, for multiple reasons, no doubt. I won't go into them.
If you've never heard of her, start googling.
See you at the bottom of the rabbit hole...
being this stupid.
It was Rafael Cruz
Sam Hyde was spotted leaving the scene with a sniper rifle
I hope to guess your name
Dunno but Bibi seems to think it was Israel
Lol capcha: kill voltella
this will and always be one of the biggest conspiracy theories in history.
You can say what you want about 9/11 most know the Saudi's had about 90% involvement.
Who how and why the assassination of JFK will always remain a mystery.
Oswald was a scapegoat.
Not Jews.... web.archive.org
Hence why 20 Saudis were arrested and more than 200 Israelis!
JFK never died JFK is Jimmy Carter
Jack Ruby, jewish assassin.
Lee Harvey Oswald with a mail-order 7.5mm Carcano rifle from the sixth floor of the Texas School book depository. Oswald was in the military and was an expert shot.
The pedophile satanic ring.
>That's how clever they are. They dyed me this color, all over. can you think of a better way to hide the truth than that?
yeah get out with your /x/ tier g-garbage he-heh it was obviously j-jews!
father of the true detective actor
Don't forget he also had Robert killed when Robert dared to challenge LBJ for the Kennedy mantle. If Robert had won the Presidency (and he would have, if he had attained leadership of the Democratic Party) you can sure as hell bet he would've used the full powers of the Presidency to uncover the truth behind his brother's murder. So LBJ worked once more with the CIA to have Robert killed.
was that bubbha ho tep?
Globalists because he wanted to get rid of the Fed. LBJ was in on it.
The Jews did it
This guy gets it. If you do you're research into this topic it's painfully obvious that LBJ was involved. He always wanted to be president and knew there was no other way.
Any other good movies about this subject besides JFK and Bobby?
James Files did. He said so.
It was you and me
Oliver Stone's Nixon has several scenes based around meeting J Edgar and some suspicious Texan and Cuban Nixon supporters.
It is quite interesting to note that after an innocent Finn proposed his theory, he is immediately jumped and belittled.
I wonder who (((you guys))) are
It's a clever double Jew! Yes yes aliens!
If it was/is aliens it's because Jews are giving aliens all our gold.
How in the Hell does one man manage to get away with all this shit ?
Damn supremacysts
George HW Bush
>later became CIA director
>later became president
>texas oilman