He's not going to investigate Hillary.
He's not going to repeal obamacare.
He's not going to build a wall.
He's not going to deport millions of illegals.
He's not going to drain the swamp.
>Sup Forums got cucked
He's not going to investigate Hillary.
He's not going to repeal obamacare.
He's not going to build a wall.
He's not going to deport millions of illegals.
He's not going to drain the swamp.
>Sup Forums got cucked
I wonder how betrayed Trump voters feel over this.
Muh CTR check dindt clear last week.
>He's not going to investigate Hillary.
good, that might poison democracy, threatening all future major politicians
>He's not going to repeal obamacare.
he will for the most part
>He's not going to build a wall.
he will, part fence, part wall. major point is: mass immigration will become impossible
>He's not going to deport millions of illegals.
plans for it have been announced already
>He's not going to drain the swamp.
he's going to. his blasting MSM execs has just been the beginning.
Yeah murricans should have voted for hillary, she would have done those things!
>He's not going to investigate Hillary.
That's up to Jeff Sessions now
>He's not going to repeal obamacare.
He said he was going to keep the preexisting conditions portion and the child insurance age cap.
>He's not going to build a wall.
Somebody didn't see that new image floating around the catalog with plans to build the wall literally in a document.
>He's not going to deport millions of illegals.
He's said since the beginning of the campaign that he was only going to deport criminal illegals.
OP is a faggot, saged
I thought the kikes were done shilling?
Get raped by a pack of niggers, kek wills it.
>He's not going to investigate Hillary.
he better, he promised some jailing, if I have to wait longer than 2 days after he takes office I'm going to not spend any money to tank the economy
>he will, part fence, part wall. major point is: mass immigration will become impossible
what about CIA drug trafficking?
>good, that might poison democracy, threatening all future major politicians
Giving her a pass doesn't help democracy.
>he will for the most part
He's already backing off and he isn't even in office yet
>he will, part fence, part wall. major point is: mass immigration will become impossible
By land maybe, there are other ways to get in that you retards don't think of. Air? Sea? Digging? gr8 wall m8
>plans for it have been announced already
Yeah by Obama, he deported more than W so what's the big deal?
>he's going to. his blasting MSM execs has just been the beginning.
He's already appointing lobbyists. He's drained the swamp and is filling it with shit.
How does it feel to have an asshole as ravaged as yours CTR?
>He's not going to investigate Hillary.
>He's not going to repeal obamacare.
>He's not going to build a wall.
>He's not going to deport millions of illegals.
>He's not going to drain the swamp.
provide proofs
I would hardly call getting rid of 99% of Obamacare keeping it.
>Not reading Art of the Deal
>Losing to someone who broadcasted his campaign published in a book years ago.
>trum literally tweeted us to not listen to the media
>pic is CNN
You can't win against winners, loser
I'm okay with you shilling like this. When you think he can't or won't do something, he does it even more spectacularly than you'll ever believe.
Keep the hope alive for me, because the more you fight it, the more I believe it's happening.
FBI is pursuing the Clinton foundation case. I don't think you noticed but the Clinton Foundation is announcing it's going out of business. The Clinton's have lost all their power and influence. It's an easy way for Trump to make an example out of her.
>Believing that you really can change something in democracy
This system is flawed in itself, the incentives it creates will always lead to ineffective government. Trump just a bit less liberal than the rest of the polititians
He is literally gonna do all those things except maybe not investigate Hillary.
>commits literal treason
>hurr might poison democracy
fuck off mesut
Quite a bit. Bitch should be hung live on tv imho.
>He's said since the beginning of the campaign that he was only going to deport criminal illegals.
wrong. he said: we'll get rid of the criminals first and we'll see what to do about the others later. whether that means road to citizenship or deportation is anyone's guess. Mine is that that there will be a selection base don contribution to the country and deportation for anyone who hasn't been contributing enough.
>what about CIA drug trafficking?
they can move with impunity, ofc.
>Giving her a pass doesn't help democracy.
see nixon and ford
>He's already backing off and he isn't even in office yet
he's not repealing all of it, that's fine.
>By land maybe, there are other ways to get in that you retards don't think of. Air? Sea? Digging? gr8 wall m8
again, you little asshole: mass immigration will be impossible/easy to shutdown once the wall/fence is in place. if 50000 come through per year, who cares.
>Yeah by Obama, he deported more than W so what's the big deal?
the illegals will go quickly. the rest will be processed later.
>He's already appointing lobbyists. He's drained the swamp and is filling it with shit.
he needs some people who can work with congress. overall, appointing people like bannon, mattis, flynt shows that it's not all lobbyists. what's more he just announced i his vid that he will curb down on lobbying by government officials.
it's all good, so far.
you don't get that this will be thrown back at every republican president from that point on? the democrats would not only want to see Trump removed, they would want to see him in prison. trump acts in his best self-interest, as he cannot guarantee his successor will be a republican president.
punishing clinton is irrelevant vengefulness. keeping her out of office and influence is what mattered.
You need to understand that if Trump does nothing, he'll be better than the last several presidents. (Assuming nothing would mean bringing troops home instead if continuing the conflict in syria) If he just talks nice to Russia there won't be a war, we won't continue to destabilize the east, he already got rid of tpp, nafta, and if he ignores the UN it will undermine their political influence since America is seen as such a big player. Hopefully he can say something about Israel being a strong nation that doesn't need our financial support. Continue being an ally and saying nice things but do nothing for them and essentially ignore them.
>He's not going to win POTUS
>Literally photographed with an action plan that says to build a wall and deport millions of illegals
how can you be so wrong about literally everything? stop reading fake news sites SENPAI
he was never going to build the wall
it was always a meme
>he literally won't get picked for a cabinet position
>not even his 1st day of presidency yet
>hurrdurr he never did those things
They got conned and cucked and his conman dick is so far up their asses they've gotten used to the taste.
He won't deliver on any promises, will use the office to enrich himself, and will be the best friend billionaires ever had in the White House. Pathetic.
He's not going to run.
He's not a serious candidate.
He can't win a state.
He can't break 20%.
He can't break 30%.
He can't break 50%.
He won't get 1237 delegates.
He won't be the nominee.
He can't keep momentum.
He can't survive the first debate.
He can't survive the second debate.
He can't survive the third debate.
He can't survive the pussy grabbing tape.
He can't survive the rape allegations.
He uh... won't be the republican nominee (yes this was a narrative after the pussy grab audio came out)
He can't break 230 EV.
He can't break 240 EV.
He can't break 250 EV.
He can't break 260 EV.
He can't break 270 EV.
He can't break 280 EV.
He can't break 290 EV.
He won't be president ["hillary hasn't conceded yet" version]
He won't be president ["invalidate the electoral college" version]
He won't be president ["electors will vote for hillary" version]
>he's not going to win the primaries
>he's not going to get the nomination
>he's not going to win
Will you ever fucking stop and realise that you were WRONG?
wtf I'm #MentallyHill now
He's already so rich that he can't spend all his money and has decided to use it to take on the world instead.
Why the fuck do you think he would try to be president to make more money? It's easier to just keep being a businessman. His survival needs are met; he doesn't need or want more money, he legitimately wants to get in there and make a positive difference.
>He's not going to investigate Hillary.
we dont know yet
>He's not going to repeal obamacare.
already on the way
>He's not going to build a wall.
leaked photos showing wall plan
>He's not going to deport millions of illegals.
same leaked photos showed deportation plans
>He's not going to drain the swamp.
Tell that to Mike "Fags on medicine for Tomas Edison"
This is what trump supporters actually believe.
Billionaires see money as how we keep score. Guys like trump never have enough. He's already telling foreign diplomats to stay in his hotel to crest favor.
It's different when trump himself backs down from his promises you fuckwits. Not saying he CAN'T, saying he WON'T. Doesn't care about regular Americans or believe in what he says.
>he's already apointing lobbyists
>be Mexican
>get to border
>check papers
>turn around, return to Mexico
>chalk up another deportation!
Thanks obama!
He won't be charging those world leaders for their room stay. What's your point? If I owned a hotel I'd let my mates stay free too.
What if.... (and get your head around this....) WHAT IF.... Donald actually is a humble guy and isn't feeling money hungry any more. WHAT IF he has filled his lust for cash and legitimately wants to be the saviour of the Western world? IS THAT even possible? Hm...
He's not going to run.
He's not a serious candidate.
He can't win a state.
He can't break 20%.
He can't break 30%.
He can't break 50%.
He won't get 1237 delegates.
He won't be the nominee.
He can't keep momentum.
He can't survive the first debate.
He can't survive the second debate.
He can't survive the third debate.
He can't survive the pussy grabbing tape.
He can't survive the rape allegations.
He uh... won't be the republican nominee (yes this was a narrative after the pussy grab audio came out)
He can't break 230 EV.
He can't break 240 EV.
He can't break 250 EV.
He can't break 260 EV.
He can't break 270 EV.
He can't break 280 EV.
He can't break 290 EV.
He won't be president ["hillary hasn't conceded yet" version]
He won't be president ["invalidate the electoral college" version]
He won't be president ["electors will vote for hillary" version]
[YOU ARE HERE] It's different when trump himself backs down from his promises you fuckwits. Not saying he CAN'T, saying he WON'T. Doesn't care about regular Americans or believe in what he says.
>he's not going to do anything he said he was
>I know because he hasn't done any of it before he's president
This is the silliest shit.
How did it feel to be so certain that you would win, and then suffer an utterly humiliating loss? How did it feel to live in a deluded fantasy world for months, and then finally get hit in the face with reality on nov.8th? It must have made you sick.
>pol mental gymnastics.
I voted for trump you fucking idiot. He was a Hail Mary because he couldn't be worse than Hillary and SJWs deserve to see their shit burn.
But people who think he's america's Jesus are so goddamn naive it's pathetic. He's not going to do shit. He's a clown whose only skill is self promotion.
Kek'd and saved.
>I'm just like you guys, for real, but doesn't Trump suck and isn't he a clown? But for real though I'm totally one of you.