>fuck off, we're fu-
Fuck off, we're fu-
Other urls found in this thread:
>fuck off, we're fu-
Did someone just stuff a cock in that fat dunder head of yours shart?
Fuck off my ancestors built and defend this nation from the likes of you*
We're full. Unless you want to live out in the desert
such a large gray area
yet you have hell holes with 8000 people per sqr km - india style...
I'd like to see dingoland but im not too fond of fucking kangaroos
>not throwing the niggers and sandniggers out into the desert
You guys should let all the sand niggers live in that nice desert of yours.
The refugees are coming from the desert anyway. It'd be a perfect fit.
he was watching vid of ur mum getting ganged and the part where a third cock is stuffed in her asshole
that's what full really is
Yes because all of that land is very habitable and resource efficient
>we're still whi-
>not too fond of fucking kangaroos
We have dingoes if dogs are more your style.
looks like the aussie got a hot rod rammed between his ass cheeks
They do already burgers. We call it the Northern Territory, aka Boonga Land.
Why don't more people live in the tropical regions? Snakes or spiders?
So how did you escape your family line of nigger convicts then?
desert is a minor part
also what is dubai
don't know why people shit on australia all the time on Sup Forums tbqh
been there a few times. lovely weather, great nature, bro tier people, even if they look or act trashy sometimes
It's mostly swamp
>What is a sustainable living environment.
The desert welcomes all.
About a 16th the size of our desert.
I guess you haven't been on Sup Forums for more than a day. Australians are the biggest shitposters only surpassed by fucking leafs. They never post anything that isn't retarded baiting ever.
that's the joke
watch yourself.
There have been cases of people being literally cooked by the climate in those tropical areas. The canopy and humidity trap enough heat to boil a man to death.
>all that temperate
Next wave of £10 poms when?
It's rainforest, swamp, and infested with all kinds of extremely venomous plants and animals.
Sup Forums is almost as big of a cesspool as Sup Forums
I've been here far before flags, when aussies were constantly making undercover usa vs uk/europe threads that resulted in endless shitstorms
irl australians are bro tier. much better than depressed anxious introverted belgians and the agressive shitkins that keep polluting our cities. also belgian weather is the most depressing thing ever. I can stand the cold and dark, but 9 months of grey and rain, fuck man
oy vey
What is this picture trying to show? That with an asston of oil money it's possible to build a city in a desert?
>Impying Monkey Mia is a desert
which one is your shack?
The tropical regions, such as the Cape York Peninsula, have some of the poorest quality soils in the world. Basically makes these regions unsuitable for agriculture so they have not been settled.
The stories about abbos burning the place down to hunt animals easier thus turning land into desert is true? Is it possible that after several years without man mesing the area some green grownth might appear?
What's the history of Alice Springs?
Why would anybody decide to live literally in the middle of nowhere?
What happens here?
When you look at it that way. I think we need to kick some cunts out.
They definitely used controlled burns. I dunno if it turned Australia into a desert though, seems unlikely.
Abbo orgies
That's Alice Springs. It's a US military base and a couple of hundred noonga boongas
Rampant crime.
Telegraph network, linking Australia with Britain.
That's true for any tropical region, though. What the plants don't suck out, the rain washes away.
>Ship migrants into the dessert
thats actually a good idea
what's the borders for if literally barely anyone lives in like more than half of those squares ?
Yeah have fun living in the desert then, idiot.
>The Alice Springs Telegraph Station was sited near what was thought to be a permanent waterhole in the normally dry Todd River.
>The settlement was optimistically named Alice Springs after the wife of the former Postmaster General of South Australia, Sir Charles Todd.
>The Todd is in a very arid part of Australia and has zero to very low flow during 95% of the year.
> thatsthejoke.jpg
No, the situation is fucked because the majority of Australia native flora was wiped out & left growing space for the fire-resistant eucalypts, which drain moisture out of the soil perhaps better than any tree species.
Other regions have more than 23 million people on an entire continent though. There is so few people that they don't need to settle in areas that would need significant improvements to become viable.
They used 'controlled' burnings but that's not why Australia is a desert. The burning is actually good for vegetation growth.
I want this.
The food. Not horny niggers defiling my mamas corpse.
Grey areas are reserved Drop Bears and Mad Max
Alice Springs huh? Got some neat news out there in the boondocks. google.com
Gray area is emu territory.
Australians live on the coastal areas because the emus allow it.
not much I guess
I've heard there is snow in Australia
These banter levels are off the charts!!!!
Yeah because we don't let wogs like you ruin and take our beautiful country from us Whites.
I tried venturing out of the overpopulated urban areas after nightfall once. It didn't turn out well. Check out that blood arc, punched the cunt in the head at 140kmh when he jumped in front of me. $11,000 damage to my bike and a two hour ride back home one-handed. Wrist was fucked and the left side of my bike was missing. I watched the life drain from it's fucking eyes, i just wish i could have prolonged its suffering more somehow.
I eat a lot of roo meat these days, from the safety of my bbq in suburbia .
Those hopping rat-bastard cunts can eat a fucking dick and die, m8.
If I travel by day, the noongas drink all my petrol and then eat me.
>I tried venturing out of the overpopulated urban areas after nightfall once. It didn't turn out well. Check out that blood arc, punched the cunt in the head at 140kmh when he jumped in front of me. $11,000 damage to my bike and a two hour ride back home one-handed. Wrist was fucked and the left side of my bike was missing. I watched the life drain from it's fucking eyes, i just wish i could have prolonged its suffering more somehow.
took me longer than it should have to realize you were talking about a kangaroo and not an abo
Abos are easier to dodge.
Roos are sober and agile af
Side note this is from the Todd Mall in Alice Springs