>We got Brexit passed >We elected Trump >The left is now losing the social war >Generation Z is the most conservative generation since WWII >Soon the right will be the mainstream
So...does this mean Sup Forums is going to become to libertarian again or go full leftist?
Austin Lee
thats how it should be
Evan Phillips
It already looks to be going right can anyone tell me about jimmy kimmel has he ever done a skit like the thanksgiving one making fun of lefities so hard?
Ayden Hall
>Sup Forums was responsible for all these things Delusions of grandeur. All we did was shit post and laugh.
Charles Hall
Who is generation Z? Like what years are they born in?
Dylan Foster
Thanks for correcting the record
Jaxon Morales
we also acted as the propagandists of the campaign and worked to disseminate the information from wikileaks to the public
Austin Diaz
Next step is anarchism of course. With a right wing basis we can really create paradise.
Jace Gomez
gen z is after 1995 i think
Nathaniel Gomez
There is power in shitposting.
Blake Stewart
so pretty much we reset the social clock back to the 1980's?
Jackson Torres
Neat. 1997 fag reporting in. Confirmed right wing as fuck.
Chase Lewis
If anything all Sup Forums did was make the media act like fools reporting on frivolous bullshit. Nobody changed their vote over a Pepe image.
Andrew Young
Its more around 98-99. Pretty much whoever could vote for the first time this election
Lucas Cox
The shit posts continue and we see exactly how far right can get elected. Because Trump seems to be skirting back towards the left. And the British are further cucking themselves by delaying brexit. I blame letting a woman take charge. Only female leader worth a damn was Magret God damn Thatcher
Connor Rodriguez
>again Quit the revisionist bullshit. This place chanted "gas the kikes, race war now" years ago
Aaron Wright
We'll stay with Trump until the establishment he builds starts to lose its way.
Blake Flores
no, it means you fuckers failed your task and should fuck off to reddit already
Blake Cox
There are no breaks on this train.
Cameron Russell
exactly. pepe was a perfect piece of trump propaganda because it proved him right about clinton and the news being crooked.
the news only ever covered pepe, the adl only ever declared him a hate symbol, after hillary clinton declared war on him.
pepe pretty much showed the blatant paper trail between the clinton foundation and news networks in a stunningly ridiculous way. as well, the public has little faith in leaders who ignore the countrys very real problems and spend their time quaking in terror at a cartoon frog on the internet.
Jackson Bennett
The left is still rife in Europe though, the mainland at least
Camden Ramirez
All that you pointed is just a small movement rightward. It will be a long road until we reach normality again, and democracy has a tendency to always go left in the long run