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Yeah, nah cunt fuck off.
WASHINGTON — Days before the presidential election, James Alefantis, owner of a local pizza restaurant called Comet Ping Pong, noticed an unusual spike in the number of his Instagram followers.
Within hours, menacing messages like “we’re on to you” began appearing in his Instagram feed. In the ensuing days, hundreds of death threats — one read “I will kill you personally” — started arriving via texts, Facebook and Twitter. All of them alleged something that made Mr. Alefantis’s jaw drop: that Comet Ping Pong was the home base of a child abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief, John D. Podesta.
When Mr. Alefantis discovered that his employees were getting similar abusive messages, he looked online to unravel the accusations. He found dozens of made-up articles about Mrs. Clinton kidnapping, molesting and trafficking children in the restaurant’s back rooms. The articles appeared on Facebook and on websites such as The New Nationalist and The Vigilant Citizen, with one headline blaring: “Pizzagate: How Sup Forums Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite.”
None of it was true. While Mr. Alefantis has some prominent Democratic friends in Washington and was a supporter of Mrs. Clinton, he has never met her, does not sell or abuse children, and is not being investigated by law enforcement for any of these claims. He and his 40 employees had unwittingly become real people caught in the middle of a storm of fake news.
fucking subversive jews
“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault,” said Mr. Alefantis, 42, who was once in a relationship with David Brock, a provocative former right-wing journalist who became an outspoken advocate for Mrs. Clinton.
Mr. Alefantis suspects those relationships may have helped to make him a target. “I’ve done nothing for days but try to clean this up and protect my staff and friends from being terrorized,” he said.
Fake news online has been at the center of a furious debate for the past few weeks over how it may have influenced voters in the presidential election. President Obama warned last week that we are “in an age where there’s so much active misinformation and it’s packaged very well” on social media sites. The criticism has buffeted web companies such as Google and Facebook, whose chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, has promised to work on technology tools to slow the gusher of false digital information.
But Mr. Alefantis’s experience shows it is not just politicians and internet companies that are grappling with the fake news fallout. He, his staff and friends have become a new kind of private citizen bull’s-eye for the purveyors of false articles and their believers.
For more than two weeks, they have struggled to deal with the abusive social media comments and to protect photos of their own children, which were used in the false articles as evidence that the pizza restaurant was running a pedophilia ring. One person even visited Comet Ping Pong to investigate the allegations for himself.
muh fake jews
To combat the fake news tide, Mr. Alefantis has contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the local police, and he has asked Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Reddit to remove the articles. Yet the misinformation has continued to spread, growing into a theory known as #pizzagate that has traveled to Ireland. At one point, Comet’s staff counted five #pizzagate Twitter posts a minute. As recently as Sunday night, the Twitter message “Don’t let up. #PizzaGate EVERYWHERE” was reposted and liked hundreds of times.
“It’s like trying to shoot a swarm of bees with one gun,” said Bryce Reh, Comet’s general manager, whose wife asked him to leave his job because of the threats and vulgar messages they both have received on their social media accounts.
Mr. Alefantis, an artist born and raised in Washington, co-founded Comet Ping Pong 10 years ago as a casual spot for clay oven pizza. The restaurant has kid-friendly features like Ping-Pong tables and a craft room. Famous natives like members of the band Fugazi have held small shows there. The eatery, which seats 120, is a mash-up of red and white checkered tablecloths and modernist murals and paintings from friends of Mr. Alefantis.
Mr. Alefantis mingles with other Washington chefs and his establishment helped him to be named No. 49 in GQ magazine’s 50 most powerful people in Washington in 2012. His customers include some high-powered locals, such as Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, whom Mr. Alefantis knows casually. Mr. Alefantis and Mr. Brock, who is the founder of Media Matters for America, a website that tracks press coverage critical of the Clintons and works to debunk misinformation in the conservative press, broke up five years ago.
The misinformation campaign began when John Podesta’s email account was hacked and his emails were published by WikiLeaks during the presidential campaign. Days before the election, users on the online message board Sup Forums noticed that one of Mr. Podesta’s leaked emails contained communications with Mr. Alefantis discussing a fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton.
The Sup Forums users immediately speculated about the links between Comet Ping Pong and the Democratic Party. Some posited the restaurant was part of a larger Democratic child trafficking ring, which was a theory long held by some conservative blogs. That idea jumped to other social media services such as Twitter and Reddit, where it gained momentum on the page “The_Donald.” A new Reddit discussion thread called “Pizzagate” quickly attracted 20,000 subscribers.
Glen Caplin, a former campaign official for Mrs. Clinton, did not comment directly about Comet Ping Pong but said, “WikiLeaks has spawned several conspiracy theories that have been independently debunked.” Mr. Podesta did not respond to requests for comment.
Soon, dozens of fake news articles on sites such as Facebook, Planet Free Will and Living Resistance emerged. Readers shared the stories in Saudi Arabia and on Turkish and other foreign language sites.
Last week, one supporter of the Pizzagate theory shot a live video from within the restaurant during a busy dinner shift. Local police, who had parked across the street after Mr. Alefantis filed a report about the fake news stories and threats, told the man to leave.
In a statement, the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department said it was monitoring the situation and is “aware of general threats being made against this establishment.” The F.B.I. said it “does not confirm or deny the existence of investigations.”
Most troubling for Mr. Alefantis and staff has been the use of children’s images, pilfered from the restaurant’s social media pages and the personal accounts of friends who had “liked” Comet Ping Pong online. Those photos have been used across dozens of websites. Parents, who declined to talk publicly for fear of retribution, have hired lawyers to get the photos removed.
Musicians who have performed at Comet Ping Pong have been pulled in, too. Amanda Kleinman, whose band, Heavy Breathing, has performed there several times, deleted her Twitter account after the abusive comments became overwhelming. Similar comments have flooded her YouTube music clips.
“We are at a dangerous place in American culture where a good percentage of people aren’t distinguishing what is a real news source based on real reporting and fact-checking and only reinforcing pre-existing ideas they have,” Ms. Kleinman said.
The frustration has been compounded by the lack of recourse for Mr. Alefantis, his friends and employees. Yelp blocked the comments sections of Comet Ping Pong’s review page after reports of abusive comments and fake news in reviews. YouTube said it prohibits threats, harassment and hate speech and has tools for flagging violations and filing complaints for the site to take further action, but has largely not blocked comments on these videos. Twitter declined to comment, and Facebook did not have any further comment.
After employees and Mr. Alefantis complained to Reddit about how Comet Ping Pong was being targeted on the site, the #pizzagate discussion thread posted a warning that revealing personal information about individuals was prohibited.
“We know that we have more work to do and we take our responsibility to address online abuse seriously,” Reddit said in a statement.
----end of article
Which one of you is this?
>On Monday morning, when Mr. Alefantis picked up his phone, he saw a text from a staff member warning that an individual might protest in front of the restaurant.
the jews are in panic mode
All I see is fake news, fake news, fake news but no fact checking.
I just want to say that regardless of whether Sup Forums's investigation turns up anything, the autism and fun generated by the chase was fucking great.
I'm gonna put this down as a win famalam good work and excellent memeing
well they asked the owner if he diddled kids and he said no, doesn't that suffice
It doesn't matter retard, it was just a ploy to put some dirt on hillary before the election same with the devil worshiping shit. The best part is that it worked.
The timing was perfect, only now do retards like you realize it. We could have said hillary was a fucking martian and it wouldn't have been disproved until after the election.
Serously, I've seen "fake news" used so much lately it has to be a psyop.
>“We are at a dangerous place in American culture where a good percentage of people aren’t distinguishing what is a real news source based on real reporting and fact-checking and only reinforcing pre-existing ideas they have,”
How ironic. They are trying so hard to pin the "fake news" tail on the "dissenting views" donkey.
So they say this is false. They reference that this began because of wikileaks podesta emails, but they dont directly quote any of those said emails. I wonder why?
This doesn't prove anything imo. The place is still shady. And there are lots of questions to be answered.
>Cecilia Kang
>we wuz child traffickers
>he has never met her, does not sell or abuse children
That's awfully specific.
(((fake news)))
What do you mean? Fact check is the title of the article; so, you know, must be true.
Catch up MSM. We have moved on from J'aime LesEnfants and now we want to know why twitter hosts child pornograpgy.
>G-guys, we checked the facts, n-now please stop investigating
nice try
>Trusting MAYNE STREEM MEYDIA after brexit and Trump.
They feel threatened because they got the shocker on election night so they are flinging shit.
It's not a psyop, it's just jungle instinct from a pack of animals. They aren't nearly as smart or clever as we think.
>he has never met her, does not sell or abuse children
interesting claim
got any proof?
They are guilty.
>I called the owner and he said the allegations are not true
>None of it was true.
>they're not pedos guys!
>implying anyone would admit to this
Then the article goes on about fake news.
Nice one.
>Cecilia Kang
>Mr. Alefantis has contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the local police,
fix this shit or I'm releasing the footage of you idiots balls deep in children screamed Alefantis at bewildered law enforcement officials, too tired from overnight homosexual sex parties involving poppers to take Mr Alefantis' concerns seriously,
if anything that just confirms its real
>Lower degree of intellectual curiosity
What is #PizzaGate
>believe in conspiracy theories that the media and society tells you are 100% bullshit
>lower degree of intellectual curiosity
Wew lad
way to tip them off fagots
it's not a child trafficing ring any more
>politifact rates this pants on fire false
fake news
>All I see is fake news, fake news, fake news but no fact checking.
ok here ya go
Once again, Sup Forums got their record corrected.
>doesn't that suffice
not until he can explain the photographs, video tapes and sworn statements from victims
Prove to me you don't sell or abuse children.
But seriously, while podesta may well be a kiddie diddler, theres nothing that links comet to it. I'd think it would be pretty hard to hide from all the employees there regardless. Pizzagate is retarded
This may be true.
On the one hand, if there were illegal activities, they may have stopped. But this is not enough. A conviction is needed!! People need to be jailed! No one has answered about the wording of the emails or the weird artwork present throughout this whole setup.
At the VERY least, these people are a bunch of weirdos. But there seems to be something more. Will there ever be any evidence for a conviction? Does anybody really videotape the disgusting shit? Although I have not followed the threads closely, it seems all the evidence gathered so far has been circumstantial shadows.
>And there are lots of questions to be answered.
these may be the type of questions that can only be answered with fire
He was accused of meeting Hillary and of abusing children, so claiming that he hasn't met Hillary and didn't abuse children is only natural.
(((fact check)))
wow goys, i mean guys, i'm sure glad we got the (((honest media))) to (((fact check))) all this fake news that's flying around.
>David Brock
Literally on film talking about fucking kids
>streisand effect
I have no money
Just saying 'none of this is true' in the face of a mountain of evidence doesn't work anymore. Even if the guy isn't personally involved, he's still a piece of human trash and should be ... DISCARDED along with the very anti-American NYT.
How is that garbage fact checking?
That's like walking up to a murderer and ask him ''Did you murder this person?'' ''no'' and then claim the murderer never murdered the person. Bullshit
>he's still a piece of human trash
we need a prosecutor interested in justice to take these assholes down
because it is. its an attempt to silence alternate news sites and justify all sorts of orwellian censorship.
they also needed an excuse to purge conservative/altright people from social media.
>new york times
Is that one of those fake news sites I keep hearing about?
Being a weirdo isn't illegal, user.
>That's like walking up to a murderer and ask him ''Did you murder this person?'' ''no''
This is true, but Sup Forums's claims are pretty huge. There hasn't been any solid evidence so far. Innocent until proven otherwise
That's not proof to begin with, but prove to me you have no money.
Neo Sup Forums is literally as retarded as Alex Jones
>Random conspiracy theory pops up that aligns with your beliefs
>Instantly believe it
>Any evidence against you doesn't exist and any chance to debunk you means the mass glovalist conspiracy is just getting scared
This is what happens when you encourage the religious to come.
Should we start checking NYT's connections into this, or at least the author - they are defending them for a reason.
yep. gotta stay away from that crap, nothing but lies meant to snatch up the imaginations of those who follow fringe ideologies.
A documentary called an open secret. It's old news m88. Came out last year
>Cecilia Kang
>Literally "nothing to see here, goy".
Now thats suspicious.
>we need a prosecutor interested in justice to take these assholes down
No, you need an actual case and proof of these allegations. Not infographics filled with dubious or incorrect information. And your best evidence being "BUT THEY POST SPOOKY ART ON THE INTERNET!" and "BUT ONE OF MANY PEDOPHILE SYMBOLS IS A TRIANGLE!! AND THIS PIZZA PLACE USED A SIMILAR TRIANGLE AS THEIR SYMBOL! I MEAN, IT WAS UPSIDE DOWN AND REVERSED, BUT IT'S THE SAME THING!!" etc etc.
Every prosecutor in the country would laugh this out of the room. It's like something a retarded child came up with.
>Go! Go!
“We are at a dangerous place in American culture where a good percentage of people aren’t distinguishing what is a real news source based on real reporting and fact-checking and only reinforcing pre-existing ideas they have,” Ms. Kleinman said.
Rlly makes u think.
can someone give the tl;dr about this pizza stuff? From what I picked up it's basically:
>Nobody spends that much on flying in pizza
I don't think people realise just how wasteful elites can be..
j'aimé l'enfants
james alefantis
meme magic never lies
>Every prosecutor in the country would laugh this out of the room.
yeah and how many prosecutors do you know? just curious how often you speak with anybody at the Department of Justice?
because the tide is turned and somebody has to be hung out to dry or else the mob will be angry, Clinton is the perfect candidate to satisfy the angry mob,
free money will also take away the mob's anger, but that is always the less popular option
>it's literally nothing goys
>Any evidence against you doesn't exist and any chance to debunk you means the mass glovalist conspiracy is just getting scared
This is the part that always gets me with conspiracy theorists. They ALWAYS say "we must be getting close" every time someone points out how wrong or retarded they are. I guarantee it's been said in this thread.
>>Random conspiracy theory pops up that aligns with your beliefs
>>Instantly believe it
>>Any evidence against you doesn't exist and any chance to debunk you means the mass glovalist conspiracy is just getting scared
Goooood goy. Gooood.
Ignore all the circumstantial evidence.
>but prove to me you have no money.
no prob, post your email and I'll send you notarized copies of my bank statements, passport, Roth IRA, birth certificate, driver license, military identification and social security card
haha pizzagate is hilarious because there are sooo many coincidences. Kinda proves that you kinda find straight lines in any tangle of noodles.
Aside from the dark subject matter, it's funny as as hell
So I guess he only sells private time with children where others abuse them
Listen guys this has gone too far. There is literally zero proof that these guys are running an underground pedo ring. So I say we just leave them alone. Better yet, let's all get together and have a pizza party at Comet Ping Pong and share a laugh with Mr Alefantis so we can all put this silliness behind us. How does this Sunday at 1400 hours sound?
>conspiracy theorists.
this is a term made up by the CIA to discredit people investigating the Kennedy assassination, people like Mae Brussel who were murdered for investigating and trying to find the truth
so you're telling me Mae Brussel wasn't on to anything and her mysterious death was entirely a coincidence?
follow the trail of dead bodies
look at this its fucking nothing
>yeah and how many prosecutors do you know?
Honestly? 1. But trust me, this retarded shit will never go anywhere. Go ahead and try to bring this to *any* police station in the country. They will laugh their ass off at your retardation.
>because the tide is turned and somebody has to be hung out to dry or else the mob will be angry, Clinton is the perfect candidate to satisfy the angry mob,
You overestimate how many people care about this/think it's real. It will die out by New Years. Probably before then. You apparently forget about the thousands of happenings and conspiracy theories on this board this year. This one has already hit a brick wall so all that's left is for it to die a slow death.
Wow, they sure showed that strawman.
That last line makes it
Uh, it's literally a theory of conspiracy being committed. You theorize about various conspiracies. It's an accurate term.
>James Alefantis is just an alias
>James Alefantis
>J'aime les enfantes
>"I love children" in French
>Posts a picture of himself on Instagram wearing a shirt that says "I (HEART) CHILDREN"
Fucking sick fucks. This is that moment in Rosemary's Baby when she wakes up and says, "This is no dream...THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!"
O SHIT Sup Forums BTFO
another NYT article that completely destroys the right-wing claims of "paid protesters" by showing that the "buses" that keep on getting posted are actually there for conferences
get rekt m8s you're all fake news now!
>Mainstream media comes out and says "IT'S LITERALLY NOTHING" without discrediting any specific claims or evidence that was brought up
>come check out our awesome artworks and all-ages shows
It's pretty funny to watch der Lügenpresse rally on about (((fake news)))
>There is literally zero proof that these guys are running an underground pedo ring.
so Koresh headed up a CIA pedo farm right?
the funny shit about Koresh is that Mossad assigned some asshole to mop the floors in an insane asylum in Israel, a certain number of people who visit the holy land go crazy and think they're jesus every year, Mossad keeps a guy at the asylum just in case one of these guys turns out to really be jesus, they're supposed to keep an eye out for miracles and other retarded shit
so mossad sold koresh to CIA who fed his complex to raise kids to be sacrificed, why do you think they weren't allowed to survive? why did they all need to die?
so they couldn't talk
>Doesnt know her.
>Clinton literally hosts parties there..
>Clinton has literally hosted parties there.
>But doesnt know her.