Sup Forums YLYL

Sup Forums YLYL

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Women's sexual liberation was and is a mistake




>zion is in the mojave
I don't get it


This one always gets me



>Psychologist: How to talk to your children about Trump








Dude, just fucking overthrow your government already.







Ive always wanted an edited version of this where the "encouraging artist" part, in the end she ends up homeless and then discourage artists she ends up a doctor or an engineer


Translation please?



He's black you retards, of course he won't be as tall as Scandinavians. How is poor understanding of genetics funny?

It's even funnier given that the guy zergrushing has Assburgers.

His war cry was something like "The peaceful transition of government is essential to our democracy! REEEEEEEE!"

The libtards at OSU don't know what to do in regards of who they should support. The guy who got tackled opted not to press charges. Not because the guy is tardmonkey but rather because he's not really a Trump supporter.

So many lulz in one story.

Lol this is another level

Wait, the non-violent hippie was helping the criminal!?

>German intellectuals

>Bernie campaign
>the gif


>sandals and socks

He deserves the chair just because of that

Isn't there one with the campaign bus being towed?

There should be a leash law


Tell me you idiot....

White american males are short too.

That slow descent into misery is priceless

The blonde with glasses, the girl with white top and the brown one are hot, tho

Whats going on here?

can a swedefag translate this shit?

Bets like these are made by people who don't understand expected value

I found this humorous.

Dear lord.
>Psychologist: How to talk to your children about Trump
It's literally in my post.

See >germans

Never leave me, Ron Paul.



(Jingle Jangle...)


That's sad.

That cannot be fucking real..

I think it says to talk to your child about Trump


Underrated, Germans are autistic as fuck

Japan bro are you safe?

he's an plain clothes officer. He was trying to assist in the takedown


Yeah, I'm down by tokyo. The tsunami was a good ways north from where I am. Actually hit fukushima again and one of the cooling pumps at the nuclear reactor shut down for a bit. The tsunami didn't even breech the barrier though I don't think. Thanks for asking.




That hero worship is fucking disgusting

First the flag, then the fag.


>Unnecessary lines
This can't trigger more.

hmmmmmm, really makes you think.


>Returns 5 if a and b are the same


Natural selection. The WEBM



>us now have weapon "laser beam"
>give us to complete gundam


i see merkel's plan now


>betting 18000 for a 3000 return

I hope this retard killed himself afterwards

Your a big guy.

seriously, the girl with brown hair and white top is one sweet qt3.14, still libtards though.



nippon is kawaii :3

Im 6 foot 8 bro



I wonder what Ghibli title should have actually won in the year of Dinomites

I see the American is the only one who isn't a fat fuck. Irony?

isnt this the woman who was outed as a Democrat mouth piece

>Your a big guy.

And YOU'RE not that smart.