Hope the money spent on Alex Jones "hillary for prison" shirts was worth it!
Once again Sup Forums is wrong.
Hope the money spent on Alex Jones "hillary for prison" shirts was worth it!
Once again Sup Forums is wrong.
Read the reply, you sandnigger
She'll be dead in a couple of years anyway
The Clinton foundation is what needs to be purged
good thing Trump doesn't control Congress
based Chaffetz and Gowdy will put her away
you drumpfkins never learn
the true constitutional conservatives were always the right choice
Its a dumb use of political capital
shes going to die from the kuru soon anyway
I read the reply white boy. And it says nothing to clear up that Trump lied.
The denial is gonna be real!
>The denial is gonna be real!
what, you faggots have more clones of her?
We wont need clones if she doesnt go to jail.
Isn't the internet haram?
>B-b-but the last prosecutor gave me immunity!
Sure worked out for Bill Cosby, didn't it?
I just heard this on Fox and I am pissed.
Smart thing to say to look like he's taking the high toad. Her potentially getting in trouble for anything the feds have is not something Trump would instigate under any likely circumstance anyways.
you should know
not going to jail is going to cure her?
>yfw you realize he is doing this so when fbi recommends prosecution the media has a hard time calling him a meanie out for revenge
Master troll lads.
>never tell your enemy your plans
Why is the media always quoting themselves?
Haha I get it
Its because swedin is full of MUSLIM lol
Why the fuck would he try to imprison her? He has already basically ruined her life - she will forever be known as the woman who couldn't win the presidency despite having all of the advantages. She is now internationally irrelevant because she won't have another opportunity to be Secretary of State/President, so all of the foreign $$$ she got from peddling influence will dry up. She will have to live out the rest of her days sitting at home looking back at how Trump schlonged her and watching her husband continue to dick bimbos. Her only means of acquiring money will be going around and giving speeches to middle school girls about how they are strong independent women and don't need men to succeed in life, despite the fact that her political career only came about as a result of her marrying Bill. She is nothing. She is a joke. Trump has made her name synonymous with failure and corruption. Let her spend what little time she has on this earth fading into obscurity while she tries to figure out how she the most powerful office that has ever existed to a literal meme.
Its a monopoly on lies and half truthes
I wonder what reason they could have to discredit trump, after all this time they covered him in a totally unbiased way.
>She'll be dead in a couple of years anyway
I imagine they'll take her down shortly, they already took out Reno before she could flip
it was all part of the plan.
>she runs a weak campaign
>((they)) let trump win
>ensure that they won't go to jail
This isn't the first time kellyanne conway said something retarded and freaked everybody out. Back when there was a 'softening' on immigration, that was her.
>People really thought Trump would put one of his good friends in prison
>Ctrl f
>zero results
>Why the fuck would he try to imprison her?
the sentence for treason is death
and she is guilty
the guilty must be punished, or else our nation has no order and is an embodiment of chaos
you get two choices, you can have order or you can have chaos
we always choose order
He'll just put her in a mental institution for the rest of her life because clearly she's not healthy.
Of course Trump isn't going to have her investigated, but that doesn't mean him and Jeff Sessions will roadblock congress like Lynch of Obama have.
>Why the fuck would he try to imprison her?
because had it been you or me that had done even 0.1% of what she had done, we'd spend the rest of our lives in jail
if you do nothing people will keep trying again and again to rig the system, because they will know there won't have to face the consequences.
Honestly this.
I'm not assuming fucking ANYTHING until he's inaugurated. Fucker is always 10 steps ahead.
Why would Trump let Hillary know that she's going to get investigated more? All she would do is continue to hide things and bury more lies/bodies.
>still high off trump victory
>baiting has no effect on me
feels good to be a winner
>implying she isn't covering her tracks right now
ah good, back to business as usual
When will you take back Baluchistan m8?
chaffetz and gowdy have both recently confirmed their investigation will continue.
What the fuck? She says something about "help her heal", and that is taken as confirmation there won't be an investigation?
Source is (((media))) and even if Trump says he won't, I'll wait and see till he gets in.
If I was in his shoes id tell that bitch I wouldn't and play ball, then once I'm in, have sources leak evidence and let the AG take over to go after her.
Fucking canucks, can't wait for USA to reclaim it's rightful clay
And you expected anything else?
We all did, it wasn't a feasible task.
Now I'm just waiting for her political enemies to drop dead, with all the extra time she'll be busy.
Kellyane is the bait and Trump is the switch.
It's always a master ruse with these people.
So you want us to win?
If you voted for Trump, you should literally kill yourself.
Conway has always been trying to make Trump cuck.
She was the one who first tried to get Trump to soften his immigration policy.
Let them think nothing is going on. Let the media, clintons and the public think it's over. Trump is busy doing shit to improve the lives of Americans, not wasting time being petty about nailing Clinton for the emails, get it? Behind the scenes however, the CF investigation continues. It never stopped. It was always the real way to nail her. And it's progress has nothing to do with Trump.
Trump doesn't announce his plans to his enemies. If he ran around saying that he is going to lock them all up then Obongo would just pardon everybody. Make them think they are safe and then when he is sworn in he can strike when they don't expect it.
Seriously, why would you want to put in prison a dead body?
As bad as she is, losing the election is harsh enough for sociopath like her.
Yeah. Can you personally win by suicide?
If Trump were to be involved in Hillary's investigation it's political.
If Trump and Sessions just back the fuck off and let the FBI do their jobs it's not.
Can I just insult feminism on twitter?
Face it: the only 3D chess Trump has been playing, has been one to increase his own personal power by conning the American people into thinking he's on their side. And Sup Forums is now in check.
If Hillary isn't on trial by 2020, I'm going to be very angry.
What's the point? It's a hugbox without any meaning anyway.
Just like /pol
What the fuck?
What about Seth Rich?
Can we make this the new standard for people who break the law with impunity? This can be a new legal standard for prosecution.
>we decided not to prosecute him for drunk driving. He was caused an accident while driving under the influence, was severely injured, and ended up in the intensive care unit for two weeks as a result. We have determined that he has been through enough and have chosen not to prosecute.
The elites always get away with their crimes.
You should be angry, but of all the things to be angry about, you're focused on small potatoes.
>He was caused an accident
*He caused an accident
Sup Forums was right.
We aren't worried about Hillary anymore... we are focused on making America great again.
She likely serves as a testbed to gauge public opinion.
It's not even the president's job to recommend charges or persecutionS. Isn't that the job of the attorney general?
Feels good doesn't it brother?
>wall is a fence
>Hillary walks
>Obamacare stays
>swamp is drained by adding more swamp
Don is one hell of a conman, and Sup Forums ate it all up like the gullible retards you are.
Fuck off Taliban.
If Trump started going off on jailing hillary, she'd bail and Obama would pardon her.
This is a long game
They wanted liberal tears, and been drinking to their hearts content.
Now that actual politics are in order, I'll bathe in their suffering.
And the wall wont come either, quote me on that. Its gonna be just some lousy mesh wire with a fatty guarding it every 10 miles.
These men speak truth!
When has Sup Forums ever been right?
Who won?
Hahaha..we are president..who the fuck cares about clinton after she lost ?
Keep pushin that string CTR.
Keep pushin.
it's 4D chess folks. no mercy.
But none of those are true.
>wall is a fence
Small parts of the wall is all that was ever said
>Hillary walks
That's up to the AG and the FBI. Did you really think after such a heated race that Trump would personally risk throwing Clinton in jail directly himself?
>Obamacare stays
It's not.
>swamp is drained by adding more swamp
Until Pence kicks out the lobbyists. But you knew that already.
when we said he'd win, which you're clearly still very mad about
thanks for tripping so we can filter you
This is because of his meeting with Obama. He told Trump that if the kind of shit Hillary and the Clinton Foundation were up to ever got out to the public, the American people would seriously riot and try to take justice into their own hands. Hillary's and Obama's heads would wind up on a pike, so Trump is keeping his mouth shut.
Still, the FBI has their own Foundation investigation, so we will see if they decide to prosecute without Trump taking the lead.
It's over you just look paranoid now, Trump it's not what you expected and that's fine no one ever is.
We have worst issues right now, I just feel bad for the awooo girl/boy, something.
>some dumb cunt making a tweet is fact
Your delusion and tears are delicious.
>President arbitrarily interfering in law enforcement work
Let's say FBI isn't doing anything because of corrupting influences and she's guilty. Trump issues an order to have her detained. What does this look like to the average Joe? President stepping out of line and arresting political opposition --> Literal actual fascism not just meme fascism. It's the FBI's job to arrest her, nothing Trump can do except provide incentive or cut off bribery if he can even manage that
There's already multiple calls from top level Democrats to pardon Clinton. If she's pardoned, he'll have a hell of a time prosecuting should anything prosecutable show up. Let her slink off, but keep the investigations on the DL.
>Until Pence kicks out the lobbyists. But you knew that already.
Pence is the establishment, he's kicking nobody out.
Like Ventura says "If they dont like Trump, their man is a heartbeat away"
Day of the rake, when?
Except he already did.
Even if she does get a pardon, they'll just slap a RICO charge on her and she'll take Obama down with her. Either way, they're going to jail. They're not getting away with it this time.
I am not believe.
>He was an alcohol
He's saying it so Obama doesn't pardon her you cockmongler.
even if trump wouldn't try to jail hillary and other top democrats, why wouldn't republicans? easy way to discredit the only rival party for years.
twitter has yet to meme a president into office
Absolutely correct, OP.
Faggot leftist pedo rapists and child murderers are totally safe under President Trump. They should just let it happen. They are totally safe.
>be murican
>actually believe Shillary will go to jail
>be utterly confused when's your orange fucknugget won't do as he promised.
Fucking when, nigger. And who.
Oh, right. Nobody, and never.
>twitter has yet to meme a president into office
2020 president will be elected by a twitter meme war.
Screen shot this!!