Redpill me on Yugoslavia. Why did the Serbs ruin everything?
Redpill me on Yugoslavia. Why did the Serbs ruin everything?
Slavs are subhuman and can't hold a country together news at 11
Yugoslavia was literally just Serbia though. The Kingdom of Serbia renamed itself to Yugoslavia after WW1 to appease the rest of the Slavs that they now ruled.
Cold war was over and there was no reason for NATO to support Yugos.
>leaving socialist state up and successful after USSR died
Fuck off there are already 4 yugo threads
Stop sliding CTR
Bill Clinton ruined everything.
Milosevich was just trying to tidy up the place.
Serbs can't do anything right without the firm hand of their Croat superiors at the helm.
pick one
Srbija do timora
The Balkans are a containment board irl. No one cares about their peninsula.
>Vojvodina leaving
Don't take memes seriously.
It looked like a parrot with its balls dangling,it was doomed from the beginning desu.
>phones got bigger
Greater Serbia confirmed
basically muslim number growing.
starting to demand and compel special treatement, change to the constition, to the law to fit their agenda.
and in the end those heretic had to be purged but clinton wouldnt allow muslim to be exterminated.
then instead of 1 big country they divided it by religion and you end up with a bunch of noncountry for the pleasure of an aegemonic country,
right now the same method is being applied to western europe see france no go zone, sharia controled part of UK, or rapefugee in germany.
I wonder wich country benefit from destroying the old continement.
It was a buffer zone in the cold war. No cold war no need for it anymore. Many things on the side, it was a pure socialist state that was poised to work with minor tweaks here and there so the West couldn't have that. SHUT IT DOWN. Idiots Croats and Slovenian wanted go solo, now we are all slaves to the IMF GG NO RE. Yugoslavia big as it was had less debt then now every ex Yu state now individually. What else... Ah yes Fresh reunited Germany needed money do it spurred Croatia into separation to sell them weapons. I also imagine that a Yugoslavia today had it survived would have been a rival to Germany as hegemon of the EU
>the "dok je bilo tita bilo je kredita" meme
jugoslavija was a socialist shithole that was bound to collapse sooner or later and you guys going full retard with genocide in the 90s sure as hell didn't help
>genocide in the 90s
Never happened in the 90's. Definitely happened in the 40's though.
>Put a bunch of people with wildly different beliefs in one place
>Bribe them with socialist gibs, debt, and etc to keep them from rioting
>Run out of gibs because you're a fucking socialist country
Serbs are just bad people look at Srebrenica as an example.
They did nothing wrong
Anyone else think Macedonia looks like a ballsack?
why are you making this thread multiple times a day OP?
rightful Hungarian clay
Don't forget that it took them several years after Yugoslavia fell apart to finally admit it and rename their country back to Serbia