>Sup Forums is not national socialist! >but user, nazis are bad! >why do we always talk about Jews? >There's nothing wrong with Jews! >Guys, we're alt-right! Not racists! >Whoah whoah, we really need to separate """our""" alt-right movement from nazism guys! It's dangerous! >The alt-right pro LBGTQ, jut not pro-communist!
Leo Cook
but storm weenies have always been hated here. I bet you've only been here a year.
Jack Bell
After we run off all the new fags and leftist shills we'll deal with the stormfags.
Thomas Hill
but Sup Forums isnt nationa socialistic, we are pro LGBTQIA and the jews have done nothing wrong, 6 million dead? cmon, how can youd defend that.
Ian Wood
keked far to hard u know dam well we left as fuck Tickle tickle let me see your anus gape
Jaxson Thomas
>this was the pinnacle of Sup Forums before they understood Jews
Dominic Sanchez
Weak bait.
David Harris
most of lurkers are traditional libertanians
Connor Thomas
Oh no libertarians will throw a tantrum and go running from the board when they start picking fights with NatSoc again.
Noah Carter
>board for discussion of politics and news >CONFORM TO THE HIVEMIND AND DON'T ARGUE WITH ME
Aaron Gutierrez
Yep. Every political compass threads proves the majority of people here are centrists/liberal ("classical liberal" in the states.)
I was personally never a fan of self-described NSDAP, especially the stormweenie variety.
Aaron Phillips
>M-muh stormweenie! Fuck you Aussie cunt, Heil Hitler
Connor Cook
not all pol posters are stormfags. it's always been like that
Logan Long
Fuck off stormfag. Sup Forums has never had a single ideology, and nsg threads always have as many anti as pro ns posts
Liam Thompson
if you're an unironic nazi you're part of the problem.
Ian Rogers
>muh holohoax >never forget the 6 gorillion
Sup Forums has some purging to do.
Aaron Ortiz
Hitler was a fucking retard who failed to take over the world, and then killed himself like a pussy. You should follow in his footsteps.
Easton Wood
lmao you fell for the stormweenie meme.
Juan Johnson
Anthony Hughes
You now realize that there was 60 something threads dedicated to concerned trolling over richard spencer. (almost as if it was only designed for us to infight) People telling us not to reveal our Nazi power level as if anything can stop us now. There were hundreds of threads over Kanye sperging out and anons unironically loved his BBC. A few threads shitting on Tila, who has been our longest reigning queen.
The_Donald was a huge fucking mistake.
Jaxon Collins
Everyone should read Culture of Critique, by Stephan Molyneux
Brody Rogers
Julian Perry
Cameron Morgan
>le non-argument jew who begs money for spouting opinions that make him money
Gavin Rodriguez
Evan Howard
I like the idea of a population that is combat trained, mandatory.
I believe every defect discovered early in pregnancy should be aborted.
I believe that taxes should first and foremost be used for schooling and infrastructure - including services like firemen/police/health workers. Your work may never undermine the collective of the state - thus you and your peers. Work and tax should always be used for the betterment of your nation.
I think a high degree of democracy, on micro level is mandatory for a good functioning nation - Cities and towns should have a lot more say about what happens in their city and how tax money is used in said city.
Schooling should require extensive political courses and a focus on participating in political issues - Kids need to vote and inform them self about their nation to make informed decisions when votes are required. Re-specializing yourself at a later age should be made as easy as possible.
I believe that referenda should be used much more.
Having kids should be promoted and subsidized, whether it's a housewife or housemen. One work one at home. After kids, getting back into the workforce should be promoted and not a hassle.
Family, tradition and loyalty is thought of as common sense. Personal freedom is very important. Every household should be able to have firearms and ammunition.
A healthy population is a happy population. Obesity should be fought at all costs, smoking should be banned.
Competitiveness on work and school should be promoted.
Foreign policy should mainly focus on trade. Intervening in other countries should be avoided at all costs. Defensive wars should be short and brutal - zero tolerance policy.
Banks and other financial systems are always there to serve and help the population. Debt should be heavily discouraged - ideally all population should be able to own their own house.
Angel Scott
Elijah Garcia
Fuck reddit users fuck them all to death!!
Dominic Perez
Everything you say is right, what you don't understand is that people are trying to warn your dumbass that spencer is a FBI plant
Colton Sanchez
great addition the thread m8
Levi Jones
Shut the fuck up faggot! Get the fuck out of my Sup Forums.
Dominic Cook
You're delusional
Noah Wood
Sup Forums is anti-cuck. Natsoc is as cuck as it gets. >please rule me i need a dictator >i need a group of men in uniform to enforce something i agree with >i want to submit to the will of anyone other than God and myself in that order
Gabriel Walker
>Having kids should be promoted and subsidized, whether it's a housewife or houseman
Aaron Howard
autist detected
Oliver Bailey
LGB = some are okay TQ = gas them Nazis = too extreme and stupid Jews = some are okay
Adam Sanchez
You're retarded if you think this strawman is what natsoc means
Luis Miller
No, he not wrong.
Natsoc threads are ususally either
1. post your favorite nazi pics or similar boring shit 2. nazi discussions where stormfags are btfo
Carter Reed
Family is the cornerstone of society, we would need to think of how we can keep couples together, atleast throughout the raising of kids.
Jeremiah Moore
>and then killed himself like a pussy implying commiting sudoku is not a honorable thing to do
John Garcia
come on guys lets not turn this into a retarded board drama vast majority of us have the same enemies right now
Jace Kelly
You fucking believe that you kraut crypto-kike?
WW1 (Warberg) and communism (bolshevists) were orchestrated by Jews.
You can't trust the fuckers.
Josiah Kelly
the one that really gets to me is >hating jews is just a meme, it's not to be taken seriously fucking faggots RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Adrian Butler
Levi Foster
>Family is the cornerstone of society
Good, then don't promote kids, promote abolishment of women's rights.
Cameron Cruz
I literally just described the only instance of natsoc is modern history. I'm sorry you're a cuck.
Carter Fisher
you think you want sjw´s but you really dont.
Jacob Myers
>praises someone who killed themself like a pussy after losing
Lucas Foster
We're being raided
Theyre super subversive
It's usually during the day time business hours which makes me think they are this either from NSA, DHS, or some variation of JIDF. I put my money on DHS.
I literally don't see these kinds of posts at all before 6am and I'm a night owl usually.
Isaiah Martinez
It's correct though. It's just a running gag.
Gabriel Brooks
Because Jews are fond of gassing people, amirite Finngol?
Parker Hill
Fuck off Abo
Aiden Jenkins
>We're being raided
No, we aren't. The only thing that's being raided is your delusions of what Sup Forums is.
Andrew King
NatSoc posters are never BTFO in these threads. It's just triggered libertardians who recently read Rothbard or Friedman, thinking they have it all figured out, pretending to win the argument with the worst strawmen they can muster up.
Usually there is little actual discussion, because people are afraid to be wrong, especially about national socialism. Ww have some very knowledgeable posters in nsg, and I have yet to see one of them getting "BTFO" by libtard arguments.
Jace Reed
Some people just don't get it. I'm A Fucking Leaf and a dirty Kike and I'm just as likely to post Nazi propaganda as the next guy.
Pic related.
Zachary Davis
>newfag is trying to convince me that Sup Forums is one person
Owen Jenkins
Waaaah I can't deal with criticism Waaaaah I don't have arguments Get off **my** board reeeeeee
Isaiah Thompson
Fuck off Jews niggers and federales
It might seem like mindless racist LARPing to you but it all is based off of hard evidence and analysis
Xavier Martinez
Sup Forums, by and large, doesn't necessarily adhere to the specific tenets of the NSDAP, but is sympathetic to Nazi Germany because of their recognition of Jews as having a deleterious effect on their host nation and their attempt to actually do something about it. I don't think Naziism would work well for America or Britain, but I see what Hitler was trying to do and if he hadn't been fucked over by the (((international-finance)))-controlled Western allies, Europe and the world would probably be better for it (excluding Eastern Europe of course, which is another major sticking point for me re: naziism)
Jayden Torres
>posts something opinionated >gets called out on his opinion >makes a nonsensical reply You have to go back.
Landon Walker
>NatSoc posters are never BTFO in these threads
Sure thing, newfag.
Blake Robinson
I believe that promoting proper values should fix this. Kids are important, whether the woman or man is at home educating the kids doesn't really matter. As long as both are properly educated.
Michael Miller
A running gag to the point even Kikes are going along with it. I know I am, and I'm sure no self-hating faggot/
Carter Diaz
Wew lad. Alright, so given Sup Forums hates Stormers, its still natural for us to have NatSoc ideology when we take redpills. Stop falling for the stormfag meme.
Carter Torres
Sebastian Brooks
>Muh global rule #3
This isn't reddit
Fuck off
Jacob Cruz
>but is sympathetic to Nazi Germany
No, only a handful of stormfags are.
Josiah Adams
>that pic How desperate are you to defend jews on the internet?
Wyatt Davis
nice meme
Cooper Hernandez
You have no critical thinking skills, don't reply to me if you have nothing logical to say.
Gabriel Price
I've read it. Twice. Stephan seriously blows SJWs out of the water in it. I recommend it to everyone.
Michael Carter
I didn't defend anyone.
Michael Clark
Nazis are bad you fucking retard, why do you think IW chose to have "Nazi Zombies" as opposed to "Nazi ANYTHING ELSE" It is because they are bad, mckay? Get it through your fucking head you stupid autistic faggot. Reddit folk coming to your board are A BLESSING, not a curse. You should be thankful. Reported. I hope they lock you out of your Sup Forums account for such blatant disregard for others. Posting the swastika is an AFFRONT TO EVERY CIVILIZED HUMAN BEING ON EARTH. PERIOD. MOTHERFUCKER.
Caleb Murphy
Piss off faggot, not everyone on this board agrees with you.
I've been here for years, and I'm a libertarian nationalist & a race realist.
If you want a nazi circle jerk, why not head back to 8pol you fucking stormcuck
James Brooks
>lol >he actually believes this >kys >faggot >also >reported
tee hee
Landon Miller
No, the vast majority of the sincere posters on this board are and have been since it was /n/ and if you disagree, you are either quite new or very likely a paid poster.
Evan Barnes
>loves niggers >calls anyone a cuck
Matthew Sanders
>It's just a prank goyim! Nobody believes in white nationalism! We're just doing it for the lulz! Oy vey!
So the new kike strategy is to openly announce your jewry so nobody accuses you of underhanded tricks.
Not working you filthy kike.
Michael Turner
Fuck off, merkel shill.
Go spread your ass cheeks to muslims.
Ryder Long
Robert Foster
Jose Ortiz
Ah I see, you're a clueless leftist. Back to with you
Xavier Harris
You reap what you sow. You made Sup Forums the center of attention and the normies who flocked to your little sekkrit club following all the publicity in mass media already outnumber you. It's the Eternal September all over again. Welcome to neo-Sup Forums.
Easton Gomez
NatSoc != being an obnoxious stormfag with an altar to Hitler in their closet
William Phillips
That would imply that Jews got gassed too bad they didn't
Jason Moore
THIS 100%
back before the complete stormfront take over of this board in 2014 stormfag and stormweenie were thrown around all the time
Christopher Reed
I can't believe people use this term unironically.
The alt-right doesn't even exist. It's literally just Sup Forums spamming shit in every corner of the internet and then some semi-e-celebrities like that fag Milo picked up on it, declaring solidarity with the 'movement' thinking it would further their carreer and others followed suit.
Parker Reed
>implying the Jew isn't actually in control >implying it's "being ((((racist)))) for teh lulz xD" >being this blue pilled oy vey goyim
Jonathan Gray
You stormnazis havent done shit in years because normies are scared of you.
New pol accomplished more redpilling in a few months. Than you in years
We actually got someone elected you know
James Watson
More important than how the majority of Sup Forums views itself is how the majority of the self-identifyng alt-right views itself. Why because the most positive thing that has happened in the Western world in decades is widely viewed as being partially due to the "alt-right". Truth #1: there simply arent enough hardcore White supremacists to have triggered the critical mass which delivered Trump the win - memes or otherwise. Truth #2: the positve press which DID contribute to part of the credit for Trumps win being given to the alt right was entirely due to Milo, Breitbart and Banon, **while they have all disavowed White supremacy**. So if the most vocal alt-right careerist/opportunist/youtube-fags are insistent on the alt-right being overtly and uniformly White supremist then someone should notify Trump and Breitbart that it's time to denounce the alt-right unambiguously and publicly as having been hijacked by stormfags and you little fuckers can go back to being the ineffectual losers and NEETs you've always been.
Truth #3: if Sup Forums actually is genuinely characterized by stormfaggotry then yes, either the Stormfags or the non-Stormfags should promptly fuck off and go elsewhere. I vote non-stormfags should go. We are probably more capable of a successful relocation.
Isaiah Perez
Shut up fag, this is our board now
Zachary Smith
>Rare sensible leaf spotted This. Us circlejerking Trump to power attracted lots of normies to this board without being properly exposed to sufficient redpills. Now they bring their plebbit tendencies and postings here. I remember a week Trump won, there were threads about. 'why MSM wont credit us for Trump winning/why Trump wont thank us' kind of shit
Brandon Perry
Even if they weren't gassed, they sure don't want their sheep to believe gassing people is okay, right?
Aaron Reed
Hi OP, how's going?
Adam Smith
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a newfag, shill, or puppet! Conform to the hive mind or else!
Congratulations for being just as bad as fanatical liberals.
Thomas Edwards
Wow you did it again. Where do people like you come from? No seriously, I'm starting to think you completely lack a capacity of self awareness.
Benjamin Rodriguez
> its still natural for us to have NatSoc ideology when we take redpills That's because you are leftists who want to be edgy, but have discovered that ushankas, hammers and sickles are too mainstream. You're just as retarded as them, just more obnoxious.
Gabriel Walker
Don't forget
the closet cuck nu/pol/ faggots who immediately embrace any opportunity to suck either Kike or spear chucking dick
Pic related
Zachary Wood
The alt right did not start here and it does not belong here, this board has a lot of different views and has been that way for a very long time, one thing we can all agree on is that the alt right is a bunch of ball less faggots too afraid to call themselves conservative