Is there any other degenerate shit that should be stamped out?
Is there any other degenerate shit that should be stamped out?
>trailer trash
>Marvel Comics
Anything that does not improve your body,mind, or soul is degenerate.
Vagina worshiping conservatives
Political correctness
But I love all those categories, except for marvel comics.
>oy vey! wipe out every expression of individualism in the face of our glorious socialist future!
Fuck off, Stalin.
>hating on furries
sure is 2005 in here
So, half of Sup Forums?
>thread about degeneracy
>posts badass waifu shrine
Literally anybody who has their hair dyed a non-natural color. It's like a mystery box, every single person with a fucking pink or blue fringe has one or more of the degeneracies listed in OP, and normally a whole bunch of other degenerate shit and mental problems that there aren't even names for yet. You never know what's inside but it's never good, that's for sure.
How do guys like the one in the pic have any self esteem? How can they feel like a man?
Spotted the degenerate
Dorky weebs couples are the largest force of millenials who will make white babbies as soon as they can move out of their dad's basement, you mock them today but mark my words weebs will single handedly save the dying white race.
Oh faith and begorrah! 'Tis like a second potato famine!
They don't. That's why they hide in that world in the first place. It's also why OP is a retarded, edgy faggot. Marxist ideology has been fucking men ever since the start of the social revolution, and this retreat into obsession some of them show is the end result of that. And OP proposes to ridicule and get rid of them, exactly like radical feminists and other Marxists do.
OP is a left wing cunt who needs to be hung with the rest of the anti-Western brigades.
whats the matter, cuck? your anime pillow not comfy enough?
Fuck off and clean up that mudshit, weed and whore ridden shithole you call your capital.
Is this a thing?
Can you give an example?
DC fanboy
Honestly, traps and trannys are extremely hot. I'm a degenerates
Do you know what website you're on, faggot?
fuck off weeb
I want putin to ban you fucks too, not just gays and trannies
Neo nazis and skinheads.
All they did was slap nazi culture into the KKK; literal white trash. Like seeing a weeb trying to be Japanese.
Then you'll ban most of Sup Forums, burgerbaka
I enjoy the DragonBall franchises. That's the only animu I've ever liked. I tried to get into others, but they're profoundly awful and boring.
I would in a heartbeat, faggot. No-one who doesn't actually live there likes Amsterdam.
But this is a ridiculous tu quoque. Your point is shit. You propose eradicating groups that are largely white men, and which align with normal politics (i.e. half of them are right wing). This is literal SJW dogma. Just spin some spiel about traps "appropriating feminity" and it wouldn't look out of place.
And if you want to stamp out degeneracy, why don't you start doing something about the rampant alcoholism in your own country? And stop depending on the EU while you're at it.
Ghost in the Shell is pretty good, IMHO. I never got into anime either, but that's the one I would recommend. Just don't watch the second movie. Ever. Describing it as a soulless cashgrab would be kind. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
Literally no one who likes anime leads a happy life, so no, I am smug.
Smugness is a degenerate emotion, famalam.
>Literally no one who likes anime leads a happy life
Kek telling lies like always, Irey
Do you think men back in the day watched japanese cartoon shit? No, and nor do REAL MEN today.
There is no alcoholism thats a stereotype.
Fedoras are not degenerate retard. It's a stylish hat and I look damn good in it. Just because you're an ugly fuck with a weak chin doesn't mean everyone is.
That looks pretty comfy desu
that rooms some cool as shit. id want to smoke weed there and watch animoe with a real wizard
>so no, I am smug.
>Is there any other degenerate shit that should be stamped out?
Sup Forums, because It's made out of those same
>being this new
>smoking around PVC figs
Fucking retard.
How do you have any self esteem after storing pictures of cartoon little girls on your pc? Are you gay? I can understand if you are.
>How do you have any self esteem after storing pictures of cartoon little girls on your pc? Are you gay? I can understand if you are.
Stop posting on the website full of these things ya dolt.
you forgot corona beer drinking frat boys.
you´re taking life way too seriously and will die as a fucking nerd who never gets laid. enjoy your shit week, remember it´s shit because you´re a shitty sub human being :^)
The thing that bothered me the most was his mouse pad
I know right, those things feel uncomfortable on the wrist.
>not vaping ur 420
>he doesn't like traps
You gay m8?
I'm pretty sure real men don't let a drunkard on the internet tell them how to live their lives.
>There is no alcoholism thats a stereotype.
Yeah, OK, sure it is.
I just calls it like i sees it poo4brians
Alot are red pilled and conservative too.
Anime & Video games. Especially online games or violent games.
These things are the apex of degeneracy. They completely destroy you as a person, they strip you of your emotions, online games imitate social interaction which leads to people sitting all day at home with their thumb up their asshole without any clue how to talk to real people
I've gone through this. I'm never looking back. Fuck that.
>Red Pilled
>sandniggers trying to be europeans
Why violent games? Sounds like a stereotypical Marxist opinion, to be honest.
>paki thinks he's european
rofl lmoa
Sandniggers and all niggers alike: African,Indian, Malaysians( they the asian equivalent of a dirty nigger) and etc should be stamped out
Pick one. It's literally the best fetish